Official Elixir client for Chalk Online Queries. This library provides an easy way to integrate with Chalk's API for feature computation and serving.
Add chalk_elixir
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:chalk_elixir, "~> 0.0.12"}
Online queries are executed by calling
and passing inputs and expected outputs as described in the Chalk API documentation.
{:ok, response} ={
inputs: %{
"": 1
outputs: [
The query can include additional options:
{:ok, response} ={
inputs: %{
"": 1
outputs: [
staleness: %{
"user.credit_score": "1d" # Allow data up to 1 day old
context: %{
environment: "production",
tags: ["high-priority"]
query_name: "user_profile_query" # For telemetry and observability
The response contains data, errors, and metadata:
data: [
field: "",
value: 1,
meta: %Chalk.Query.FeatureMeta{...}
field: "",
value: "[email protected]",
meta: %Chalk.Query.FeatureMeta{...}
errors: [...],
meta: %Chalk.Query.QueryMeta{...}
The Chalk client supports two authentication methods:
Set the following environment variables:
Optionally, you can set a default deployment:
Pass credentials directly to the client:
inputs: %{
"": 1
outputs: [
client_id: "your_client_id",
secret: "your_client_secret",
deployment_id: "your_deployment_id" # Optional
Credentials can be generated on the Chalk dashboard or via API.
For detailed documentation, visit:
mix test
mix dialyzer
mix credo
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.