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Chad Vernon edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 1 revision


Skinio is a skin weight export and importer. It can export weights of multiple skinClusters in a single file. The file format is a Python pickled data structure containing the data needed to recreated a skinCluster.


To export weights, select a mesh, multiple meshes, or a root node and run the menu item: CMT > Deform > Export Skin Weights

To import weights, select a mesh, multiple meshes, or a root node and run the menu item: CMT > Deform > Import Skin Weights

import cmt.deform.skinio as skinio
file_path = '/path/to/'

# Export all skinClusters in the scene

# Export a single skinCluster
skinio.export_skin(file_path, 'pSphere1')

# Export a multiple skinClusters
skinio.export_skin(file_path, ['pSphere1', 'pSphere2'])

# Export all skinClusters in the descendants of a node
skinio.export_skin(file_path, 'mesh_grp')

# Import skinning only on the specified mesh.
skinio.import_skin(file_path, 'pSphere1')

# Import skinning only on the specified meshes
skinio.import_skin(file_path, ['pSphere1', 'pSphere2'])

# Import skinning on all meshes stored in the skin file
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