This monorepo contains the core applications and libraries that power the Centrifuge platform.
The repository is organized into several key components:
- centrifuge-app: The main web application interface for Centrifuge
- centrifuge-js: JavaScript client library for interacting with Centrifuge/Altair chains, built on top of @polkadot/api
- centrifuge-react: React component library that combines centrifuge-js and fabric
- fabric: Design system and component library providing shared styles and UI elements
- pinning-api: Service for handling IPFS operations required by centrifuge-app
- onboarding-api: Independent service managing user/entity onboarding and KYC/KYB processes via ShuftiPro
- faucet-api: Development-only service for managing test tokens
- Node.js (version specified in .nvmrc)
- Yarn (workspace configuration in .yarnrc.yml)
yarn install
Copy the example environment files for each component that requires configuration:
# Main application
cp centrifuge-app/.env.sample centrifuge-app/.env
# Onboarding API
cp onboarding-api/.env.example onboarding-api/.env
# Pinning API
cp pinning-api/env.yaml.example pinning-api/env.yaml
cd centrifuge-app
yarn dev # Start development server
Pinning API
cd pinning-api
yarn dev # Start development server
Onboarding API
cd onboarding-api
yarn dev # Start development server
Faucet API (Development Only)
cd faucet-api
yarn dev # Start development server
The repository includes simulation tests that provide lightweight testing without requiring a full browser environment. These can be found in the simulation-tests
- Add a valid seed hex to
- Fund the account wallet with all availabe pool currencies and the native currency
Setup is ONLY for dev
Setup pure proxy to sign transactions (whitelisting & transfer tokens).
- Use sudo in polkadot UI to give Alice enough currency to distribute (tokens.setBalance()). For currencyId select ForeignAsset and submit the transacton once with ForeignAsset 1 and once with ForeignAsset 2
- Run
to create the pure proxy, fund it, and give it sufficient permissions - Copy the resulting pure proxy address and add it to the env varibles:
(centrifuge-app) - Enable onboarding for each new pool under /dashboard/investors
From a developer's perspective, the following happens to a line of code before it gets to prod:
- Local testing in Dev's laptop
- Open a PR -> Creates two preview sites (ff-prod and dev). See the comments in your PR
- Merge PR -> Preview sites automatically deleted and deploys to DEV and ff-prod (urls below)
- Staging/Pre-prod
- Open GH Releases and cretate a new one. Alternatively run something like this:
gh release create --prerelease "centrifuge-app/v${VERSION}"xx
- Wait for the job to finish
branch, which creates a permanent tag and thus a point in time for our code -> Deploy to Altair and staging. Upload deploy artifacts to the release
- Open GH Releases and cretate a new one. Alternatively run something like this:
- Deploy to prod
- (Option 1)
- Navigate to the release summary and select the pre-release you want to publish.
- Untick the
Set as a pre-release
checkbox and then tick theSet as the latest release
checkbox. - Click
Update release
to trigger the prod deployment. As with the pre-release, the production release must be approved by a reviewer. - Follow your prod deployment in the Actions dashboard
- (Option 2) Run the GH job directly with an specified tag (it requires that tag to have an associated release):
- (Option 1)
Note: production deployments require de approval of at least one team member other than the one that triggered the release.
Name | Trigger | Chain / Back-end | Public URL |
Production / Centrifuge | Promote release Manual trigger | Centrifuge (persistent) | |
Staging | Create a GH pre-release | Centrifuge | |
Altair | Create a GH pre-release | Altair (persistent) | |
Demo | manual trigger | Demo chain (persistent) | |
Fast-forward prod | push to main |
Centrifuge | |
Dev | push to main |
Dev chain (ephemeral) | |
Previews | open a PR | Dev chain | and |
This will be an exact copy of what prod will look like, the front end will be pointing to the production infrastructure, the only difference is the URL.
Once staging is validated, a Github job can trigger a sync between staging and prod (rather than building from scratch from a commit/release/tag). This way we ensure we're promoting code line-by-line to prod.
Generally functions will only deploy using the above rules if the functions directories have any changes, except for PRs where functions will always be deployed at least once to test your PR in a preview, wether you change your functions folder or not.
To add other repositories to this monorepo while preserving the Git history, we can use the following steps:
To set a pool into maintenance mode, add the pool id to the environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_FEATURE_FLAG_MAINTENANCE_MODE