I strongly suggest migrating to use the official core cljs.test + https://github.com/bensu/doo for test-runners and leiningen/boot integration. Thanks to all contributors for helping make testing ClojureScript workable until those tools arrived/matured!
A maximal port of clojure.test
to ClojureScript.
I want to be able to write portable tests to go along with my portable
Clojure[Script], and clojure.test
's model is Good Enough™ (it's better than
that, actually). Combine with something like
cljx to make your ClojureScripting a whole
lot more pleasant.
clojurescript.test is available in Maven Central. Add it to your :plugins
in your Leiningen project.clj
[com.cemerick/clojurescript.test "0.3.3"]
(clojurescript.test is actually a project dependency and a Leiningen plugin; adding it as the latter just helps simplify test configuration, as you see below.)
Or, add this to your Maven project's pom.xml
clojurescript.test provides roughly the same API as clojure.test
, thus making
writing portable tests possible.
(Note that clojurescript.test
doesn't take any responsibility for any hosty or
otherwise-unportable things you do in your tests, e.g. js/...
or naming JVM
types or Clojure- or ClojureScript-only functions; either don't do that, or use
something like cljx to include both Clojure and ClojureScript code in the same
Here's a simple ClojureScript namespace that uses clojurescript.test:
(ns cemerick.cljs.test.example
(:require-macros [cemerick.cljs.test
:refer (is deftest with-test run-tests testing test-var)])
(:require [cemerick.cljs.test :as t]))
(deftest somewhat-less-wat
(is (= "{}[]" (+ {} []))))
(deftest javascript-allows-div0
(is (= js/Infinity (/ 1 0) (/ (int 1) (int 0)))))
(defn pennies->dollar-string
{:pre [(integer? pennies)]}
(str "$" (int (/ pennies 100)) "." (mod pennies 100)))
(testing "assertions are nice"
(is (thrown-with-msg? js/Error #"integer?" (pennies->dollar-string 564.2)))))
Note: each test namespace in your project must (:require cemerick.cljs.test)
even if you only use macros. Otherwise, the ClojureScript
compilation process won't include clojurescript.test in its output, resulting
in an error similar to "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: cemerick
You can load this into a ClojureScript REPL, and run its tests using familiar functions:
=> (t/test-ns 'cemerick.cljs.test.example)
Testing cemerick.cljs.test.example
{:fail 0, :pass 3, :test 3, :error 0}
=> (test-var #'cemerick.cljs.test.example/somewhat-less-wat)
{:fail 0, :pass 1, :test 1, :error 0}
All of the test-definition macros (deftest
and with-test
, as well as the
utility) add to a global registry of available tests (necessary given
ClojureScript's lack of namespaces), so you can also define, redefine, and run
tests interactively:
=> (deftest dumb-test
(is (empty? (filter even? (range 20)))))
#<[object Object]>
=> (t/test-ns 'cemerick.cljs.test.example)
Testing cemerick.cljs.test.example
FAIL in (dumb-test) (:0)
expected: (empty? (filter even? (range 20)))
actual: (not (empty? (0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18)))
{:fail 1, :pass 3, :test 4, :error 0}
Because clojurescript.test has (approximately) the same API as clojure.test
writing portable tests with it is easy. For example, the test namespace above
can be made portable using cljx like so:
(ns cemerick.cljs.test.example
#+clj (:require [clojure.test :as t
:refer (is deftest with-test run-tests testing)])
#+cljs (:require-macros [cemerick.cljs.test
:refer (is deftest with-test run-tests testing test-var)])
#+cljs (:require [cemerick.cljs.test :as t]))
(deftest somewhat-less-wat
(is (= "{}[]" (+ {} []))))
(deftest javascript-allows-div0
(is (= js/Infinity (/ 1 0) (/ (int 1) (int 0)))))
(defn pennies->dollar-string
{:pre [(integer? pennies)]}
(str "$" (int (/ pennies 100)) "." (mod pennies 100)))
(testing "assertions are nice"
(is (thrown-with-msg? #+cljs js/Error #+clj Error #"integer?"
(pennies->dollar-string 564.2)))))
Note that test-var
is a macro in clojurescript.test; this allows you to
portably write code like (test-var #'name-of-test)
, even though ClojureScript
doesn't support #'
or the (var ...)
special form. test-var
macroexpand to calls to cemerick.cljs.test/test-function
, which is the
corollary to clojure.test's test-var
Most people use lein-cljsbuild to
automate their ClojureScript builds. Using clojurescript.test within that
context is easy. Here is an excerpt of the lein-cljsbuild configuration that this project uses to
run its own clojurescript.test tests (look in the project.clj
file for
examples using phantomjs
, slimerjs
, node
, and rhino
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.0"]
[com.cemerick/clojurescript.test "0.2.3"]]
:cljsbuild {:builds [{:source-paths ["src" "test"]
:compiler {:output-to "target/cljs/testable.js"
:optimizations :whitespace
:pretty-print true}}]
:test-commands {"unit-tests" ["phantomjs" :runner
(Note that the extra_command_file.js
reference and literal_js_was_evaluated
expression are examples, and not necessary for your usage. Please continue
reading below.)
Everything here is fairly basic, except for the :test-commands
entries, which
describes the shell command that will be executed when lein-cljsbuild's test
phase is invoked (either via lein cljsbuild test
, or just lein test
its hook is registered). In this case, it's going to run phantomjs
, passing
as arguments:
- The path to the clojurescript.test test runner script (denoted by
, which I'll explain momentarily…), and - Either paths to ClojureScript compiler output (a lein-cljsbuild
value defined elsewhere in theproject.clj
), or paths to other arbitrary JavaScript files (useful for injecting external libraries, polyfills, etc), or arbitrary JavaScript expressions (useful for e.g. configuring runtime test properties...see the subsection below on using this capability, especially in conjunction with advanced compilation).
clojurescript.test bundles test runner scripts for various environments
(currently, phantomjs and slimerjs, node.js, and rhino). As long as you add
clojurescript.test to your project.clj
as a :plugin
, then it will replace
any occurrences of :runner
, :node-runner
and :rhino-runner
in your
vectors with the path to the corresponding test runner script.
Outside of the :test-commands
vector in your :cljsbuild
clojurescript.test will replace namespaced corollaries to these test runner
keywords (:cljs.test/runner
, :cljs.test/node-runner
, and
). This allows you to have paths to clojurescript.test
runner scripts injected anywhere into your project.clj
you like.
Though the :runner
test runner is compatible with both of these scriptable browser
environments, SlimerJS is currently recommended because:
- It can use effectively any version of Firefox / XULRunner (PhantomJS has been stuck on a very old version of webkit for years now), and so effectively all of the "modern" browser/web platform APIs are available to test.
- It is reasonably fast (faster than phantomjs, though still ~40% slower than node)
- It can easily be run headlessly, via
In general, you should download and use the latest "lightweight" slimerjs
Check out the SlimerJS :test-commands
in project.clj
for examples of how to
best use xvfb
and slimerjs
together, and look at .travis.yml
for an
example of how to arrange your TravisCI configuration such that both of these
tools are available there (analogous configuration can be applied in any other
CI or automated environment of your choice).
To run your tests with node.js instead of phantomjs, just
change the executable name and the :runner
keyword in your :test-commands
vectors like so:
:test-commands {"unit-tests" ["node" :node-runner
; extra code/files here...
Note that you must compile your ClojureScript code with :advanced
`:optimizations to run it on node.js.
To run your tests with rhino,
change the executable name and the :runner
keyword in your :test-commands
vectors like so:
:test-commands {"unit-tests" ["rhino" "-opt" "-1" :rhino-runner
; extra code/files here...
Note that rhino doesn't support any HTML or DOM related functions and objects so it can be used mainly for business-only logic or you have to mock all DOM functions by yourself.
All test runner scripts load the output of the ClojureScript compilation, run all of the tests found therein, reports on them, and fails the build if necessary.
clojurescript.test supports all of Google Closure's compilation modes, including
, but it does NOT support :none
cljsbuild optimization option.
As noted above, you can have arbitrary JavaScript files and/or expressions
loaded before or after your compiled ClojureScript. One of the most useful
aspects of this is that you can configure properties of your tests; for example,
when using double-check, you can
control the number of iterations checked by each defspec
test by setting a
Java system property. While JavaScript doesn't have a corollary of system
properties, you can add a JavaScript expression to your :test-commands
vector(s) that sets a property on some globally-accessible object, e.g.:
:test-commands {"rigorous" ["phantomjs" :runner
Then, in your ClojureScript test file(s), you can look up this dynamically-set value, using a default if it's not set:
(def iteration-count (or (this-as this (aget this "defspec_iters")) 1000))
The use of aget
and a string property lookup is necessary to
ensure that the property name will not be renamed/obfuscated by Google Closure
when run with :advanced
optimizations. Prior examples of this practice
touched window
, but that name is undefined in node.js; using this
setting and looking up the test configuration value makes it so that the same
code (and configuration) can be used in any test environment.
Problem: various operations in JavaScript are necessarily asynchronous, from
things as simple as DOM event callbacks to more involved activity like querying
or modifying IndexedDB databases or interacting with core.async channels. This
means that the testing "context" may have moved on (and your
JavaScript environment's execution may have completed entirely) before your
blocks/etc have fired/completed…a big problem if those
asynchronous constructs contained assertions.
Starting with version 0.3.0
, clojurescript.test provides ways to explicitly
control when each test is complete.
First, an example of a test that will not perform the intended (asynchronous) assertion:
(ns async-example
(:require-macros [cemerick.cljs.test :refer (is deftest)])
(:require [cemerick.cljs.test :as t]))
(deftest timeout
(let [now #(.getTime (js/Date.))
t (now)]
(fn [] (is (>= (now) (+ t 2000))))
In the best case, the is
assertion's results will be attributed to some other
test; in the worst case, the JavaScript environment will have exited before the
callback is scheduled to be invoked, and the asynchronous assertion
will never be run at all.
Modifying this example as follows will yield useful/correct behaviour:
- Add
metadata to thedeftest
name. - You must call
using the asynchronousdeftest
's testing context in order for that test to finish, and cause the next test in the current run to start.
(ns async-example
(:require-macros [cemerick.cljs.test :refer (is deftest done)])
(:require [cemerick.cljs.test :as t]))
(deftest ^:async timeout
(let [now #(.getTime (js/Date.))
t (now)]
(fn []
(is (>= (now) (+ t 2000)))
Compared to the first example:
- This test will be run after any synchronous tests in the same namespace that are included in the current test run.
- Control exiting the lexical scope of
will have no effect upon the wider test run (compared to synchronous tests, the "completion" of which cause the next test in a run to be started). - When the
callback is invoked, the assertion therein will be run, and properly attributed to thetimeout
test. - The
call will close thetimeout
test context, and start the next test in the run.
Note that you have complete control over when a test is done; the setTimeout
callback above could just as well spin off another setTimeout
call (or use any
other callback-based API), or send or
block on a core.async channel, etc.
If you don't explicitly close a test's context via (done)
, the
clojurescript.test test runner will never move on to the next test, and your
test run will be permanently stalled. You can unwedge yourself from this
situation at the REPL in a couple of different ways, see
"Canceling asynchronous tests".
The rest of this section will dig into the finer details of using the asynchronous testing facilities.
Each test defined by clojurescript.test carries its own test context. This is
defined implicitly by deftest
and other test-creation macros. The body of
each test is also wrapped within a cemerick.cljs.test/with-test-ctx
This macro does a couple of things:
- It implicitly binds the test context provided to it to
within its scope. - If the test context is asynchronous (i.e. the corresponding
was marked with^:async
metadata), thenwith-test-ctx
will wrap any containing body of code with atry/catch
form that will call(done)
with any error thrown in the course of the body's execution. This ensures that the test context associated with an asynchronous test that fails with an exception is automatically closed, starting the next test.
The is
assertion macro will pick up the anaphoric -test-ctx
automatically when provided with one or two arguments (the form to
evaluate/test, and an optional message). Alternatively, you can explicitly pass
a test context to is
Putting this all together allows you to define asynchronous tests that use common functions that contain asynchronous processing and/or assertions, passing the test context around explicitly in order to properly tie test results to the "source" tests. For example, here's the example from before, refactored to put the asynchronous call and assertion in a helper function:
(ns async-example
(:require-macros [cemerick.cljs.test :refer (is deftest done with-test-ctx)])
(:require [cemerick.cljs.test :as t]))
(defn- timeout-helper
[test-context delay]
(with-test-ctx test-context
(let [now #(.getTime (js/Date.))
t (now)]
(fn []
(is (>= (now) (+ t delay)))
(deftest ^:async timeout
(timeout-helper 2000))
Because is
and done
are within with-test-ctx
's lexical scope, they'll pick
up the implicit test context binding automatically.
Alternatively, you could write timeout-helper
like so, always passing the test
context explicitly:
(defn- timeout-helper
[test-context delay]
(let [now #(.getTime (js/Date.))
t (now)]
(fn []
(is test-context (>= (now) (+ t delay))
"an assertion message is required when explicitly passing test context to `is`")
(done test-context))
A final variation is to establish the -test-ctx
binding that is
and done
look for yourself:
(defn- timeout-helper
[-test-ctx delay]
(let [now #(.getTime (js/Date.))
t (now)]
(fn []
(is (>= (now) (+ t delay)))
This is somewhat less verbose than other options, but necessitates very careful
naming of -test-ctx
(if you call done
or done*
without a test context,
you'll have a bad time), and does not provide the asynchronous error-handling
benefits of with-test-ctx
will automatically catch and report errors that occur in
asynchronous tests. However, if you're not using with-test-ctx
, or want/need
to catch certain errors manually, you can report them via the done
(e.g. (done error)
) if you are nevertheless within a with-test-ctx
body, or
via the done*
function (e.g. (done* test-context error)
). As with any other
invocation, this will close the test context and start the next test in
the run.
You can use all of the facilities described here to test core.async code just as
you would test callback-based APIs of all sorts. Under the covers, the
asynchrony provided by core.async in ClojureScript is also mediated by
callbacks, so all the same semantics apply: declare your tests to be
asynchronous via the ^:async
metadata, and be sure to call (done)
one way or
the other when each test's context should be closed.
Here's an example of core.async (and a profligate use of go
blocks) used in
conjunction with clojurescript.test, pulled from clojurescript.test's own test
(deftest ^:async core-async-test
(let [inputs (repeatedly 10000 #(go 1))]
(go (is (= 10000 (<! (reduce
(fn [sum in]
(go (+ (<! sum) (<! in))))
Clojure's clojure.test does not provide any control over test lifecycle to
accommodate assertions being performed in asynchronously-executed code paths,
i.e. there is no done
to call when we want a test to be considered complete.
To work around this, clojurescript.test includes
macro, which enables one to test code that
uses the only Clojure/ClojureScript portable asynchrony option, core.async. In
Clojure, block-or-done
will block the completion of the enclosing clojure.test
until the provided channel is yields a value; in ClojureScript,
will call (done)
when the provided channel yields a value.
This allows us to write the above core.async-using test in a portable way, that will work on either Clojure or ClojureScript:
(deftest ^:async pointless-counting
(let [inputs (repeatedly 10000 #(go 1))
complete (async/chan)]
(go (is (= 10000 (<! (reduce
(fn [sum in]
(go (+ (<! sum) (<! in))))
(>! complete true))
(block-or-done complete)))
Every function or macro that starts a clojurescript.test test run
(e.g. run-tests
, test-ns
, etc) will return a map of the test environment
that summarizes the results of the synchronous tests included in that run.
Within that environment's map is an :async
entry, the value of which is an
atom containing another test environment, dedicated to the asynchronous portion
of the test run.
If you run a set of tests which appear to have wedged on the asynchronous
portion (perhaps because one of your tests failed to close its testing context
via (done)
or (done* ...)
, or maybe a bug is causing a test run to carry on
longer than desired), you can cancel the further processing of the test
run by calling (cemerick.cljs.test/stop ...)
, passing the value of the
slot of the top-level test environment described above. This will not
cancel any outstanding asynchronous processing your tests have provoked in the
JavaScript environment (e.g. callbacks, pending core.async puts or takes, etc),
but it will stop the test run corresponding to the test environment from
continuing if and when the wedged asynchronous test does close its testing
Assuming your asynchronous tests are using block-or-done
(discussed above),
test running functions and macros will block until all tests are complete. If
you suspect those tests will not complete, the only solution to this is to
interrupt the blocked REPL evaluation, supported by various nREPL clients and
- Bug: filenames and line numbers are not currently reported properly.
TODO the differences noted here are out of date, and do not account for the
additional differences (esp. w.r.t. the test runtime maintenance bits)
introduced by supporting asynchronous testing starting in 0.3.0
- docstrings bear little to no semblence to the library's actual operation
- Namespace test hooks must be defined using the
is now bound to an atom, not a ref*testing-vars*
now holds symbols naming the top-levels under test, not vars*test-out*
is replaced by*test-print-fn*
, which defaults tonil
, and is only bound tocljs.core/*print-fn*
if it is bound to a non-nil value.run-tests
is now a macro;run-tests*
does the same, but does not offer a no-arg arityuse-fixtures
is now a macro, and there is no underlying multimethod to extend as inclojure.test
- Stack traces from caught exceptions are obtained via
, which appears to only be supported in Chrome, FF, Safari, and IE 10+. The value ofError.stack
in Rhino (at least, the version specified for use by ClojureScript) is always an empty string; other JavaScript environments may be similar. - File and line numbers of reported exception failures may be missing in
JavaScript environments that do not support the
properties ofError
is now private, and will probably be removed. The use case for Clojure (which is rarely taken advantage of AFAICT) seems irrelevant for ClojureScript; if you do or don't want tests in production, you just change your cljsc/lein-cljsbuild configuration.file-position
was already deprecated and unused- Not applicable
Send a message to the
ClojureScript mailing list, or
ping cemerick
on freenode irc or twitter if you
have questions or would like to contribute patches.
Copyright © 2013-* Chas Emerick and other contributors. Known contributors to
(which was the initial raw ingredient for this project) at the
time of this project's inception were:
- Stuart Sierra
- Rich Hickey
- Stuart Halloway
- Phil Hagelberg
- Tassilo Horn
- Mike Hinchey
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.