This repository holds the sources to
The website is based on Twitter Bootstrap for DocPad.
Twitter Bootstrap skeleton for DocPad
Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions.
Clone the project and run the server
git clone git://
cd twitter-bootstrap.docpad
npm install
docpad run
Start hacking away by modifying the
This skeleton is made "public domain" using the Creative Commons Zero, as such before you publish your website you should place your desired license here and within the
If you are wanting to open-source your website, we suggest using the Creative Commons Attribution License for content and the MIT License for code. In which case you'd probably want to use the following as your license:
Unless stated otherwise, all content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License and code licensed under the MIT License, © Your Name
If you are wanting to close-source your website, we'd suggest using the following:
Copyright Your Name. All rights reserved.
Other included things such as themes and libraries are likely already licensed by their own invidual licenses, so be sure to respect their licenses too.
Thanks, the DocPad team loves you.