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Image | Json | Info |
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File | For Lite Colab VAE and Upscale |
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File | Derfuu Comfyui Lite Colab |
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File | Derfuu Comfyui Nightly Colab |
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File | For Stable Colab ControlNet |
lite | lite-nightly | Info - Token - Model Page |
derfuu_comfyui_colab nodes: Derfuu/comfyui-derfuu-math-and-modded-nodes model: cheesedaddy/cheese-daddys-landscapes-mix |
has a stable ComfyUI and stable installed extensions.
has ControlNet, a stable ComfyUI, and stable installed extensions.
has ControlNet v1.1 the latest ComfyUI with PyTorch 2.0, and daily installed extension updates.
lite | stable | nightly | Info - Token - Model Page |
stable_diffusion_comfyui_colab CompVis/stable-diffusion-v-1-4-original |
waifu_diffusion_comfyui_colab hakurei/waifu-diffusion-v1-3 |
stable_diffusion_inpainting_comfyui_colab runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting |
stable_diffusion_1_5_comfyui_colab runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5 |
mo_di_diffusion_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens modern disney style in your prompts for the effect.) nitrosocke/mo-di-diffusion |
arcane_diffusion_3_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens arcane style in your prompts for the effect.) nitrosocke/Arcane-Diffusion |
cyberpunk_anime_diffusion_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens dgs illustration style in your prompts for the effect.) DGSpitzer/Cyberpunk-Anime-Diffusion |
midjourney_v4_diffusion_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens mdjrny-v4 style in your prompts for the effect.) prompthero/midjourney-v4-diffusion |
papercut_diffusion_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens PaperCut in your prompts for the effect.) Fictiverse/Stable_Diffusion_PaperCut_Model |
samdoesart_diffusion_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens SamDoesArt in your prompts for the effect.) Sandro-Halpo/SamDoesArt-V3 |
anything_3_comfyui_colab ckpt/anything-v3.0 |
woolitize_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens woolitize style in your prompts for the effect.) plasmo/woolitize |
inkpunk_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens nvinkpunk style in your prompts for the effect.) Envvi/Inkpunk-Diffusion |
rando_mix_3_comfyui_colab (Thanks to Sint for the suggestion ❤) sentet1c/RandoMix3 |
f222_comfyui_colab lilpotat/f2 |
berry_mix_1_5_comfyui_colab lilpotat/rbm |
stable_diffusion_v2_1_comfyui_colab stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1 |
stable_diffusion_v2_1_base_comfyui_colab stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base |
stable_diffusion_v2_comfyui_colab stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2 |
stable_diffusion_v2_base_comfyui_colab stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-base |
stable_diffusion_v2_depth_comfyui_colab stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-depth |
stable_diffusion_v2_inpainting_comfyui_colab stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-inpainting |
hassan_blend_1_4_comfyui_colab (Thanks to maximaljahn for the suggestion ❤) hassanblend/hassanblend1.4 |
yiffy_e18_comfyui_colab Doubleyobro/yiffy-e18 |
pony_diffusion_2_comfyui_colab AstraliteHeart/pony-diffusion-v2 |
elysium_anime_2_comfyui_colab hesw23168/SD-Elysium-Model |
eimis_anime_diffusion_1_comfyui_colab (Thanks to Tjbr0ss2 for the suggestion ❤) eimiss/EimisAnimeDiffusion_1.0v |
dreamlike_diffusion_1_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens dreamlikeart style in your prompts for the effect.) dreamlike-art/dreamlike-diffusion-1.0 |
van_gogh_diffusion_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens lvngvncnt style in your prompts for the effect.) dallinmackay/Van-Gogh-diffusion |
analog_diffusion_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens analog style in your prompts for the effect.) wavymulder/Analog-Diffusion |
monstermash_any_3_comfyui_colab N75242/monstermash_anyv3 |
yohan_diffusion_comfyui_colab (Thanks to EBIX_benis for the suggestion ❤) andite/yohan-diffusion |
openjourney_v2_diffusion_comfyui_colab prompthero/openjourney-v2 |
vintedois_diffusion_0_1_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens estilovintedois in your prompts for the effect.) 22h/vintedois-diffusion-v0-1 |
knollingcase_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens knollingcase in your prompts for the effect.) Aybeeceedee/knollingcase |
comic_diffusion_v2_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens charliebo artstyle holliemengert artstyle marioalberti artstyle pepelarraz artstyle andreasrocha artstyle jamesdaly artstyle in your prompts for the effect.) ogkalu/Comic-Diffusion |
complex_lineart_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens ComplexLA style in your prompts for the effect.) Conflictx/Complex-Lineart |
synthwave_punk_v2_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens snthwve style nvinkpunk in your prompts for the effect.) ItsJayQz/SynthwavePunk-v2 |
illustration_diffusion_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens holliemengert artstyle in your prompts for the effect.) ogkalu/Illustration-Diffusion |
seek_art_mega_v1_comfyui_colab coreco/seek.art_MEGA |
popup_book_diffusion_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens popupBook in your prompts for the effect.) RayHell/popupBook-diffusion |
waifu_diffusion_v1_4_comfyui_colab hakurei/waifu-diffusion-v1-4 |
protogen_v2_2_comfyui_colab ckpt/Protogen_V2.2 |
elldreths_lucid_mix_v10_comfyui_colab ckpt/elldrethSLucidMix_v10 |
all_in_one_pixel_model_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens pixelsprite 16bitscene in your prompts for the effect.) PublicPrompts/All-In-One-Pixel-Model |
cafe_instagram_v6_comfyui_colab cafeai/cafe-instagram-sd-1-5-v6 |
cinematic_diffusion_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens syberart in your prompts for the effect.) Basunat/Cinematic-Diffusion |
food_crit_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens food_crit in your prompts for the effect.) plasmo/food-crit |
simpmaker_3k_comfyui_colab AmethystVera/SimpMaker-3K1 |
duchaitenaiart_v1_1_comfyui_colab (Thanks to DucHaiten for the suggestion ❤) DucHaiten/DucHaitenAIart |
uber_realistic_v1_comfyui_colab (Thanks to cdefghijkl for the suggestion ❤) lilpotat/urp |
izumi_v1_comfyui_colab lilpotat/iz |
yiffy_mix_comfyui_colab chilon249/yiffymix |
babes_blend_comfyui_colab alexds9/babes |
samdoessexy_blend_comfyui_colab thecollector/samdoessexy-blend |
comics_blend_comfyui_colab (Use the tokens ComplexLA style nvinkpunk marioalberti artstyle ghibli style in your prompts for the effect.) fiacr/comicsblend |
dream_like_sam_kuvshino_comfyui_colab ratkovm8640/dreamlikesamkuvshinov |
8528_diffusion_comfyui_colab (Thanks to 黄色いバラ for the suggestion ❤) 852wa/8528-diffusion |
hasdx_comfyui_colab (Thanks to EBIX_benis for the suggestion ❤) bestjammer/hasdx |
abyss_orange_mix_2_comfyui_colab WarriorMama777/OrangeMixs |
dreamlike_photoreal_2_comfyui_colab dreamlike-art/dreamlike-photoreal-2.0 |
photorealistic_fuen_v1_comfyui_colab claudfuen/photorealistic-fuen-v1 |
cool_japan_diffusion_2_1_comfyui_colab aipicasso/cool-japan-diffusion-2-1-0 |
anything_gape_comfyui_colab (Thanks to soliwoli for the suggestion ❤) Inzamam567/AnyGape |
anything_4_comfyui_colab andite/anything-v4.0 |
counterfeit_v2_0_comfyui_colab (Thanks to 黄色いバラ for the suggestion ❤) gsdf/Counterfeit-V2.0 |
grapefruit_comfyui_colab ckpt/grapefruit |
open_anime_journey_comfyui_colab (Thanks to 黄色いバラ for the suggestion ❤) MehjourneyClosedAI/OpenAnimeJourney |
a_certainty_comfyui_colab JosephusCheung/ACertainty |
a_certain_model_comfyui_colab JosephusCheung/ACertainModel |
a_certain_thing_comfyui_colab JosephusCheung/ACertainThing |
7th_layer_comfyui_colab (Thanks to Cherryblossomoflove for the suggestion ❤) syaimu/7th_Layer |
rpg_v4_comfyui_colab (Thanks to brunocalado for the suggestion ❤) Anashel/rpg |
waifu_diffusion_v1_5_comfyui_colab waifu-diffusion/wd-1-5-beta |
protogen_nova_comfyui_colab (Thanks to alvaromaltrain for the suggestion ❤) darkstorm2150/Protogen_Nova_Official_Release |
protogen_x3_4_comfyui_colab (Thanks to alvaromaltrain for the suggestion ❤) darkstorm2150/Protogen_x3.4_Official_Release |
dreamshaper_3_32_comfyui_colab (Thanks to wetcircle for the suggestion ❤) Lykon/DreamShaper |
abyss_orange_mix_3_comfyui_colab WarriorMama777/OrangeMixs |
neverending_dream_comfyui_colab Lykon/neverending-dream |
deliberate_comfyui_colab XpucT/deliberate |
vinte_protogen_mix_v_1_0_comfyui_colab xxlmaes/vinteprotogenmix-v10 |
chillout_mix_comfyui_colab civitai/chilloutmix |
pastel_mix_stylized_anime_comfyui_colab (Thanks to Rimuru for the suggestion ❤) andite/pastel-mix-stylized-anime-model |
color_bomb_mix_comfyui_colab (Thanks to Rimuru for the suggestion ❤) mocker/KaBoom |
mousey_mix_comfyui_colab (Thanks to 黄色いバラ for the suggestion ❤ Thanks to Cherryblossomoflove for the contribution ❤) closertodeath/mouseymix |
dpepmkmp_comfyui_colab (Thanks to 黄色いバラ for the suggestion) closertodeath/dpepmkmp |
illuminati_v1_1_comfyui_colab (Use the negative prompt tokens nfixer, nartfixer, nrealfixer in your prompts for the effect.) (Thanks to PeePa for the contribution ❤) IlluminatiAI/illuminati-diffusion-v11 |
waifu_diffusion_v1_5_b2_comfyui_colab waifu-diffusion/wd-1-5-beta2 |
padoru_v1_comfyui_colab jawgboi/padoru-diffusion |
refslave_v2_comfyui_colab (Thanks to Rimuru for the suggestion ❤) AgraFL/RefSlave-V2 |
liberty_comfyui_colab (Thanks to Max Payne for the suggestion ❤) aine_captain/liberty |
graphic_art_comfyui_colab (Thanks to driftr for the suggestion ❤) pmejna/graphic-art |
stablydiffuseds_aesthetic_mix_comfyui_colab (Thanks to Tanmayy for the suggestion ❤) stablydiffused/stablydiffuseds-aesthetic-mix |
alfamix_comfyui_colab ShatalinART/Alfamix |
defmix_v2_comfyui_colab (Thanks to shinya. for the suggestion ❤) Defpoint/Defmix-v2.0 |
sukiyaki_mix_v1_comfyui_colab (Thanks to shinya. for the suggestion ❤) Vsukiyaki/SukiyakiMix-v1.0 |
voxo_comfyui_colab (Thanks to shinya. for the suggestion ❤) junjuice0/VOXO |
pvc_v3_comfyui_colab (Thanks to shinya. for the suggestion ❤) p1atdev/pvc-v3 |
realistic_vision_v13_comfyui_colab (Thanks to Ann Dee. for the suggestion ❤) SG_161222/realistic-vision-v13-fantasyai |
mare_coloris_comfyui_colab Lucetepolis/MareColoris |
magical_mix_v1_comfyui_colab mekabu/MagicalMix_v1 |
perfect_world_v2_comfyui_colab (Thanks to machiavel23. for the suggestion ❤) Bloodsuga/perfect-world |
experience_comfyui_colab Schisim/Experience |
526_mix_comfyui_colab 526christian/526mix-experimental-version |
realbiter_v1_0_comfyui_colab (Thanks to Winnougan for the suggestion ❤) Bitter_bite/realbiter |
magical_mix_v2_comfyui_colab (Thanks to 黄色いバラ for the suggestion ❤) mekabu/MagicalMix_v2 |
pony_diffusion_v3_comfyui_colab AstraliteHeart/pony-diffusion-v3 |
cetus_mix_v3_1_comfyui_colab (Thanks to exrecc and Mar0xy for the suggestion ❤) Eagelaxis/cetus-mix |
faetastic_v1_comfyui_colab (Thanks to CitizenChained for the suggestion ❤) Faeia/faetastic |
https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI (Thanks to @comfyanonymous ❤)
https://github.com/Fannovel16/comfy_controlnet_preprocessors (Thanks to @Fannovel16 ❤)