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This is software to read and write data on a Stratasys cartridge EEPROM.

You can use this code to 'refill' an EEPROM or build a cartridge EEPROM image from scratch.


This tool requires Python 2.7.

You can simply installs Stratatools using pip:

$ pip2 install stratatools

or from source:

$ python2 ./ build
$ python2 ./ install

It will automagically pull the dependency:

Cartridge Usage

Print information about a cartridge

You have to provide the machine type (fox, prodigy, quantum, etc.) and the EEPROM uid, in hexadecimal form without the '0x' prefix. Note that the EEPROM uid to use ends with "23" (which is the family code for the EEPROM device).

$ stratatools eeprom_decode \
    --machine-type fox \
    --eeprom-uid 2362474d0100006b \

The EEPROM uid should starts with the family code, something like '23' or 'b3'. It is then followed by a 6 bytes id then finish with a checksum.

On Linux, it is the content of the id pseudo file.

If you provide the '-D' option, the input file will be interpreted as an ASCII formatted file, containing lines of the form produced by the printers 'er' command, namely:

000096: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 53 54 52 41 54 41 53 59   ........STRATASY

Otherwise, the input file must be a binary file.

Create your own cartridge

By providing all the required information, this software will provide a new valid EEPROM image that you can write to a cartridge.

First, create a new EEPROM proto using the eeprom_create command.

You can customize any parameters in the following example:

$ stratatools eeprom_create \
    --serial-number 1234.0 \
    --material-name ABS \
    --manufacturing-lot 1234 \
    --manufacturing-date "2001-01-01 01:01:01" \
    --use-date "2002-02-02 02:02:02" \
    --initial-material 11.1 \
    --current-material 22.2 \
    --key-fragment 4141414141414141 \
    --version 1 \
    --signature STRATASYS > cartridge.txt

Alternatively, create a text file cartridge.txt with the following content:

serial_number: 1234.0
material_name: "ABS"
manufacturing_lot: "1234"
manufacturing_date {
  seconds: 1436540129
last_use_date {
  seconds: 1436540129
initial_material_quantity: 42.0
current_material_quantity: 42.0
key_fragment: "4141414141414141"
version: 1
signature: "STRATASYS"

All the dates are in international format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

You can then use eeprom_encode to create the binary file used by the printer.

$ stratatools eeprom_encode \
    --machine-type fox \
    --eeprom-uid 2362474d0100006b \
    cartridge.txt cartridge.bin

You have to provide the correct machine-type and the valid eeprom uid.

The EEPROM uid should starts with the family code, something like '23' or 'b3'. It is then followed by a 6 bytes id then finish with a checksum.

The generated file will be 113 bytes in size. You can complete the file with zeroes if you want to make it 512 bytes long, the usual EEPROM size.

Supplying the '-D' option will result in an output file containing a double-quoted string of space delimited bytes, expressed in hexadecimal.

Otherwise, the output will be a binary file.

You can also pipe the two commands together:

$ stratatools eeprom_create \
    --serial-number 1234.0 \
    --material-name ABS \
    --manufacturing-lot 1234 \
    --manufacturing-date "2001-01-01 01:01:01" \
    --use-date "2002-02-02 02:02:02" \
    --initial-material 11.1 \
    --current-material 22.2 \
    --key-fragment 4141414141414141 \
    --version 1 \
    --signature STRATASYS | \
    stratatools eeprom_encode -t fox -e 2362474d0100006b > cartridge.bin

List supported material

If you want a list of all known material, simply run the following:

$ stratatools material --list
0       ABS
1       ABS_RED
2       ABS_GRN

Use those names when creating a new cartridge.


If you have an invalid checksum error, the code was not able to decrypt your EEPROM correctly. Verify that your EEPROM file is valid, double check the EEPROM uid.

If it still doesn't work, fill a ticket on Github.

Automation with a Raspberry Pi

A helper script is available if you wish to automatically rewrite cartridges using a Raspberry Pi. The script will set the manufacturing date to 'today'. It will also randomize the serial number and set the current material qty to the initial material quantity.

You will need a working 1wire setup on the Raspberry Pi, see below on how to do that.

To simply refill a cartridge, launch the helper script specifying the printer type:

$ stratatools_rpi_daemon prodigy

You can also provide a cartridge template:

$ stratatools_rpi_daemon --template ./abs_cartridge.txt prodigy

Configuration Code

This script is able to generate configuration code for your printer. There are actually 3 different codes available:

  • configuration
  • setup
  • clear

We're only able to generate configuration code for now. These codes can unlock specific features of your printer.

Information about a configuration code

To decode a configuration code, simply run the following:

$ stratatools setupcode_decode AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD

Create your own configuration code

You can create your own configuration code to enable specific features.

For example:

$ stratatools setupcode_create \
    --serial-number 1234 \
    --system-type 900mc \
    --type configuration \
    --envelope-size large \
    --build-speed 1x \
    --material ABS-M30 NYLON PC-ABS \
    --version 1

Will generate a configuration code for a printer type 900mc.

For help on available values, you can run the following:

$ stratatools setupcode_create --help

Interesting fork / rewrite

Interfacing with the cartridge


  • Use the MISO wire (orange) for the data
  • Use the GROUND wire (black) on the ground
  • Connect the 5V (grey) on the pull-up voltage input (blue)

Use the following schematic as a reference:

Bus pirate

    grey    >---+
                | (connected together)
    blue    >---+

    orange  >---| Data |
                |      |
    black   >---| Gnd  |

Two helper scripts are available to interact with the BusPirate.

To read an eeprom:

$ stratatools_bp_read /dev/ttyUSB0 eeprom.bin

To write an eeprom:

$ stratatools_bp_write /dev/ttyUSB0 eeprom_new.bin

Raspberry Pi

  • Use the GPIO 4 (pin 7) for the data
  • Use any GROUND (pin 6,9,14,20 or 25) on the ground
  • Use the 5V Power (pin 2) to pull-up the data line using a ~4.7k resistor

Use the following schematic as a reference:

Raspberry pi

     5V     >---+
           4.7k Z    eeprom
                |   +------+
    GPIO4   >---+---| Data |
                    |      |
    GROUND  >-------| Gnd  |

Then you'll need to probe 2 kernel modules:

$ sudo modprobe w1-gpio gpiopin=4
$ sudo modprobe w1-ds2433

You might need to change the device-tree overlay. Update the following file /boot/config.txt, and add this line at the end:


If detection is slow on the bus, you can try to reduce the timeout. Create the following file /etc/modprobe.d/wire.conf with the following:

options wire timeout=1 slave_ttl=3

You should now see your eeprom appearing:

$ ls -l /sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master1

To print the eeprom uid:

$ xxd -p /sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master1/23-xxxxxxxxxxxx/id

To read an eeprom:

$ cp /sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master1/23-xxxxxxxxxxxx/eeprom ~/eeprom.bin

To write an eeprom:

$ cp ~/eeprom_new.bin /sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master1/23-xxxxxxxxxxxx/eeprom


To interface with a DS2432, you'll need to follow the steps found in this project: .


Special thanks to the Stratahackers group. Without them, nothing like this could be possible. They provided moral and technical support!

Thanks to ashanin for the uPrint support. Thanks to ajtayh for ASA and ULT1010 in setupcode.