After seeing rr-'s 10ff program. I thought it would be fun to try to clone the same thing in bash. I also had some ideas for features i would like to have in a touchtyping tutor, the thing snowballed into what is now typiskt.
I put a video demonstration of typiskt on youtube
If you use Arch Linux you can get typiskt from AUR.
typiskt is a bash script and the only external commands used are:
- bc - to calculate WPM and accuracy
- gawk - to create wordlists in
mode - paste - for vertical concatenation of results/highscore
- wc - get size of text blocks before centering them
- tput (ncurses) - get escape codes
- getopt - long-option support
- curl - only used in
- md5sum - used for various caching functions.
- date - to display highscore table
If these commands are not installed they should be available in most distributions official package repositories, but you probably already have them.
Use the Makefile to do a systemwide installation of both the script and the manpage.
Build dependencies are*: gawk, GNU make, and bash
(configure the installation destination in the Makefile, if needed)
* to re-build the manpage go-md2man
is needed
$ git clone
$ cd typiskt
$ make
# make install
$ typiskt -v
typiskt - version: 2020.06.22.1
updated: 2020-06-22 by budRich
typiskt [OPTIONS]
-b, --book TEXTFILE | book mode, TEXTFILE used for wordlist
-c, --corpus WORDLIST | changes WORDLIST to use in the default (words) mode
--details | write details to TYPISKT_CACHE/details/EPOCHSECONDS
-d, --difficulty INT | INT == a number 0-10. only avialble in words|book-modes
-e, --exercise EXERCISE | exercise from: TYPISKT_CONFIG_DIR/exercises/EXERCISE
-h, --help | print help and exit
--lines LINES | display max LINES
-l, --list | list available wordlists
-s, --seed INT | use INT as seed for RANDOM
-u, --source TEXTFILE | source mode, use TEXTFILE as wordlist
-t, --time SECONDS | set time limit in seconds for the tests
-v, --version | print version info and exit
-w, --width WIDTH | maximum number of characters per line
You get a different type of test depending on
which mode, you start typiskt in. No matter
which mode you can press:
Escape to restart the test, and
Ctrl+c to quit.
mode | words | --book |
--source |
--exercise |
Random | x | |||
Difficulty | x | x | ||
Timed | x | x | ||
Bookmark | x | |||
Line-break | x | |||
Series | x | |||
Highscore | x | x |
This is the default mode and it will use words
taken from a corpus and show them in a random
order, the test will stop when the time is up. If
time was more than 60 seconds, the "score" will
get recorded. The default corpus is english,
but it can be changed to any corpus listed with
, using the --corpus
options. If
is set, some words will have a
random wordmask applied to them making the test
more difficult, difficulty will also add some
bonus point to the high score.
This is very similar to the words mode, except the
words are taken from a specific textfile
(the argument to --book
) and will be displayed
in chronological order. It will also record the
word the test ended on, so if a new test is
started with the same text, it will resume on
that word (bookmark).
Will also print words in chronological order from
a specific file (the argument to --source
) but
unlike book mode it will respect Line-breaks.
time limit, bookmark and difficulty is disabled
for this mode. It is intended for(short) snippets
of source code. The highest WPM for the file will
be stored and displayed when the test is
The argument to --exercise
must be the name of a
subdirectory in TYPISKT_CONFIG_DIR/exercises.
That subdirectory in turn is expected to contain
one or more wordlists (files with one word/line).
The content of these wordlists will be displayed
in chronological order. And to proceed to the
next exercise/wordlist (sorted in numerical order
with sort -n
) a certain WPM and accuracy must
be reached (the values can be changed
in TYPISKT_CONFIG_DIR/config). You can
navigate between completed exercises with the
Arrow keys in this mode. No exercises
is included with the installation, but the
will download, convert and install the default
English exercises from [gtypist].
typiskt is licensed under BSD-2-Clause