Visual DialogShell is a way forward for DialogScript syntax within Powershell ~ this project exists to provide a vehicle for the spirit of the DialogScript language to continue - providing a concise, powerful, straightforward language with seemingly untyped variables.
Does not compile executables, but does create packages that run on endpoints. The installer also contains no executables, you'll hardly notice.
It's like jQuery, but for PowerShell.
DialogShell is a best effort to preserve the DialogScript language, more importantly it's method of operation into a modern format, PowerShell.
DialogShell is this PowerShell module.
Visual DialogShell is a visual programming language, a product of DialogShell, which is a PowerShell module. It contains a packager that encompasses the codebase that allows you to create new solutions in the DialogShell language (derived from PowerShell and DialogScript) for end user applications. Alternately you can call to the codebase vds.psm1 (dialogshell!) and make the deliverable a PowerShell script.
Why should you be interested in DialogShell when C++, C# and Visual Basic are all similarly suited to the task of visual programming? DialogScript is amazing at one thing: The Law of Demeter, or principle of least knowledge. PowerShell is good at this, but not as good as DialogScript. The Law of Demeter is why people love PowerShell, DialogShell builds on this strength to allow users to quickly build powerful solutions. If you are solution oriented, DialogShell should appeal to you.
Leave a comment under any task you'd like to be assigned to in the format [n][n] where n is a fibonacci number, the first representing how complex you feel the issue is, and the second representing how much effort you feel it will take to resolve. Average the new complexity with the existing complexity number, and the effort with the existing effort number. In the title, the very first [n] gets incremented by 1 if an item is incomplete and on the project board at the end of a week to notate it's tardiness/ability to be reassigned.
I believe in simplicity. If you want to update the project, but don't want to geek out, zip your solution and attach it to the issue comments. I'll review and commit it for you when time permits. You can bug me about it to get it done faster, I don't mind.
Compile order: make.bat (recently simplified)
Windows XP or above with Powershell is the primary prerequisite.
DialogShell comes with it's own IDE.
Example script syntax:
$form1 = dialog create "Hello World" 500 500 300 300
$button1 = dialog add $form1 button 10 10 100 20 "Click Me"
$timer = timer 1000
console "Tick"
$info = $(chr 34) + "Hello World!" + $(chr 34)
info $info #Comment: We could have just called called the string directly from the info command, but it's more fun to show a defined object (variable)
console "you are hovering!"
dialog show $form1
#Code pauses execution when the form is shown.
console $(dlgprops $button1)
console "exit"
(Powershell will not abide comma's. We must get over this and move on.)
As seen above a special exception has been made for DIALOG. According to DialogScript, DIALOG would now be a function (@dialog()) but we are not doing that. I do however recommend calling the dialog command as an object that can be acted upon - otherwise you can't act on it. (When you think about it, this was also true in previous implementations of DialogScript, because the dialog command abstracted the user defined name of each dialog object (dialog select,0 or BUTTON1) - so this is arguably a non-change).
New events are available for most objects you are familiar with, use the new function dlgprops $(dlgprops $object) to discover stuff such as
- Brandon Cunningham - Initial work - [email protected] - | cnodnarb
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Julian Moss (jules)
Alex Z
Dr. Dread