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Version control based recipe for Spring 18 ITWS 4500 course


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Version control based recipe for Spring 18 ITWS 4500 course. All project materials such as the Proposal and Presentation can be found in the MISC folder. A server hosting our project can be found here: Our slides and notes for the final presentation can be found here:

Getting Started

Before you started, make sure you have docker installed and can run the hello-world demo.

  1. Clone the repo
$ git clone
  1. Build images. You will not see the db connected this time, don't worry about it.
$ ./scripts/

After you see MongoDB says

mongo              | MongoDB configured successfully. You may now connect to the DB.
mongo              | $cmd

Press crtl + c to stop all these containers.

  1. Rebuild containers, and migrate mongo Database. Firstly restart all containers:
$ ./scripts/ 

Then, run DB_Migration script:

$ ./scripts/
  1. Start a new terminal, and cd into vercipe_frontend/frontend folder

  2. Install the dependencies

$ npm install
  1. Make sure you ng-cli installed, then start the frontend dev mode
$ ng serve -o

Your browser should open a window at port 4200. If not, you can go to port 4200 to check it.

Project proposals:

  1. Proposal.pdf
  2. Vercipe Project Timeline - Gantt Chart.pdf

Data Schema for a recipe

	_id : ObjectId,
	title: String,
    creator: String,
	creator_Email: String,
	materials: [String],
	instructions: [String],
	created_at: Unix Timestamp,
	version: Int,
	previous_version: String

Endpoint List:

Default Route :/

[1] Get default api to make sure backend is successfully set

Endpoint: GET /
Authorization: none
Request Body: none
Response: 200 JSON object, {"msg" : 'hello world'}

[2] Create a new recipe

Endpoint: POST /newRecipe
Authorization: none
Request Body: 
    title: string
    creator: string
    materials: array of string
    version: number
    previous_version: ObjectId
Response: 200 JSON object, {"status" : 'success'}

[3] Get all Recipes as json array

Endpoint: GET /allRecipes
Authorization: none
Request Body: none
Response: 200, Ordered (by index) JSON Array of Recipe Objects

[4] Find recipe by ObjectId

Endpoint: POST /recipes
Authorization: none
Request Body: {"id":ObjectId}
Response: 200, one Recipe Object

[5] Find recipe by creator's email

Endpoint: POST /recipes/byMail
Authorization: none
Request Body: {"email":String}
Response: 200, Ordered (by index) JSON Array of Recipe Objects

[6] Find recipe by recipe's title

Endpoint: POST /recipes/byTitle
Authorization: none
Request Body: {"title":String}
Response: 200, Ordered (by index) JSON Array of Recipe Objects

[7] Delete recipe by recipe's ObjectId

Endpoint: DELETE /recipes
Authorization: none
Request Body: {"title":String}
Response: 200, Ordered (by index) JSON Array of Recipe Objects

[8] Clone a recipe ( Not Finished yet)

Endpoint: POST /recipes/forkById
Authorization: Log in as user
Request Body: 
    title: String
    materials: [String]
    creator: String
Response: 200, if success

[9] Get Previous Recipe Json Object of based on ID

Endpoin: POST /recipe/previous
Authorization: Null
Request Body:
    "id": string
Response: 200, if success

[10] Get IDs of all previous versions of a recipe in most recent to oldest order

Endpoin: POST /recipes/previous/all
Authorization: Null
Request Body:
    "id": string
Response: 200, if success
    "versions": [string]

[11] Get recipes by logged in user name (Creator)

Endpoint: POST /recipes/byUserName
Authorization: none
Request Body: {"creator":String}
Response: 200, 

User Auth : /users

[1] Default, test encrypt function

Endpoint: GET /
Authorization: none
Request Body: none
Response: 200 JSON object, {"msg" : 'hello world'}

[2] Sign Up

Endpoint: POST /sign_up
Authorization: none
Request Body: 
{ : String
    newUser.username : String
    newUser.password : String
    newUser.passwordConf : String
Response: 200, if success

[3] Login as user

Endpoint: POST /sign_up
Authorization: none
Request Body: 
    newUser.username : String
    newUser.password : String
Response: 200, if success

[4] demo endpoint to test if user is logged in

Endpoint: GET /dashboard
Authorization: Log in as user
Request Body: None
Response: 200, if success

[5] Get all recipes created by a specific user

Endpoint: POST /allRecipes
Authorization: None
Request Body:
    "creater_email" : String
REsponse: { message : [Recipe]}


Version control based recipe for Spring 18 ITWS 4500 course








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