Make page transitions more entertaining
looney.js uses SVG masks to animate a page transition.
<a href="">Google</a>
<script src="build/looney.min.js"></script>
// Basic usage
// All options with default values
looney(document.body, {
selector: 'a', // which elements trigger the transition
fill: '#000', // the transition fill
blur: 0, // how much the circle edges should be blurred
playAudio: false, // whether to play music
duration: 6900, // the transition duration (music speed is adjusted accordingly)
pause: 0 // how long to pause before redirecting
Copy the contents of build/bookmarklet.js into a bookmarklet to loonify any webpage!
- Add multiple easings (bounce)
- Add option to invert the animation
- Add option to pause at a specific distance before continuing