Thredds client is available as Anaconda package. Install it with the following command:
conda install -c conda-forge threddsclient
Thredds Client is available from PyPI to install directly with pip
or poetry
pip install threddsclient
poetry add threddsclient
Check out code from the birdy GitHub repo and start the installation:
git clone
cd threddsclient
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate threddsclient
python develop
Alternatively, you can also install it directly with pip
using a virtual environment of your choice:
pip install "threddsclient @ git+"
Read the Thredds tutorial on catalogs: Thredds Catalog Primer
import threddsclient
urls = threddsclient.download_urls('')
import threddsclient
urls = threddsclient.opendap_urls('')
Start reading a catalog
import threddsclient
cat = threddsclient.read_url('')
Get a list of references to other catalogs & follow them
refs = cat.references
print refs[0].name
cat2 = refs[0].follow()
Get a list of datasets in this catalog
data = cat.datasets
Get flat list of all direct datasets (data files) in the catalog
datasets = cat.flat_datasets()
Get flat list of all references in the catalog
references = cat.flat_references()
Crawl recursive all direct datasets in catalog following the catalog references. Stop recursion at a given depth level.
import threddsclient
for ds in threddsclient.crawl('', depth=2):
Check out code from the birdy GitHub repo and start the installation:
git clone
cd threddsclient
conda env create -f environment.yml
python develop
Install additional dependencies:
conda install pytest flake8 sphinx bumpversion
# OR
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Make a new version of Birdy in the following steps:
- Make sure everything is commit to GitHub.
- Update
with the next version. - Dry Run:
bumpversion --dry-run --verbose --new-version {NEW_VERSION} patch
- Do it:
bumpversion --new-version {NEW_VERSION} patch
- Push it:
git push --tags
See the bumpversion documentation for details.