A Julia debugger.
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Note: If you are looking for the docs for the Juno IDE debugger, see this link instead
Install Debugger using Pkg:
julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("Debugger")
The debug interface is entered using the @enter
using Debugger
function foo(n)
x = n+1
((BigInt[1 1; 1 0])^x)[2,1]
@enter foo(20)
This interface allows for manipulating program execution, such as stepping in and out of functions, line stepping, showing local variables, setting breakpoints and evaluating code in the context of functions.
Below, square brackets denote optional arguments.
All of the following commands work when the prompt is 1|debug>
: open the current line in an editorq
: quit the debugger, returningnothing
: toggle compiled modeL
: toggle showing lowered code instead of source code+
: increase / decrease the number of lines of source code shown
Stepping (basic):
: step to the next lineu [i::Int]
: step until linei
or the next line past the current lines
: step into the next callso
: step out of the current callc
: continue execution until a breakpoint is hitf [i::Int]
: go to thei
-th function in the call stack (stepping is only possible in the function at the top of the call stack)up/down [i::Int]
go up or down one ori
functions in the call stack
Stepping (advanced):
: step to the next callse
: step one expression stepsi
: same asse
but step into a call if a call is the next expressionsg
: step into a generated function
: show the "status" (current function, source code and current expression to run)bt
: show a backtracefr [i::Int]
: show all variables in the current ori
th frame
w add expr
: add an expression to the watch listw
: show all watch expressions evaluated in the current function's contextw rm [i::Int]
: remove all or thei
:th watch expression
bp add
bp add "file.jl":line [cond]
: add a breakpoint att filefile.jl
on lineline
with conditioncond
bp add func [:line] [cond]
: add a breakpoint to functionfunc
at lineline
(defaulting to first line) with conditioncond
bp add func(::Float64, Int)[:line] [cond]
: add a breakpoint to methods matching the signature at lineline
(defaulting to first line) with conditioncond
bp add func(x, y)[:line] [cond]
: add a breakpoint to the method matching the types of the local variablex
etc with conditioncond
bp add line [cond]
add a breakpoint toline
of the file of the current function with conditioncond
show all breakpointsbp rm [i::Int]
: remove all or thei
:th breakpointbp toggle [i::Int]
: toggle all or thei
:th breakpointbp disable [i::Int]
: disable all or thei
:th breakpointbp enable [i::Int]
: enable all or thei
:th breakpointbp on/off
bp on/off error
- turn on or off break on errorbp on/off throw
- turn on or off break on throw
An empty command will execute the previous command.
Changing frames with f i::Int
will change the prompt to $i|debug>
Stepping commands will not work until you return to f 1
, but a subset of normal commands will continue to work.
In addition to these debugging commands, you can type `
to enter "evaluation mode" indicated by a prompt $i|julia>
In evaluation mode, any expression you type is executed in the debug context.
For example, if you have a local variable named n
, then once in evaluation mode typing n
will show you the value of n
rather than advancing to the next line.
Hit backspace as the first character of the line to return to "debug mode."
To add and manipulate breakpoints, either the bp add
command in the debug interface or the JuliaInterpreter breakpoint API, documented here
can be used.
It is common to want to run a function until a breakpoint is hit. Therefore, the "shortcut macro" @run
is provided which is equivalent
of starting the debug mode with @enter
and then executing the continue command (c
julia> using Debugger
julia> breakpoint(abs);
julia> @run sin(2.0)
Hit breakpoint:
In abs(x) at float.jl:522
>522 abs(x::Float64) = abs_float(x)
About to run: (abs_float)(2.0)
1|debug> bt
[1] abs(x) at float.jl:522
| x::Float64 = 2.0
[2] sin(x) at special/trig.jl:30
| x::Float64 = 2.0
| T::DataType = Float64
It is possible to halt execution when an error is thrown. This is done by calling the exported function break_on(:error)
julia> using Debugger
julia> break_on(:error)
julia> f() = "αβ"[2];
julia> @run f()
Breaking for error:
ERROR: StringIndexError("αβ", 2)
In string_index_err(s, i) at strings/string.jl:12
>12 @noinline string_index_err(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) =
About to run: (throw)(StringIndexError("αβ", 2))
1|debug> bt
[1] string_index_err(s, i) at strings/string.jl:12
| s::String = "αβ"
| i::Int64 = 2
[2] getindex_continued(s, i, u) at strings/string.jl:218
| s::String = "αβ"
| i::Int64 = 2
| u::UInt32 = 0xb1000000
| val::Bool = false
[3] getindex(s, i) at strings/string.jl:211
| s::String = "αβ"
| i::Int64 = 2
| b::UInt8 = 0xb1
| u::UInt32 = 0xb1000000
[4] f() at REPL[5]:1
julia> JuliaInterpreter.break_off(:error)
julia> @run f()
ERROR: StringIndexError("αβ", 2)
It is sometimes more convenient to choose in the source code when to break. This is done for instance in Matlab/Octave with keyboard
, and in R with browser()
. You can use the @bp
macro to do this:
julia> using Debugger
julia> function f(x)
if x < 0
println("All good!")
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @run f(2)
All good!
julia> @run f(-2)
Hit breakpoint:
In f(x) at REPL[6]:2
1 function f(x)
2 if x < 0
>3 @bp
4 else
5 println("All good!")
6 end
7 end
About to run: return
1|debug> bt
[1] f(x) at REPL[6]:3
| x::Int64 = -2
In order to fully support breakpoints, the debugger interprets all code, even code that is stepped over.
Currently, there are cases where the interpreter is too slow for this to be feasible.
A workaround is to use "compiled mode" which is toggled by pressing C
in the debug REPL mode (note the change of prompt color).
When using compiled mode, code that is stepped over will be executed
by the normal julia compiler and run just as fast as normally.
The drawback is of course that breakpoints in code that is stepped over are missed.
The source code preview is syntax highlighted and this highlighting has some options.
The theme can be set by calling Debugger.set_theme(theme)
where theme
is a Highlights.jl theme.
It can be completely turned off or alternatively, different quality settings for the colors might be chosen by calling Debugger.set_highlight(opt)
where opt
is a Debugger.HighlightOption
The choices are HIGHLIGHT_OFF
. System colors works in pretty much all terminals, 256 in most terminals (with the exception of Windows)
and 24 bit in some terminals.