A lightweight JSON parsing library for Mojo.
Use the parse
function to parse a JSON value from a string. It accepts a
struct as a parameter to alter parsing behaviour.
from emberjson import parse
struct ParseOptions:
# ignore unicode for a small performance boost
var ignore_unicode: Bool
var json = parse[ParseOptions(ignore_unicode=True)](r'["\uD83D\uDD25"]')
EmberJSON supports decoding escaped unicode characters.
print(parse(r'["\uD83D\uDD25"]')) # prints '["🔥"]'
Use the to_string
function to convert a JSON struct to its string representation.
It accepts a parameter to control whether to pretty print the value.
The JSON struct also conforms to the Stringable
, Representable
and Writable
from emberjson import to_string
var json = parse('{"key": 123}')
print(to_string(json)) # prints {"key":123}
# prints:
# "key": 123
is the top level type for a document. It can contain either
an Object
or Array
is used to wrap the various possible primitives that an object or
array can contain, which are Int
, Float64
, String
, Bool
, Object
, and Null
from emberjson import *
var json = parse('{"key": 123}')
# check inner type
print(json.is_object()) # prints True
# dict style access
print(json.object()["key"].int()) # prints 123
# array
var array = parse('[123, 4.5, "string", True, null]').array()
# array style access
print(array[3].bool()) # prints True
# equality checks
print(array[4] == Null()) # prints True
# None converts implicitly to Null
assert_equal(array[4], Value(None))
# Implicit ctors for Value
var v: Value = "some string"
# Convert Array and Dict back to stdlib types
# These are consuming actions so the original Array/Object will be moved
var arr = Array(123, False)
var l = arr.to_list()
var ob = Object()
var d = ob.to_dict()