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Derek Jones edited this page Jul 5, 2012
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PHPlot is a graph library for dynamic scientific, business, and stock-market charts. PHPlot allows PHP developers to create pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs, point graphs, etc. For more detail information, please visit the official site :
Instructions Here are the following things need to be done in order to integrate PHPlot with CI:
- Download PHPlot source package from the official site,extract the downloaded file
- Create new directory for example named graph, place in under libraries directory of CI Installation.
- put the extracted files in the new directory(graph). The files are phplot.php, phplot_data.php, rgb.inc.php
- Create the new file named graph.php, place in libraries directory , with the following contents :
<?php if(!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
// Phplot
// Purpose, phplot Invokation complicated because of the wrapper to simplify bitten
// @ Version 0.01-alpha
// @ Link http://d.hatena.ne.jp/dix3/20081125/1227568495
// TODO: adjust the default parameters
// TODO: remove unnecessary files around to a more refined
// TODO: measures to deny direct links
// TODO: Construction of comments
class Graph {
var $CI;
var $obj;
var $base_path = 'public/images/';
var $random_file_prefix = 'plot'; // generate a random file of the file name prefix
var $random_file_name_length = 12; // When a random file name prefix, suffix, excluding the length of
var $old_file_del_flg = true; // generate the underlying base_path to delete old files?
var $old_file_del_span = 10; // save old files in seconds
var $font_path; // font for the chart Pass
var $width; // Width
var $height; // Height
var $file_path; // generate the full path of files
var $url; // generate the URL of the file
var $input_file_path; //
var $data;
var $status;
function Graph($params = array())
// Initialization
// Initialization
function init($params=array())
// Fonts
$default_font_path = BASEPATH. 'fonts/sazanami-gothic.ttf';
if(isset($params['font_path']) && realpath($params['font_path']) && is_file(realpath($params['font_path']))) {
$this->font_path = $params['font_path'];
}else {
if(isset($default_font_path) && realpath($default_font_path) && is_file(realpath($default_font_path))) {
$this->font_path = $default_font_path;
// Generate a directory to save the file
$this->base_path = isset($params['base_path']) ? $params['base_path']: $this->base_path;
// Generate a random file of the file name prefix
$this->random_file_prefix = isset($params['random_file_prefix']) ? $params['random_file_prefix']: $this->random_file_prefix;
// When a random file name prefix, suffix, excluding the length of
$this->random_file_name_length = isset($params['random_file_name_length']) ? (int) $params['random_file_name_length']: $this->random_file_name_length;
// Delete old files after generation?
$this->old_file_del_flg = isset($params['old_file_del_flg']) ? $params['old_file_del_flg']: $this->old_file_del_flg;
// Width
$this->width = isset($params['width']) ? (int) $params['width']: 450;
// Height
$this->height = isset($params['height']) ? (int) $params['height']: 350;
// Chart the path to save the file
$fpath = isset($params['path']) ? $params['path']:'';
// Graph file name, without specifying the file name at random. Png to
$fname = isset($params['name']) ? $params['name']: $this->random_file_prefix. '_'. random_string('alnum', $this->random_file_name_length).'_'.time().'.png';
// Base path
if($fpath && realpath($fpath)) {
$this->file_path = rtrim(realpath($fpath),'/').'/'.$fname;
}else {
// Base path is not specified when the document root / img / plot / created the following
if(! realpath($this->base_path) ||! is_dir(realpath($this->base_path))) {
$this->file_path = realpath($this->base_path).'/'.$fname;
// Generate the URL of the file
$this->url = rtrim(base_url(), '/'). '/'. rtrim($this->base_path, '/'). '/'. $fname;
if(isset($params['input']) && realpath($params['input']) && is_file (realpath($params['input']))) {
$this->input_file_path = $params['input'];
}else {
$this->input_file_path = NULL;
$this->obj = new PHPlot($this->width, $this->height, $this->file_path, $this->input_file_path);
// Data and a set of parameters
function setdata($data = array(), $params = array())
if(! $data ||! is_array($data)) {
return false;
}else {
$this->data = $data;
// Default set of parameters
// Add a set of parameters
return true;
// Default set of parameters, todo: a good feeling to be adjusted.
//(Add as much as possible parameters to be adjusted to a good Does Not Pass)
function _setdefaultparams()
// Specify the font
if($this->font_path) {
// Generated as a file
// Select the data array representation and store the data:
// Background color
// Font size
if($this->font_path) {
$this->obj->SetFont('generic', $this->font_path, 9);
$this->obj->SetFont('title', $this->font_path, 11);
$this->obj->SetFont('x_label', $this->font_path, 9);
$this->obj->SetFont('y_label', $this->font_path, 9);
// Inner border
// Legend of the position
// $this->obj->SetLegendWorld(0.1, 30);
// Define the data range. PHPlot can do this automatically, but not as well.
// $this->obj->SetPlotAreaWorld(0, 0, 7, 100);
// Label or the presence or absence of increments and position
// $this->obj->SetXDataLabelPos('plotdown');
// $this->obj->SetYTickPos('plotright');
// $this->obj->SetYTickLabelPos('plotright');
return true;
// Add a set of parameters
function _setparams($params = array())
$class_methods = get_class_methods(get_class($this->obj));
// Call various methods to set the parameters Dashi
foreach($params as $k => $v) {
if(in_array($k, $class_methods)) {
if(is_array($v)) {
}elseif(is_string($v)) {
// TODO: Later, I could write a more beautiful?
$p = explode(',', $v);
$cnt = count($p);
switch($cnt) {
case 1:
case 2:
$this->obj->$k($p[0], $p[1]);
case 3:
$this->obj->$k($p[0], $p[1], $p[2]);
case 4:
$this->obj->$k($p[0], $p[1], $p[2], $p[3]);
case 5:
$this->obj->$k($p[0], $p[1], $p[2], $p[3], $p[4]);
}else {
return true;
// Generate the graph files
function draw()
if($this->data) {
if($this->old_file_del_flg) {
$this ->gcfiles();
$this->status = $this->obj->DrawGraph();
return $this->status;
}else {
return false;
// Generate a graph to obtain the URL of the file
function geturl()
return ($this->status) ? $this->url:'';
// Generate a graph of the image files to obtain tags
function getimg($index_page = FALSE)
return ($this->status) ? img($this->url, $index_page):'';
// Old image file (an image file of random file name) removed
function gcfiles()
$file_arr = get_dir_file_info($this->base_path);
$now = time();
if(is_array($file_arr)) {
$regexp = '#^'. $this->random_file_prefix."_.{{$this->random_file_name_length}}_\d+\..+$#u";
foreach($file_arr as $k => $v) {
if(preg_match($regexp, basename($v['name']))) {
// Delete old files
if(((int) $now -($v['date'] +(int) $this->old_file_del_span))> 0) {
@unlink ($v['server_path']);
- Create the controller file named graphtest.php , as follows :
class Graphtest extends Controller {
// Constructor
function Graphtest()
parent:: Controller();
// Url helper
// Form helper
// String helper
// Phplot test,
// Todo: phplot own parameters too shrewd not to understand
function index()
// Load chart library
// Graph generation(first round)
// Pass the data, we try to make random
$arr = array(
array('1', random_string('numeric',3),),
array('2', random_string('numeric',3),),
array('3', random_string('numeric',3),),
array('4', random_string('numeric',3),),
array('5', random_string('numeric',3),),
array('6', random_string('numeric',3),),
array('7', random_string('numeric',3),),
// Additional parameters, phplot key in the name of the method, set the value argument
$params = array('SetTitle' => 'surveys of the 1',// title
'SetLegend' => array('apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape', 'lemon', 'peach','pear'),// legend
'SetDataType' => 'text-data-single',
'SetPlotType' => 'pie',// chart the type of area bars linepoints lines pie points squared stackedbars thinbarline
// Data and a set of parameters
// Graph generation
// Generate a graph of the acquired IMG tag
$data['graph_img1'] = $this->graph->getimg();
// Obtain the URL of the generated graphs
$data['graph_url1'] = $this->graph->geturl();
// Graph generation(second)
// Init initializes
// Pass the data, we try to make random
// $arr = array(
// array('2005', random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3)),
// array('2006', random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3)),
// array('2007', random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3)),
// array('2008', random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3)),
// array('2009', random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3)),
// array('2010', random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3), random_string('numeric', 3)),
// );
$arr = array(
array('2001', 350, 200),
array('2002', 300, 300),
array('2003', 250, 400),
array('2004', 200, 600),
array('2005', 150, 700),
array('2006', 260, 800),
array('2007', 500, 900),
// Additional parameters, phplot key in the name of the method, set the value argument
$params = array('SetTitle'=>'Usage Report',// title
//'SetLegend' => array( 'Moon', 'Mars', 'Jupiter'),// legend
'SetPlotType' => 'bars',// chart the type of area bars linepoints lines pie points squared stackedbars thinbarline
// Data and a set of parameters
// Methods called for more direct
//$this->graph->obj->SetLegendWorld(0.1, 900);
// Graph generation
// Generate a graph of the acquired IMG tag
$data['graph_img2'] = $this->graph->getimg();
// Obtain the URL of the generated graphs
$data['graph_url2'] = $this->graph->geturl();
$data['title'] = 'PHPLOT test of the library';
// Generate the view
- Create the new file named graph_index.php, place in view directory, for output purpose with the following contents:
Download the example files