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barronh edited this page Dec 18, 2017 · 11 revisions

In the sciences, file formats vary widely and it is easy to spend more effort reading/writing data than analyzing it. The goal of PseudoNetCDF is to provide a single abstract interface for many data formats that provide analysis and plotting capabilities.

The project is inspired by NetCDF and their Common Data Model (CDM). PseudoNetCDF abstracts many file formats using the NetCDF data/object model. The NetCDF library has a strong object model, a long history, and a long list of meta-data conventions.

PseudoNetCDF provides this same data interface for the following data formats from CAMx, RACM2 box-model outputs, Kinetic Pre-Processor outputs, CMAQ box-model outputs, ICARTT formatted data, GEOS-Chem, and more.

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Quick tour:

  • Install: pip install git+git://
  • Download example icartt file: e.g., HOx from INTEX-NA
  • Dump an icartt file in CDL: pncdump -f ffi1001 HOX_DC8_20040626_R0.ict
  • Create a netcdf from an icartt file: pncgen -f ffi1001 HOX_DC8_20040626_R0.ict
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