git clone
go to the directory Auditory_Cortex
pip install -e .
git add .
git commit -m "message"
git push origin main
go to the subject directory:
rm -rf .*
Modelling the auditory cortex using task optimized Deep Learning models
module defines the Neural_Data
class that provides routines for loading the neural data.
Example code to use "Dataset" class:
from auditory_cortex.Dataset import Neural_Data
data = dataset.Neural_Data(path, session)
#"path_of_working_directory" is the address of the folder containing channel files and json file.
data.retrieve_spike_times(sent = sentence_code)
Returns times of spikes, relative to stimulus onset or absolute time
provide 'sentence_code' or 'trial_number' as argument
Returns a dictionary, with channel # as the keys to the spike_times of specific channel.
data.retrieve_spikes_count(sent = sentence_code, win=bin_size)
Returns number of spikes in every 'win' miliseconds duration following the stimulus onset time.
provide 'sentence_code' or 'trial_number' as argument
provide 'bin_size' as the desired size of bin in miliseconds
Returns a dictionary, with channel # as the keys to the spikes_count of specific channel.