A DEPRECATED Mumble bot that plays radio stream by URL
I've merge multiple project into botamusique
- How to start the bot
- Commands
- Installation
- Important
- How to help
- Additionnal informations
- Credits
Run the mumbleRadioPlayer.py to start the bot (don't forget the chmod +x ./mumbleRadioPlayer.py
./mumbleRadioPlayer.py --server <server_url> --user <bot_name>
Optional parameters :
--channel <default_channel> --port <port_number> --password <password> --cert <certificate>
It's in Python 3 (The python2 version is into another branch. depreciated version !)
You can change commands into the configuration file, The default is :
- !play
- from a list of url (name you have add into the configuration file)
- with a url
- !playfile (play a file from the path into the config file)
- !list (list all files into the path of !playfile)
- !stop
- !joinme (join the user who speak to me)
- !kill
- !oust (stop + go into the default channel)
- !v (change volume with a percentage )
- !np (get the current music title - now playing feature)
- You need python 3 with opuslib and protobuf (look at the requirement of pymumble) you will need pip3 (apt-get install python3-pip)
- The Bot use ffmpeg, so you know what you have to do if ffmpeg aren't in your package manager. I personally use this repository on my raspberry.
commands (don't forget the sudo mode):
apt-get install ffmpeg
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/azlux/MumbleRadioPlayer.git
cd ./MumbleRadioPlayer
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x ./mumbleRadioPlayer.py
If you really want to install pymumble independently, there are a install.sh. But think about upgrade. The Bot will work that way too.
What the bot cannot do:
- A .pls file is NOT a stream url, it's just a text file. Take a look inside if you can found real stream url. A good url can be read by your browser natively.
- The configuration file is NOT UTF-8 encoded, be careful
Because, Yes, You can help.
- If you find bugs, problems, errors, mistakes, you can create an issue on github.
- If you have a suggestion or want a new feature, you can create an issue.
- If you want to make change by your own, fork and pull. We will discuss about your code.
If a command doesn't work, try to find the error, or send me the command and I will try to reproduce it. When I upgarde pymumble, the requirement can change. Reinstall the pip3 requirement if you are not sure.
The bot change is own comment with the stream name. Now working with:
- ShoutCast
- IceCast
- Make the bot speak in the channel
- Better comment use (and add !help)
- Option to use a certificate
Pymumble comes from here. It's, for now, the current fork alive of pymumble in PYTHON 3 now \o/