World's simplest and fastest stock simulator. Build portfolios and trade securities in real time powered by Yahoo Finance. Back end is a fully RESTful API built with Django Rest Framework. Currently hosted at
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt (Create a virtual environment first)
bower install
python migrate
Run "python runserver" to begin!
- POST: Create a user. Payload must contain "username", "password", and optionally "email".
- POST: Login a user. Payload must contain "username" and "password".
- GET: Get pricing quote info on a list of stock tickers. <tickers> is a comma delimited list of tickers.
- GET: Get all portfolios. If a "username" query parameter is passed, then get that user's portfolios.
- POST: Create a portfolio. Must be authenticated. JSON payload must contain "name".
- GET: Get one portfolio.
- PUT: Edit a portfolio (can only edit name). Must be authenticated as owner of portfolio.
- DELETE: Delete a portfolio. Must be authenticated as owner of portfolio.
- GET: Get list of portfolio's transactions.
- POST: Create a transaction. Must be authenticated. JSON payload must contain:
- "ticker": Ticker of security you want to transact.
- "quantity": Number of units you want to transact.
- "transaction_type": Either "Buy" or "Sell"
- GET: Get portfolio's stock holdings.
- GET: Get all users.
Only tests for basic back end transactions are written.
python test