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Git history navigation for dedicated methods, across all kinds of changes incl. complex refactorings.


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CodeShovel - Unearthing Method Histories

Take this shovel to dig in source code history for changes to specific methods and functions. The tool is currently implemented for software projects written in Java. CodeShovel is a tool for navigating method histories and is robust to the kinds of changes methods frequently undergo (e.g., being modified, renamed, or and moved between files and directories).

This is research! Primarily undertaken in the Software Practices Lab at UBC in Vancouver, Canada we have developed this project to help practitioners to more efficiently check how their methods have changed and give researchers an easier way to track method evolution for academic studies. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!


A conference paper describing how CodeShovel works and how it was evaluated as been accepted for publication at the International Conference on Software Engineering 2021. A free version of the paper can be found here. If you use CodeShovel in an academic paper, please cite:

CodeShovel: Constructing Method-Level Source Code Histories. Felix Grund, Shaiful Alam Chowdhury, Nick Bradley, Braxton Hall, and Reid Holmes. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). 2021. 13 pages

  title = {{CodeShovel}: {C}onstructing Method-Level Source Code Histories},
  author = {Felix Grund and Shaiful Alam Chowdhury and Nick Bradley and Braxton Hall and Reid Holmes},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)},
  year = {2021}

Pathways for Use

CodeShovel can be used in three ways:

  • Web Service UI: We have built a browser-based user interface that you can use to interactively navigate the history of a method of interest. We host a public copy of the web interface if you just want to use CodeShovel without installing anything, but this repository also has instructions for self-hosting the web service on your own computer using Docker.

  • Web Service REST: To programmatically investigate the history of a method, you can also call the CodeShovel web service using standard rest commands. You can direct these against our hosted version of the web service, or against your own self-hosted copy of the web service. The REST interface instructions are below.

  • Command Line: Finally, if you would prefer to interact with CodeShovel on the command line directly without using the REST interface, you can call the CodeShovel jar directly. Command line instructions are included below.

Web Service UI

Public UI: The web service UI enables easy interactive exploration of a method history. The quickest way to use this is through our hosted version available at Through this interface you can explore histories of some sample methods (these are not cached: they are dynamically computed as the underlying repositories are updated), or by providing a link to a public repository of your choosing. Note: This is likely to be the least performant of all interface options as it runs on shared infrastructure with minimal resources, but is a viable way to check the results of the tool.

Self-Hosted UI: You can also stand up a copy of the web interface on your own infrastructure. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

  2. Configure the environment:

    • Copy .env.webservice.sample to .env.
    • Update the log and cache paths in .env.
    • Specify a GitHub token; to generate one:
    • The default hostname does not need to be changed.
  3. Start the web service:

    • docker-compose build && docker-compose up
    • Works with Docker 2.2+.
  4. Access your server:

    • For the UI: open the web service in your browser (https://localhost:8080).
    • For the REST interface: see REST API instructions below.

Web Service REST

As with the web service UI, you can either use our public web service or self-host your own (see the instructions #web-service-ui). If you are using the self-hosted web service, change to point to your own service.

Interacting with the CodeShovel web service is through the following REST endpoints. Examples are provided using curl syntax for ease of testing, just adapt the values as needed.

  • GET getHistory/: Retrieves the history of a method
    • gitUrl (should end in .git)
    • sha (optional)
    • filePath
    • startLine
    • methodName
curl "${}&sha=${}&filePath=${}&startLine=${}&methodName=${}"


curl "$d71b8c93&filePath=/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/math4/dfp/"

Each entry in the history list conforms to the following schema:

interface Change {
    type: string;
    commitMessage: string;
    commitDate: string;
    commitName: string; // SHA
    commitAuthor: string;
    commitDateOld?: string;
    commitNameOld?: string;
    commitAuthorOld?: string;
    daysBetweenCommits?: number;
    commitsBetweenForRepo?: number;
    commitsBetweenForFile?: number;
    diff: string;
    extendedDetails?: {[key: string]: any}

For convenience, we also provide endpoints for listing files and methods within the repository:

  • GET listFiles/: Retrieves the list of files in a repo at a SHA
    • gitUrl should end in .git
    • sha (optional)
curl "${}&sha=${}"


curl "$d71b8c93"

Every file in the repository is included in the returned list of strings. These can then be passed to listMethods to find the methods in any given file.

  • GET listMethods/: Retrieves the list of methods for a file at a SHA
    • gitUrl should end in .git
    • sha (optional)
    • filePath
curl "${}&sha=${}&filePath=${}"


curl "$d71b8c93&filePath=/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/math4/dfp/"

Each entry in the returned list describes a method conforming to the following schema:

interface Method {
    methodName: string; // Name of method
    longName: string; // Method prototype
    startLine: number;
    isStatic: boolean;
    isAbstract: boolean;
    visibility: "" | "public" | "private" | "protected";

Command Line

In order to run from the command line CodeShovel for a local repository, you can clone the repo, build the tool, and then call it on the command line.

  1. Clone the repo:
  1. Switch to the appropriate branch:
  • cd codeshovel; git checkout webservice-repair
  1. Build the code:
  • mvn -DskipTests=true package
  • Works with mvn version 3.3+.
  1. Call the code:
  • java -jar target/codeshovel-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar OPTIONS
  • Works with Java version 8+.

OPTIONS are defined as follows:

 -filepath <arg>      Path to the file containing the method (required) 
 -methodname <arg>    Method name (required)
 -outfile <arg>       Output path (optional: defaults to current working directory)
 -reponame <arg>      Name of the repository (optional: defaults to the path name) 
 -repopath <arg>      Path to a local copy of the git repository (required)
 -startcommit <arg>   Hash of the commit to begin with backwards history traversal (optional: default is HEAD) 
 -startline <arg>     Start line of the method (required: differentiates between overloaded methods)

Minimal example (assumes checkstyle is checked out in ~/tmp/checkstyle/ and you are in codeshovel/):

java -jar target/codeshovel-0.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
	-repopath ~/tmp/checkstyle \
	-filepath src/main/java/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/ \
	-methodname fireErrors \
	-startline 401 \ 
	-outfile results.json

Code Shovel Development

While the vast majority of users will use the Web Service UI, Web Service REST, or Command Line interfaces, if you want to build CodeShovel yourself (for instance if you are doing development), you can follow the Development instructions.


Git history navigation for dedicated methods, across all kinds of changes incl. complex refactorings.







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