Some useful scripts to sysadmins/dbas.
Read INSTALL to install toolkit.
- sys-genpass
- sys-nton
- sys-pubip
- sys-align
- sys-ascii
- sys-easyhosts
- sys-ipton
- sys-lock-run
- sys-logtail
- sys-swap
- sys-repeat
- sys-daemon
- sys-checkport
- sys-murmur3
- sys-needrestart
- sys-numa-maps
- sys-sift
- sys-stalk
- sys-summary
- sys-glusterfs-rm
- sys-glusterfs-gfidpath
- sys-google-totp
- sys-traffic-capture
- sys-diskstats
- sys-http-code
- sys-http-stat
- sys-rmcolor
- sys-kill-close-wait
- sys-unmap-file
- sys-mapstat-file
- sys-memory-maps
- sys-memcached-check
- sys-memcached-capture
- sys-mysql-summary
- sys-mysql-kill-blocked-thread
- sys-mysql-kill-long-query
- sys-mysql-block-account
- sys-mysql-health
- sys-mysql-createdb
- sys-mysql-pitr
- sys-mysql-purge-binlog
- sys-mysql-qps
- sys-mysql-repl
- sys-mysql-report
- sys-mysql-sql-reject
- sys-mysql-diff
- sys-mysql-search
- sys-mysql-switchdb
- License
type: perl
Generate complex random passwords.
$ ./sys-genpass
help message: ./sys-genpass --help
type: perl
Convert specified number to binary/octal/decimal/hexadecimal format.
$ ./sys-nton -n 0b1111
bin: 0b1111
oct: 017
dec: 15
hex: 0x0F
$ ./sys-nton -n 017
bin: 0b1111
oct: 017
dec: 15
hex: 0x0F
$ ./sys-nton -n 15
bin: 0b1111
oct: 017
dec: 15
hex: 0x0F
$ ./sys-nton -n 0x0F
bin: 0b1111
oct: 017
dec: 15
hex: 0x0F
help message: ./sys-nton --help
type: shell
Get my public ip address by curl command.
$ ./sys-pubip
Get public ip address:
Can be used without args, return error if execute 5 seconds.
type: perl
Display ascii table, output is the same as the command man 7 ascii
$ ./sys-ascii
The following table contains the 128 ASCII characters.
C program '\X' escapes are noted.
Oct Dec Hex Char Oct Dec Hex Char
000 0 00 NUL '\0' 100 64 40 @
001 1 01 SOH (start of heading) 101 65 41 A
002 2 02 STX (start of text) 102 66 42 B
003 3 03 ETX (end of text) 103 67 43 C
004 4 04 EOT (end of transmission) 104 68 44 D
005 5 05 ENQ (enquiry) 105 69 45 E
006 6 06 ACK (acknowledge) 106 70 46 F
007 7 07 BEL '\a' (bell) 107 71 47 G
010 8 08 BS '\b' (backspace) 110 72 48 H
011 9 09 HT '\t' (horizontal tab) 111 73 49 I
012 10 0A LF '\n' (new line) 112 74 4A J
013 11 0B VT '\v' (vertical tab) 113 75 4B K
Can be used without args.
type: perl
Get MySQL summary info.
perl-TermReadKey (if enable askpass option)
$ ./sys-mysql-summary --host --port 19681 --user=root --askpass
Enter password :
version 5.6.15-rel63.0-log
server_id 101
has_gtid 1
binlog_enable 1
total_size 129.92MB
binlog_format STATEMENT
max_packet 4MB
read_only 0
is_slave Yes
repl_check OK
help message: $ ./sys-mysql-summary --help
type: perl
check a host port is wether opened or not
$ ./sys-checkport -h -p 22
port 22: open
$ ./sys-checkport -h -p 22 -v
port 22: open
source info
$ ./perl sys-checkport -h -p 2000
port 2000: closed
$ ./sys-checkport -h -p 2000 -u
port 2000: open | filtered -- udp port has no response
help message: $ ./sys-checkport --help
type: perl
check memcached whether is alive or not
set/get a memcached key to check memcached whether is alive or not, this can check a memcached even it's hang or timeout.
./sys-memcached-check -h -p 11211
memcached check ok!
./sys-memcached-check -6 -h fe80::222:19ff:fe54:33c5%em1 -p 11211
memcached fe80::222:19ff:fe54:33c5%em1:11211 check ok!
help message: $ ./sys-memcached-check --help
type: perl
perl-TermReadKey (if enable askpass option)
kill the mysql blocking thread id if blocking times great than threthold(default is 10 times).
$ ./sys-mysql-killblockthread -h -P 3306 -u root --askpass -v -k
Enter password :
connect to, 3306, root, xxxxxxxx ...
no thread_id blocking.
sys-mysql-killblockthread -h -P 3306 -u root --askpass -v
Enter password :
connect to, 3306, root, xxxxxxxx ...
waiting_thread_id: 4
waiting_query: delete from t1 where a = 1
waiting_time: 5
blocking_thread_id: 18
blocking_query: null
kill 100123 ok.
kill 100251 ok.
help message: $ ./sys-mysql-killblockthread --help
type: perl
perl-TermReadKey (if enable askpass option)
kill the mysql long query's thread if query time greater than specified time value;
note: This script will kill running sql, some update/select statements will be killed, connection db is null , state in 'Binlog Dump', 'Connect' and 'Sleep' is ignored.
$ ./sys-mysql-killlongquery -h -u root --askpass -v -k -t 5
Enter password :
connect to, 3306, root, xxxxxxxx ...
[INFO] thread: 92, user: [email protected]:45775, db: test, state: User sleep, time: 5, query: select sleep(15)
kill 92 ok
help message: $ ./sys-mysql-killlongquery --help
type: perl
Transformation of ipv4 to/from number.
$ ./sys-ipton
either ipv4 or number should be specified.
$ ./sys-ipton -i
ipv4 convert to : 2130706433
$ ./sys-ipton -n 2130706433
2130706433 convert to:
$ ./sys-ipton -i -n 2130706685
both ipv4 address and number is not allowed
help message: Usage: ./sys-ipton --help
type: perl
block or release MySQL user account to disable/enable them login.
perl-TermReadKey (if enable askpass option)
The connect user must have create user or super privileges, the blocked account can't login when this script reverse account password.
If use kill option, the process relatate to the account will be killed.
this will set sql_log_bin off if you enable queit option, this can be useful when you don't want the password changed replicate to slave.
block account with dry-run:
$ ./sys-mysql-block-account --host --user=root --askpass --account_user='spider' --account_host='10.0.15.%' --verbose --block --kill --dry-run
Enter password :
connect to, 3306, root, xxxxxxxx ...
[dry-run] KILL thread 3867 for [email protected]
[dry-run] SET PASSWORD FOR [email protected].% = 19E32FB52598AF5B642ACEB857CFC344F27D1664*
block account:
$ ./sys-mysql-block-account --host --user=root --askpass --account_user='spider' --account_host='10.0.15.%' --verbose --block --kill
Enter password :
connect to, 3306, root, xxxxxxxx ...
kill 1 connections for [email protected]
SET PASSWORD FOR [email protected].% ok
Then the spider user password was reversed in MySQL:
| Grants for [email protected].% |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'spider'@'10.0.15.%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*9E32FB52598AF5B642ACEB857CFC344F27D166D3' |
| GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `spider`.* TO 'spider'@'10.0.15.%' |
re-execute block, the following message occured:
[block] [email protected].% already blocked
$ ./sys-mysql-block-account --host --user=root --askpass --account_user='spider' --account_host='10.0.15.%' --verbose --release --kill
Enter password :
connect to, 3306, root, xxxxxxxx ...
SET PASSWORD FOR [email protected].% ok
spider user password is normal:
| Grants for [email protected].% |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'spider'@'10.0.15.%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*4661D72F443CFC758BECA246B5FA89525BF23E91' |
| GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `spider`.* TO 'spider'@'10.0.15.%' |
help message: Usage: ./sys-mysql-block-account --help
type: shell
bash script or command can only run once at any time by using flock
1. run command in session A
$ ./sys-lock-run -f /var/run/lockrun sleep 20
2. run command in session B
# ./sys-lock-run -f /var/run/lockrun sleep 20
2016_03_23_12_44_13 [warn] Only once can run at one time - sleep 20
note: as use flock, this tool will create lock file in /tmp dirs and delete lock file when exit.
type: shell
execute one command repeatedly until it failure.
$ ./sys-repeat ls -hl sys-checkport
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1.9K Feb 29 17:10 sys-checkport
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1.9K Feb 29 17:10 sys-checkport
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1.9K Feb 29 17:10 sys-checkport
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1.9K Feb 29 17:10 sys-checkport
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1.9K Feb 29 17:10 sys-checkport
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1.9K Feb 29 17:10 sys-checkport
help message: ./sys-repeat command ...
type: perl
create mysql database with account user.
Connect user should be have create, create user, grant option and show databases privileges.
perl-TermReadKey (if enable askpass option)
Check replication rule:
$ perl sys-mysql-createdb --host --user root --database mysql --askpass --createdb=test3 --account-user=user_test1 --account-host='10.0.21.%'
Enter password :
The mysql is in the Binlog_Ignore_DB: mysql,test,information_schema,performance_schema
maybe missing the slave update. specify the option --database value that is not in Binlog_Ignore_DB list
+-- database list:
Check user login privileges, grant maybe skip when login user has no privileges, default value of account-pass is random charaters
$ perl sys-mysql-createdb --host --user root --database test1 --askpass --createdb=test3 --account-user=user_test1 --account-host='10.0.21.%' --priv="select, insert" --verbose
Enter password :
connect to, 3306, root, xxxxxxxx ...
SQL: create database if not exists test3
SQL: CREATE USER user_test1@'10.0.21.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'XmhdGEZZ1KN{_fW0g3U}'
GRANT select, insert ON test3.* TO user_test1@'10.0.21.%'
[WARN] login user [email protected] has no Grant_priv, skip ..
+-- Execute manually: GRANT select, insert ON test3.* TO user_test1@'10.0.21.%'
create database and user:
port: 3306
db : test3
user: user_test1
pass: XmhdGEZZ1KN{_fW0g3U}
Create database and user ok.
$ perl sys-mysql-createdb --host --user root --database test1 --askpass --createdb=test3 --account-user=user_test1 --account-host='10.0.21.%' --priv="select, insert" --verbose
Enter password :
connect to, 3306, root, xxxxxxxx ...
SQL: create database if not exists test3
SQL: CREATE USER user_test1@'10.0.21.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'VyhQWQCeaKxZJrroeNVP'
GRANT select, insert ON test3.* TO user_test1@'10.0.21.%'
create database and user:
port: 3306
db : test3
user: user_test1
pass: VyhQWQCeaKxZJrroeNVP
The user [email protected].% connect ok
$ perl sys-mysql-createdb --host --user root --database test1 --askpass --createdb=test3 --account-user=user_test1 --account-host='10.0.21.%' --priv="select, insert" --verbose
Enter password :
Already exist database: test3
help message: perl sys-mysql-createdb --help
type: perl
Get MySQL status, qps and conn
perl-TermReadKey (if enable askpass option)
$ ./perl sys-mysql-qps -h -u root -P 3306 --askpass -i 1
Enter password :
| -- QPS -- | -- Innodb Rows Status -- | -- Threads -- | -- Bytes --
addr time | ins upd del sel qps | ins upd del read | run conn cre | recv send 16:47:28 | 0 110 0 891 1120 | 0 0 2 0 | 1 0 0 | 132044 bytes 2078183 bytes 16:47:29 | 0 131 0 956 1244 | 0 0 0 0 | 4 1 0 | 144377 bytes 2226475 bytes 16:47:30 | 0 142 0 996 1273 | 0 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 143185 bytes 2302739 bytes 16:47:31 | 0 135 0 907 1179 | 0 0 1 0 | 0 0 0 | 134619 bytes 2241287 bytes 16:47:32 | 0 133 0 952 1223 | 0 0 0 0 | 0 642 0 | 141494 bytes 2133514 bytes 16:47:33 | 0 140 0 935 1208 | 0 0 0 0 | 0 2 0 | 131543 bytes 1962872 bytes 16:47:34 | 0 133 0 1043 1318 | 0 0 1 0 | 0 1 0 | 153238 bytes 2253878 bytes 16:47:35 | 0 147 0 967 1238 | 0 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 129724 bytes 2026643 bytes 16:47:36 | 0 117 0 833 1056 | 0 0 1 0 | 1 0 0 | 121172 bytes 1974676 bytes
help message: perl sys-mysql-qps --help
type: shell
See the memory mapping of a process
$ ./sys-memory-maps 25005
share = 100164 Kbytes
private = 39332 Kbytes
total = 139496 Kbytes ( 71.80 % shareable)
help message: sys-memory-maps pid
type: c
A simple tool to sniffer MySQL query and send RST to source ip and port if you want to disable the sql execute.
This tool is similar to iptables which has the string option to match the data in tcp packages.
sys-mysql-sql-reject is fork from snapper:
# gcc -g -Wall -o sys-mysql-sql-reject -lpcap sys-mysql-sql-reject.c
in session A, MySQL Server will send RST mark to client when you execute the sql "select user,host from mysql.user"
./sys-mysql-sql-reject em1 "tcp dst port 3306" "select user,host from mysql.user"
snapper - based on Sniffer example using libpcap
extended by Varun Singh / Copyright (c) 2005 The Tcpdump Group
NET: a03fe00 CMASK: ffffff00
Device: em1
Filter expression: tcp dst port 3306
MySQL query filter: select user,host from mysql.user
P107: -> TCP 64722 -> 3306 query: desc tm
P108: -> TCP 64722 -> 3306
P109: -> TCP 64722 -> 3306 query: delete from tm where a = 'hah'
P110: -> TCP 64722 -> 3306
P111: -> TCP 64722 -> 3306 query: select user,host from mysql.user
P112: -> TCP 64722 -> 3306
in session B:
mysql> desc tm;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| a | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)
mysql> delete from tm where a = 'hah';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select user,host from mysql.user;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
help message:
Usage: sys-mysql-sql-reject [interface] [tcp_filter] [sql_filter]
interface Listen on <interface> for packets.
tcp_filter PCAP Filter to apply on packets.
sql_filter MySQL query to match on packets
type: perl
see the local device disk status
read more from kernel Documentation/iostats.txt
$ ./sys-diskstats -d sda3 -i 5
iops rs rs_mer ws ws_mer rs_kB ws_kB e_iot e_iot_w r_t w_t
19:32:36 98.00 0.00 0.00 98.00 0.40 0.00 574.20 6.60 ms 6.60 ms 0.00 ms 6.60 ms
19:32:41 331.40 0.00 0.00 331.40 0.00 0.00 9550.20 19.20 ms 33.00 ms 0.00 ms 33.00 ms
19:32:46 90.60 0.00 0.00 90.60 0.80 0.00 570.20 3.00 ms 3.00 ms 0.00 ms 3.20 ms
19:32:51 125.80 0.00 0.00 125.80 0.00 0.00 3263.80 5.20 ms 14.20 ms 0.00 ms 14.20 ms
19:32:56 93.20 0.00 0.00 93.20 0.00 0.00 533.00 3.80 ms 3.80 ms 0.00 ms 3.80 ms
19:33:01 296.40 0.00 0.00 296.40 0.00 0.00 9362.20 15.80 ms 22.60 ms 0.00 ms 22.60 ms
help message: ./sys-diskstats -h
item list:
iops => io operations per second
rs => disk reads per second
rs_mer => disk read merged per second
ws => disk write per second
ws_mer => disk write merged per second
rs_kB => disk kBytes read per second
ws_kB => disk kBytes write per second
e_iot => disk io time in ms
e_iot_w => disk io time weighted
r_t => disk read time in ms
w_t => disk write time in ms
type: perl
Explains the meaning of an HTTP status code.
$ ./sys-http-code -c 100
Status code: 100
Message: Continue
Code explanation: Request received, please continue
$ ./sys-http-code -c 10x
Status code: 100
Message: Continue
Code explanation: Request received, please continue
Status code: 101
Message: Switching Protocols
Code explanation: Switching to new protocol; obey Upgrade header
Status code: 102
Message: Processing
Code explanation: WebDAV; RFC 2518, Server has received and is processing the request.
Status code: 103
Message: Processing
Code explanation: Server has received and is processing the request.
$ ./sys-http-code -c all
Status code: 100
Message: Continue
Code explanation: Request received, please continue
Status code: 101
Message: Switching Protocols
Code explanation: Switching to new protocol; obey Upgrade header
Status code: 599
Message: Network connect timeout error
Code explanation: Network connect timeout behind the proxy.
help message: ./sys-http-code -h
type: perl
managing your /etc/hosts file.
$ sys-easyhosts -m list
localhost => (on)
localhost => ::1 (on)
localhost.localdomain => (on)
localhost.localdomain => ::1 (on)
localhost4 => (on)
localhost4.localdomain4 => (on)
localhost6 => ::1 (on)
localhost6.localdomain6 => ::1 (on)
# check domain
$ sys-easyhosts -m has not found in hosts file
# add domain
$ sys-easyhosts -m add
ok - [add]
# new list in /etc/hosts
$ cat /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost4.localdomain4 localhost4 localhost
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost
# disable doamain list
$ sys-easyhosts -m off
ok - [off]
$ cat /etc/hosts localhost4.localdomain4 localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost
use --help
option for more usage message, ipv4 and ipv6 are both support.
mode must set list, fix, add, aff, on, off, del, has
. and the domain value is $ARGV[0]
(, ip value is $ARGV[1]
(, all mode support dryrun
that only print result, don't change hosts file.
type: perl
kill the tcp close_wait state connections without restart server program.
$ netstat -tulnap|grep CLOSE | grep ''
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: ::ffff: CLOSE_WAIT 2681/./audit_server
$ ./sys-kill-close-wait --src_host --src_port 55365 --dst_host --dst_port 7200
kill close_wait connection =>
send ack ok!
help message: ./sys-kill-close-wait -h
type: shell
capture interface packets when traffic greater than a value
capture when interface em1's in traffic greater than 1000000 bytes
$ bash sys-traffic-capture em1 in 1000000
2016_10_22_11_21_19 [info] capture em1 300000 packets into em1-2016_10_22_11_21_15.pcap
type: shell
get curl statistics made simple.
fork from with no bc command need.
get url statistics
sys-http-stat -k
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2017 10:04:57 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Link: <>; rel=""
website ip address:
Body stored in: /tmp/httpstat-body.6525266621486375037
DNS Lookup TCP Connection SSL Handshake Server Processing Content Transfer
[ 4ms | 233ms | 620ms | 2322ms | 233ms ]
| | | | |
namelookup:4ms | | | |
connect:237ms | | |
pretransfer:857ms | |
starttransfer:3179ms |
speed_download 7440.4 KiB, speed_upload 0.0 KiB
type: perl
compare MySQL database schema and privilege at different time. inspired by
mysql root@[localhost:s3306 test] > drop table table_add;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
# perl sys-mysql-diff -h -P 3306 -u root --askpass -d test
Enter password :
DROP TABLE `table_add`;
mysql root@[localhost:s3306 test] > CREATE TABLE `table_add` (
`name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`source` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
KEY `idx_cretime` (`create_time`)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
#perl sys-mysql-diff -h -P 3306 -u root --askpass -d test
Enter password :
CREATE TABLE table_add (
name varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
source tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
create_time datetime DEFAULT NULL,
type tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
KEY idx_cretime (create_time)
mysql root@[localhost:s3306 test] > alter table table_add add column descrips varchar(100) not null default '';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql root@[localhost:s3306 test] > alter table table_add add key idx_source(`source`);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
# perl sys-mysql-diff -h -P 3306 -u root --askpass -d test
Enter password :
ALTER TABLE `table_add` ADD COLUMN `descrips` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `table_add` ADD INDEX `idx_source` (`source`);
mysql root@[localhost:s3306 test] > alter table table_add drop key idx_source;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql root@[localhost:s3306 test] > alter table table_add drop column descrips;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
# perl sys-mysql-diff -h -P 3306 -u root --askpass -d test
Enter password :
ALTER TABLE `table_add` DROP COLUMN `descrips`;
ALTER TABLE `table_add` DROP INDEX `idx_source`;
mysql root@[localhost:s3301 test] > set global wait_timeout = 1000;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql root@[localhost:s3301 test] > revoke all on test.* from user_test@`10.3.254.%`;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
# perl sys-mysql-diff -h -P 3301 -u root --askpass -d test -t -r
Enter password :
SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 1000;
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON test.* FROM 'user_test'@'10.0.21.%';
mysql root@[localhost:s3301 test] > set password for user_test@`10.0.21.%` = password('xxxxxx');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql root@[localhost:s3301 test] > revoke select on test.* from user_test@`10.0.21.%`;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
# perl sys-mysql-diff -h -P 3301 -u root --askpass -d test -t -r
Enter password :
SET PASSWORD FOR 'user_test'@'10.0.21.%' = '*4661D72F443CFC758BECA246B5FA89525BF23E91';
REVOKE SELECT ON test.* FROM 'user_test'@'10.0.21.%';
help message: perl sys-mysql-diff --help
type: shell
remove glusterfs file
switch to glusterfs volum dir before you remove a file
$ sys-glusterfs-rm slave_info.log
Would remove the following
rm: remove regular file `.glusterfs/9f/88/9f880673-f47f-458c-b0a5-46316f9377b0'? y
rm: remove regular file `slave_info.log'? y
help message: sys-glusterfs-rm --help
type: shell
turns a GFID into a real file path.
$ sys-glusterfs-gfidpath /export/gfs_brick/dl_resource 9f880673-f47f-458c-b0a5-46316f9377b0
9f880673-f47f-458c-b0a5-46316f9377b0 == File: /export/gfs_brick/dl_resource/.trashcan/archive/Qtest.qmlc.zip_2022-11-24_040445_+0000
type: perl
run script with daemonize way.
while(true); do
F=$(date +%s.%N)
echo $F
sleep 1
run with sys-daemon:
./sys-daemon -p /tmp/ -o /tmp/tt.log /tmp/
perl sys-daemon -p /tmp/ -o /tmp/tt.log /tmp/
Overwritting PID file /tmp/ because PID 5705 is not running.
# ps -ef|grep | grep -v 'grep'
root 5705 1 0 19:31 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash /tmp/
use help option to read more.
type: perl
remove color and control code from text file.
# read from STDIN and print to STDOUT if --file is not set
$ cat color-file | sys-rmcolor
$ sys-rmcolor -f color-file -d rmcolor-file
use help option to read more.
type: perl
get google Authentication which used the Time-based One-time password Algorithm.
# ./sys-google-totp --secret FNENMTM3BTB42EKM
totp message:
494065 (9 second(s) remaining)
use help option to read more.
type: shell
simple swap setup script for Linux
# sys-swap 8G /web/swap/swapfile
step 1. dd /web/swap/swapfile with bs: 4096 and count: 2097152
2097152+0 records in
2097152+0 records out
8589934592 bytes (8.6 GB) copied, 66.3824 s, 129 MB/s
step 2. mkswap file /web/swap/swapfile
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 8388604 KiB
no label, UUID=34ebfcf2-9d88-4326-8e16-a48aec26e1f1
step 3. chmod file /web/swap/swapfile to 0600
step 4. swapon file /web/swap/swapfile
step 5. add swap info to fstab
/web/swap/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0
Done! You now have a 8 swap file at /web/swap/swapfile
show the help message with no argument.
type: perl
search mysql metadata info with REGEXP
syntax, include database name, table name, column name, variable or status.
# sys-mysql-search -h -P 3301 -u root --askpass -s '.*count|test' -m t
Enter password :
SCHEMA: graph, TABLE: endpoint_counter, BASE TYPE: BASE TABLE
you can use SQL regexp
in --search
option. use the help option to read more.
type: perl
switch two database name and rename all tables.
need: Config::Tiny
create config file, eg:
instance=, # comma split
check switch:
# sys-mysql-switchdb --conf switch.cnf --suffix _bak
[2024-01-29 15:11:43] [verbose] need switch: - t_5100 -> t_5100_bak
[2024-01-29 15:11:43] -------------------------------------------
[2024-01-29 15:11:43] [verbose] need switch: - percona -> percona_bak
[2024-01-29 15:11:43] -------------------------------------------
check and force switch db name:
# sys-mysql-switchdb --conf switch.cnf --suffix _bak --switch --force
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [verbose] need switch: - t_5100 -> t_5100_bak
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] create database t_5100_temp ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE t_5100.usert TO t_5100_temp.usert ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE t_5100.usert2 TO t_5100_temp.usert2 ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE t_5100.usert3 TO t_5100_temp.usert3 ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE t_5100.usert4 TO t_5100_temp.usert4 ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] switch t_5100 to t_5100_temp ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE t_5100_bak.usert TO t_5100.usert ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE t_5100_bak.usert2 TO t_5100.usert2 ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] switch t_5100_bak to t_5100 ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE t_5100_temp.usert TO t_5100_bak.usert ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE t_5100_temp.usert2 TO t_5100_bak.usert2 ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE t_5100_temp.usert3 TO t_5100_bak.usert3 ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE t_5100_temp.usert4 TO t_5100_bak.usert4 ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] switch t_5100_temp to t_5100_bak ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] drop database t_5100_temp ok.
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] switch from t_5100 to t_5100_bak ok!
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] switch: - t_5100 -> t_5100_bak ok.
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] -------------------------------------------
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [verbose] need switch: - percona -> percona_bak
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] create database percona_temp ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE percona.user TO percona_temp.user ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] switch percona to percona_temp ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE percona_bak.user TO percona.user ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] switch percona_bak to percona ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] RENAME TABLE percona_temp.user TO percona_bak.user ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] switch percona_temp to percona_bak ok
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] drop database percona_temp ok.
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] switch from percona to percona_bak ok!
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] switch: - percona -> percona_bak ok.
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] -------------------------------------------
[2024-01-29 15:11:52] [ok] switch all instances ok.
type: perl
murmur Murmur3 32bit hash calculate. read more from murmurHash
# sys-murmur3 -s "hello world"
use help option to read more.
type: perl
A simple tool for discover MySQL replication topology, also support master-master topology.
can get the master, slave status, common info(server_id, binlog, filter ...) and check repl health, but cann't get replication info if the master and slave have different port and give the --host
option with slave value.
the --host
can be set both master and slave ip address:
perl sys-mysql-repl --host --port 3303 --user monitor --askpass
Enter password :
version 5.5.36-34.1-rel34.1-log
server_id 68839
has_gtid Not Support
tx_isolation REPEATABLE-READ
binlog_enable 1
filter binlog_ignore_db: information_schema,mysql,performance_schema,test;
binlog_format ROW
max_packet 32MB
read_only 0
version 5.5.36-34.1-rel34.1-log
server_id 462055
has_gtid Not Support
tx_isolation REPEATABLE-READ
binlog_enable 1
filter replicate_ignore_db: information_schema,mysql,performance_schema,test;
binlog_format ROW
max_packet 32MB
read_only 1
repl_check OK
use help option to read more.
type: Bash
Report MySQL information nicely. fork from pt-mysql-summary 3.4.0, but add more features:
1. add database size section, sort by database size;
2. add innodb wait count section, response to innodb blocked blocker;
3. add innodb longest trx section, to get longest trx sql info;
4. add innodb blocked blocker section, to get blocked sql info;
5. record mysql open tables info;
# get report and save samples to /tmp/save_3396_1
$ sys-mysql-report --save-samples /tmp/save_3396_1 --host --port 3396 --user root --ask-pass
# details report file
$ ls /tmp/save_3396_1
collect.err innodb-status mysql-data-size mysql-master-logs mysql-plugins mysql-slave mysql-status-defer ndb-status
innodb-blocked-blocker mysql-config-file mysqld-executables mysql-master-status mysql-processlist mysql-slave-hosts mysql-users
innodb-longest-trx mysql-databases mysqld-instances mysql-open-tables mysql-roles mysql-status mysql-variables
# read samples from /tmp/save_3396_1 and get the report
$ sys-mysql-report --read-samples /tmp/save_3396_1 --host --port 3396 --user root --ask-pass
use help option to read more.
type: perl
check the mysql health, this is forked from MySQLTunner-perl, read more from mysql_health.
use help option to read more.
type: shell
Read the log file from last checkpoint, it's useful when analsis log file with a incrementally way.
$ echo 1 >/tmp/t.log
$ sys-logtail -f /tmp/t.log
$ echo 2 >>/tmp/t.log
$ sys-logtail -f /tmp/t.log
use --help
option for more usage message.
type: perl
report the numa information about running processes.
# ./sys-numa-maps -p 31647
N0 : 597833 ( 2.28GB)
N1 : 581409 ( 2.22GB)
active : 1864 ( 7.28MB)
anon : 1176537 ( 4.49GB)
dirty : 1176537 ( 4.49GB)
kernelpagesize_kB : 1740 ( 6.80MB)
mapmax : 638 ( 2.49MB)
mapped : 2804 ( 10.95MB)
read more from kernel-doc/Documentation/vm/numa_memory_policy.txt
, and use --help option to read usage message.
type: shell
capture memcached traffic and parsed to get item list.
$ sys-memcached-capture -p 11212 -i eth0 -e 'src'
- start tcpdump ...
- use 'Crtl+c' to stop!
tcpdump: listening on any, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked), capture size 65535 bytes
^C5 packets captured
10 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
- SIGINT received, kill tcpdum...
- parse the traffic file /tmp/2018_12_11_12_07_22-11212-memcached.pcap...
2018-12-10 12:02:58.950259 - get tags
2018-12-10 12:03:04.910211 - set msg 0 0 3
2018-12-10 12:03:10.103213 - get msg
2018-12-10 12:03:13.430215 - delete msg
is optional, use -h
option for more usage message.
type: perl
aligns output from other tools to columns.
# vmstat | tail -2
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
0 0 0 5588044 0 2459224 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
# vmstat | tail -2 | sys-align
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
1 0 0 5585928 0 2459304 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
use --help
option for more usage message.
type: Bash
Browses files created by sys-stalk.
fork from pt-sift. but add the following features:
1. remove all about MySQL summary info;
2. add report on tcpdump, tcprstat, perf, disk io, httpstat, netstat.. etc;
3. remove the pt-pmap, pt-diskstats ... dependencies;
use --help option for more usage message.
type: Bash
Collect forensic data about system when problems occur.
fork from pt-stalk. but add the following features:
1. remove all about MySQL summary info;
2. add tcpdump, tcprstat, numactl, ss ... commands;
3. add perf support;
use --help option for more usage message.
type: Bash
Summarize system information nicely.
fork from pt-summary, but add the following features:
1. fix the file command read symblinks file error;
2. ignore /lib/ error when load snoopy library;
3. fix fio-status output parse error;
4. fix partition error when sort and join doesn't match;
5. fix process list parse error;
6. add Centos7/RHEL7 support when parse free command output;
7. MegaCli support MegaCli and MegaCli64;
8. add zpool/zfs report;
9. fix top command output;
use --help option for more usage message.
type: Perl
recover mysql based on PITR(point in time recover).
only support
mysqldump + binlog
$ sys-mysql-pitr --conf /etc/wt-pitr.conf --sql /tmp/backup-20230413171112.sql.lz4 --stoptime '2023-04-13 17:14:01' --update --full
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [--] the file /tmp/backup-20230413171112.sql.lz4 maybe in compress..
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [--] try to decompress /tmp/backup-20230413171112.sql.lz4
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [OK] decompress /tmp/backup-20230413171112.sql.lz4 ok
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [--] get server_id:3476804, log_file:mysql-bin.000033, at_pos:7921, end_pos:7986
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [--] get mysql-bin.000033: 7921(230413 17:12:17)
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [--] pitr-instance disabled gtid, will add --skip-gtids option
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [OK] generate increment sql /export/mysql_pitr/
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [OK] general increment ok, 7921(230413 17:12:17) ~ 2023-04-13 17:14:01
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [--] will import the /tmp/backup-20230413171112.sql or /export/mysql_pitr/
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [^^] [warn] different mysql version in binlog-dump[5.7.28-31-log] and pitr-instance[5.7.35-38-log]
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [^^] [warn] be aware of the potential risks
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [--] not set --database option, used with --full option
2023-04-13T17:16:08 [--] begining full backup recover - /tmp/backup-20230413171112.sql
2023-04-13T17:16:42 [OK] mysql full backup recover /tmp/backup-20230413171112.sql ok
2023-04-13T17:16:42 [--] begining increment backup recover - /export/mysql_pitr/
2023-04-13T17:16:42 [OK] mysql binlog dump recover /export/mysql_pitr/ ok
2023-04-13T17:16:42 [OK] pitr recover ok, from mysql-bin.000033:7921(230413 17:12:17) to (2023-04-13 17:14:01)
use --help
for more message.
type: Perl
purge MySQL binary logs, you can retain binlog files by count or hours type. the option retain
is integer value, default is 5, it retain number files if type
is count, retain about number hours files if type
is hour.
the connect user must have super
, process
, replication_client
privileges. option --host
can be set both master and slave ip address, --host
and --port
option must be slave info if master and slave have different port:
$ sys-mysql-purge-binlog --host --port 3301 --user monitor --askpass --purge --type count --retain 2
Enter password :
2019-05-09T18:43:11 [purge check] mysql replication status:
version 5.6.38-83.0-log
server_id 1379557
has_gtid 0
binlog_enable 1
tx_isolation REPEATABLE-READ
binlog_format MIXED
charset utf8
max_packet 1024MB
read_only 0
version 5.6.38-83.0-log
server_id 1445093
has_gtid 0
binlog_enable 1
tx_isolation REPEATABLE-READ
binlog_format MIXED
relay_master_file mysql-bin.000083
relay_behind_second 0
charset utf8
max_packet 1024MB
read_only 0
repl_check OK
2019-05-09T18:43:11 retain 2 binary logs is approximate to purge before mysql-bin.000081
2019-05-09T18:43:11 purge binary logs to mysql-bin.000081 ok!
$ sys-mysql-purge-binlog --host --port 3301 --user monitor --askpass --purge --type hour --retain 3
Enter password :
2019-05-09T18:43:25 [purge check] mysql replication status:
version 5.6.38-83.0-log
server_id 1379557
has_gtid 0
binlog_enable 1
tx_isolation REPEATABLE-READ
binlog_format MIXED
charset utf8
max_packet 1024MB
read_only 0
version 5.6.38-83.0-log
server_id 1445093
has_gtid 0
binlog_enable 1
tx_isolation REPEATABLE-READ
binlog_format MIXED
relay_master_file mysql-bin.000083
relay_behind_second 0
charset utf8
max_packet 1024MB
read_only 0
repl_check OK
2019-05-09T18:43:25 master generate 0 binlog files at per hours
use --help
option for more usage message.
type: c
unmap a file from file system cache, read more from unmap_mysql_logs.
$ free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 64216 22761 3188 3210 38266 37630
$ sys-unmap-file -f /var/lib/mysql/data/mysql-bin.000087 -n 90 -s
$ free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 64216 22760 3937 3210 37518 37631
use -h
option to read more usage.
type: c
get cache statistics for a file. read more from nocache.
$ sys-mapstat-file -f MySQL-Linux.x86_64.ssl101.tar.gz
page in cache: 16791/16791 (100.0%) [filesize=67161.5K, pagesize=4K]
use -h
option to read more usage.
type: perl
check and report the need restart services, does not support auto restart
note: only useful when Linux is running in systemd service. almost of the check method is reference from needrestart.
# sys-needrestart -p 1841
pid(1841) - [systemd-machined.service] is need restart.
# sys-needrestart
The following service should restart as it
uses deleted or non-existing binary file.
pid service
1 - systemd manager
526 - systemd-journald.service
548 - lvm2-lvmetad.service
560 - systemd-udevd.service
765 - NetworkManager.service
766 - polkit.service
772 - irqbalance.service
775 - systemd-logind.service
1082 - tuned.service
use --help
option for more usage message.