Demo DAGs for developing and testing Airflow DAGs on Google Cloud Composer.
This workflow is based on this documentation Reference
The pourpose is to allow a local execution of the simulated Composer environment in order to facilitate the development of DAGs as well as testing it's requirements.
The requirements.txt
contains all dependencies
to setup and run a local emulation of the Composer environment.
- Install some required Debian packages:
sudo apt install -yq pkg-config build-essential libmariadb-dev
- Install the Python dependencies in a virtual env:
python -m venv venv && \
source venv/bin/activate && \
pip install .
- Create a Composer local env, with the dags path:
composer-dev create dev-env \
--from-image-version composer-2.9.5-airflow-2.9.3 \
--dags-path ./dags/
- Start the environment and test your DAGs:
composer-dev start dev-env
- Export some useful environment variables:
source .env
Note: make sure you have the required configuration
in the composer/dev-env/variables.env
as well as
the composer/dev-env/airflow.cfg
files for things
such as the Sendgrid email.
After you have setup the local environment, you can test DAGs using the local Airflow web server.
Additionally, you can activate the env
python virtualenv
and run the dags for quick testing and debugging as a regular
Python program:
python dags/
You can deploy the dags using the following command:
PROD_DAGS="$(gcloud composer environments describe prod-env \
--location=us-central1 --format='get(config.dagGcsPrefix)')"
gcloud storage rsync dags $PROD_DAGS \
--exclude='.*__pycache__.*' \
--recursive \