I reworked this algorithm thanks to using the airwindows plugin "Sweeten" and realized since it generated 2nd order harmonics that might be a better way to create layers/harmonics vs the weird sin/cos stuff I managed to work with before in v2.2.1, it definitely granted me more control and was able to get the core frequency values much closer.
I would say the v3 Algorithm is pretty accurate in the low and mid freqs, but towards the highs it turns into another saturation algorithm I made in Duro Console (an old saturation plugin I made long ago) which seemed to fit pretty well. I attached the video above showing this off and the other algorithms so you can hear the differences (and the V2 algorithm is still there in case you prefer that one!).
I also tried to gain stage the outputs some so there aren't jarring bumps in volume as you change algorithms :) for my sanity
Finally - the comparison!
RBass is Green, Subhoofer v2.2.2 is red.
I understand they don't fully cancel out, but I'm very happy with the way everything sounds at the moment and encourage you to enjoy!