This project provides web interface for w3af ( and is mostly built on:
- Django (
- Celery (
The main repository for the w3af project can be found w3af project.
Install required dependences:
- w3af-console
- MySQL apt-get install python-mysqldb mysql-server-5.1
- lxml apt-get install python-lxml
- django_extensions easy_install django-extensions
- south easy_install south
- ghettoq easy_install ghettoq
- celery easy_install celery
- djcelery easy_install django-celery
- djkombu easy_install django-kombu
- django Download version 1.4 from
- cronex Download from
These commands should help you with the installation process, please run from the w3af_webui root directory (where lives):
sudo easy_install django-kombu django-celery celery ghettoq south django-extensions sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb python-lxml mysql-server-5.1 git clone git:// cd cronex cp `python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())"` cd .. sudo python install
Make database init:
mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE w3af_webui CHARACTER SET utf8; CREATE user w3af_webui@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "w3af_webui"; GRANT ALL ON w3af_webui.* TO w3af_webui@localhost; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
Dont forget to edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf:
[mysqld] ... transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED
and restart mysql:
/etc/init.d/mysql restart
To configure w3af_webui settings please edit file src/w3af_webui/
Then create local_settings simlink:
cd src/w3af_webui ln -s
Create necessary directories:
sudo mkdir /var/local/w3af_webui sudo chown USER: /var/local/w3af_webui sudo mkdir /var/log/w3af-webui/ sudo chown USER: /var/log/w3af-webui
Database schema init:
cd ../ ./ syncdb --noinput ./ migrate
Run django via runserver:
./ runserver
Run celery:
./ celeryd -l INFO -B
Open in your browser Default user is w3af_admin:w3af_admin