We uses docker to test and debug profile.
This volume mount is setup ./scripts:/root/scripts
, allowing you to test the scripts in docker.
docker compose up -d
docker exec -it computer bash
docker compose down
Running this command will attempt to install the command into any system level configuration file.
Run this command to uninstall
A test profile is available for testing a /scripts/test/profile
. Running the install command with a --debug
flat will inject the source script command into the test profile.
/downloads/scripts/install.sh --debug
Additionally, you can install different shell for testing too
apt-get update && apt-get install zsh
To clean up and reset the environment, bring down the docker container and try again
docker compose down
is not available on MacOS 10.15 or above particledecay/galaxy-asdf#1- https://askubuntu.com/a/476435
does not work onzsh
on MacOSThis implys that
is always read byzsh
at login - I haven't got any experience with the Arch Linux project; the wiki may be correct for that distribution, but it is not generally correct. The information is incorrect compared to the zsh manual pages, and doesn't seem to apply to zsh on OS X (paths in$PATH
set in/etc/profile
do not make it to my zsh sessions). -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10574684/where-to-place-path-variable-assertions-in-zsh- differences between interactive and non-inteeractive shell. We only need to care about interactive shell. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/38175/difference-between-login-shell-and-non-login-shell
- This chart illustrate how the different shell source env https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/541092
- This documentation talked about usage of /etc/zshenv for MacOS and provde recommendation for Mac SysAdmin on how configuration can be configured centrally. https://scriptingosx.com/2019/06/moving-to-zsh-part-2-configuration-files/