A small helper utility that provides basic methods for DOM manipulation. API inspired by jQuery.
- .on(event, [selector], function)
- .each(function)
- .addClass(className|array)
- .removeClass(className|array)
- .toggleClass(className|array)
- .hasClass(className)
- .closest(selector)
- .parent()
- .first()
- .last()
- .eq(index)
- .remove()
- .show()
- .hide()
- .toggle()
- .attr(name, [value])
- .removeAttr(name)
- .html([html])
- .text([text])
- .data(key, [value])
- .append(node|string)
- .prepend(node|string)
- .css(styles)
Attach an event handler function to the selected elements.
$( '#elementId' ).on( 'click', function() {
console.log( $( this ).html() );
} );
Event delegation
$( document ).on( 'click', '#elementId', function() {
console.log( $( this ).html() );
} );
Iterate over a NodeList object, executing a function for each matched Element.
$( 'li' ).each( function( element, index ) {
console.log( $( element ).html() );
} );
Adds the specified class to element.
$( '#elementId' ).addClass( 'test-class' );
Adding multiple classes.
$( '#elementId' ).addClass( [ 'one', 'two' ] );
Removes the specified class from element.
$( '#elementId' ).removeClass( 'test-class' );
Removing multiple classes.
$( '#elementId' ).removeClass( [ 'one', 'two' ] );
Add or remove class from element, depending on the class's presence.
$( '#elementId' ).toggleClass( 'test-class' );
Toggle multiple classes.
$( '#elementId' ).toggleClass( [ 'one', 'two' ] );
Determine whether any of the matched elements are assigned the given class.
if ( $( '#elementId' ).hasClass( 'test-class' ) ) {
console.log( 'yep' );
Get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.
const closestSection = $( '#elementId' ).closest( '.section' );
console.log( closestSection.html() );
Get the parent element.
const parentElement = $( '#elementId' ).parent();
console.log( parentElement.html() );
Reduce the set of matched elements to the first in the set.
$( '#navigation li' ).first().addClass( 'first' );
Reduce the set of matched elements to the final one in the set.
$( '#navigation li' ).last().addClass( 'last' );
Reduce the set of matched elements to the one at the specified index.
$( '#navigation li' ).eq( 2 ).addClass( 'third' );
Remove the set of matched elements from the DOM.
$( '.section' ).remove();
Display the matched elements.
$( '.section' ).show();
Hide the matched elements.
$( '.section' ).hide();
Display or hide the matched elements.
$( '.section' ).toggle();
Get the value of an attribute for the first element in the set of matched elements or set attribute for every matched element.
Set attribute
$( 'a' ).attr( 'href', 'https://github.com/alaca/domhelper' );
Get attribute
const href = $( 'a.latest' ).attr( 'href' );
console.log( href );
Remove an attribute from each element in the set of matched elements.
$( 'a' ).removeAttr( 'href' );
Get the HTML contents of the first element in the set of matched elements or set the HTML contents to matched elements.
Get HTML contents
const htmlContent = $( '.section' ).html();
console.log( htmlContent );
Set HTML contents
$( '.section' ).html( '<h1>Section content</h1>' );
Get the text contents of the first element in the set of matched elements or set the text content to matched elements.
Get text content
const textContent = $( '.section' ).text();
console.log( textContent );
Set text content
$( '.section' ).text( 'Section content' );
Store arbitrary data associated with the specified element or return the value that was set.
$( '.section' ).data( 'info', 'Additional info' );
Get data attribute value
const info = $( '.section' ).data( 'info' );
console.log( info );
Insert content to the end of each element in the set of matched elements.
$( '.section' ).append( ' this is appended text' );
Append node
const element = $( document.createElement( 'div' ) ).text( 'Appended element content' );
$( '.section' ).append( element );
Insert content to the beginning of each element in the set of matched elements.
$( '.section' ).prepend( ' this is prepended text' );
Prepend node
const element = $( document.createElement( 'div' ) ).text( 'Prepended element content' );
$( '.section' ).prepend( element );
Set CSS styles of each element in the set of matched elements.
$( '.section' ).css( {
color: 'red',
fontWeight: 'bold'
} );
Using string literals
const styles = `
folor: red;
font-weight: bold;
$( '.section' ).css( styles );