Zellige.js is a simple, powerful utility package designed to handle all the boring stuff—like validating CINs, phone numbers, IBANs, RIBs, and passports—specific to Morocco.
Let's face it—you’re tired of Googling how to validate a CIN, phone number, IBAN, or passport every time you start a new project. And if you're like most developers, you probably end up copying and pasting validation code from old projects or Stack Overflow, only to realize it's never quite right.
With Zellige.js, you get everything you need in one package—properly validated and tested for Morocco-specific fields. It saves you time, reduces errors, and means you don’t have to rewrite the same functions over and over again.
Why spend time reinventing the wheel when you could just install Zellige and move on to the more important tasks?
import { validateCIN } from 'zellige.js';
// Simple and intuitive API
const result = validateCIN('AB123456');
- 🔍 Advanced validation algorithms
- 🎨 Flexible formatting options
- 🏢 Region and office information extraction
- 🛡️ Built-in security features
- 📱 Support for all Moroccan carriers
- 🔄 International format conversion
- ✨ Smart formatting options
- ⚡ Carrier detection
- 🏦 Support for major Moroccan banks
- 🔢 RIB validation
- 📊 Bank information extraction
- 🔐 Secure handling
- 🛂 Moroccan passport validation
- 🔍 Series and number validation
npm install zellige.js
# or
yarn add zellige
# or
pnpm add zellige
import { formatCIN, validatePhoneNumber, getBankInfo } from 'zellige.js';
// Format a CIN
const formattedCIN = formatCIN('AB123456', {
format: 'spaced',
case: 'upper',
}); // => 'AB 123 456'
// Validate a phone number
const isValidPhone = validatePhoneNumber('+212612345678');
// Get bank information
const bankDetails = getBankInfo('007123456789012345678901');
Zellige is built with TypeScript at its core, providing:
interface CINOptions {
format: 'spaced' | 'dashed' | 'compact';
case: 'upper' | 'lower';
includeMeta?: boolean;
// All functions come with detailed type definitions
const result: CINValidationResult = validateCIN('AB123456');
We welcome contributions! Whether it's:
- 🐛 Bug fixes
- ✨ New features
- 📚 Documentation improvements
- 🧪 Additional test cases
Check out our Contributing Guide to get started.
Zellige is MIT licensed. See the LICENSE file for details.
- ✅ Comprehensive error handling
- 🔒 Input sanitization
- ⚡ Performance optimized
- 🧪 Extensive test coverage
- 📚 Detailed documentation
Built with ❤️ for the Moroccan developer community