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A python program that makes minecraft sky overlay's...

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A Program I Made That, Turns Your Chosen Image Into A Sky Overlay Pack Or Cubemap, And Exports It For Both For Java & Bedrock(Windows 10 Edition) Platforms.


  1. Supports Sky Packing For Java & Bedrock (.mcpack or .zip)
  2. You Can Overide The Sky Resolution With 'Custom Resolutions'
  3. Seperated Java, Bedrock, and Both Sky Output



The program was only compiled in windows 10 and may not work in some systems, just simply download the zip file from the releases and double click the MC_Sky_Builder.exe to start the program.


In order for this to work you need pyhon, pillow, numpy and if your in a linux distro you might need to install tkinter along with the dependencies.

git clone
cd MC-Sky-Builder


  1. First Open an image by pressing the open button
  2. Setup the Settings like the Output Folder, the sky overlay resolution and more...
  3. Wait for it to reach 100%
  4. Finally Open the output folder and enjoy


Some images might not load or result into a perfect sky overlay, due to the limitations of my ability to code a better one and of the modules.