Thats a simple but awesome code editor with integrated file manager based on ACE and Emmet which you can use to run as ...
First I ask you to give my repository a STAR please - would be very nice - thank you :)
- a basic code editor to edit a project online.
- or to load the editor into the Themes folder of a CMS or Forum Script and then use it as a CMS / Forum Theme & Style Editor.
You seem to be someone with a creative streak or an interesting hobby. Start to meet more people like you which maybe share the same creative hobbies or interests as you. Give a new platform a chance and register now at its free and awesome. More to come!
Author: Andreas Holzer / @WebCrew /
Description: Thats a code editor with integrated file manager based on ACE and Emmet which you can use to code or edit a project online. You can also load the editor into the Themes folder of a CMS or Forum Script and then use it as a CMS / Forum Theme or better said Code Editor.
A FTP Programm like FileZilla To Upload the Editor Folder and Files into Your CMS / Forum Theme Folder. Or to upload it on Your Server to use it as a online Web-Editor with File Manager.
Best Use with Firefox Browser, as in Chrome it will (maybe) give some error (to prevent xss attack) while saving a file which has js in it (Google policies).
If you know the ACE editor and also have an idea of Emmet, then you already know many of the possibilities that the editor offers because it is based on these systems.
- rename, upload, edit or delete a file
- create, rename or delete a folder
- edit a file
- save a file
- list the directory
- change base folder for sidebar view
- rename of a file
- select document type
- select font size
- select theme
- Clt + S (save enabled)
- open folder icon
- set the document type (php, css, js, html, text, sass, less)
- font and theme selection saved in cookies
- make use of lots of keyboard shortcuts (press clt+alt+h to view keyboard shortcuts)
- Emmet enabled (cheatcodes:
Use as a Default Web-Editor: Unzip my Editor Files and upload all Files on your Server. Now run https://yourdomain/cms-t-editor.php and login with the password: password
Use as a CMS / Forum Theme Editor: unzip my Editor Files then upload all files with a FTP Programm into the Theme Folder of Your CMS or Forum. Depending on which CMS or which forum you use, you still have to integrate the following: Ask the developer how to create a menu link in the CMS backend called for example "Theme Editor". Also ask the developer what to do so that the cms-t-editor.php page with the link you created and the Editor will be displayed in the CMS backend. Now You see the editors Login Form. Login with the default password: password.
Thats it.
Note again, the login Password is: password
steps to change the password:
- thanks to @XHiddenProjects password hashing is now a outmated task, we no longer have to do it with:
- find the below code in cms-t-editor.php (its around line 126)
- I wanted to integrate TogetherJs to give the editor a collaborative feature - to work in a team. Unfortunately, TogetherJS is no longer active and the community servers often have failures. So far there is no really good alternative - maybe you have one? In any case, I'll keep an eye on that.
- Another thing is that I want to integrate a simple image editor, also for .svg files. I already have one on my harddrive.
- I am thinking about to create a whole new UI with Bootstrap 5 to make the editor 100% responsive and easy to restyle.
- AI Henchmen - Integration of ChatGPT to support writing and developing code, similar to GitHub Copilot

Special Thanks to ACE, Emmet, Fontawesome and Google Fonts.
@XHiddenProjects for the automated password hashing feature
AGPL V3 Copyright (C) 2020/2022 by WebCrew / Andreas Holzer