Eventdisplay is a reconstruction and analysis pipeline for data of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes. It has been primarily developed for VERITAS and CTA analysis and publications. This repository contains the Eventdisplay version used for VERITAS analysis (see here for the CTA version).
- Original developers: Gernot Maier and Jamie Holder
- Authors and contributors: CITATION.cff
- License: LICENSE
- Contributing: CONTRIBUTING.md
In case Eventdisplay is used in a research project, please cite this repository using the Zenodo entry and the following publication:
Maier, G.; Holder, J., Eventdisplay: An Analysis and Reconstruction Package for
Ground-based Gamma-ray Astronomy, 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference.
10-20 July, 2017. Bexco, Busan, Korea, Proceedings of Science, Vol. 301.
Online at [https://pos.sissa.it/cgi-bin/reader/conf.cgi?confid=301], id.747
The package consists of several analysis steps and tools:
: calibrate and parametrize images, event reconstruction, stereo analysistrainTMVAforAngularReconstruction
: train boosted decision trees for direction and energy reconstructionmscw_energy
: fill and use lookup tables for mean scaled with and length calculation, energy reconstruction, stereo reconstructiontrainTMVAforGammaHadronSeparation
: train boosted decision trees for gamma/hadron separationmakeEffectiveArea
: calculation of the instrument response functions (effective areas, angular point-spread function, energy resolution)makeRadialAcceptance
: calculation of radial camera acceptance from data filesanasum
: analysis to calculate sky maps and spectral energy distributionlibVAnaSum
: shared library tools (e.g., plot instrument response function, spectral energy distributions, light curves, sky maps
Check the release pages for the most recent versions to be used for VERITAS publications. For older versions of Eventdisplay, see the release pages on the VERITAS wiki (internal pages).
Reconstruction and analysis are complex and require inputs from different sources and execution of several interdependent stages.
Eventdisplay consists of the following main components:
- Eventdisplay: the core library with code, tools, and analysis libraries required to run the analysis
- Eventdisplay_AnalysisScripts_VTS: a library of scripts to use Eventdisplay efficiently on a computing cluster
- Eventdisplay_AnalysisFiles_VTS: a set of auxiliary files with information on the instrument (e.g., telescope positions), access information to data bases, parameters for the analysis (e.g., image cleaning parameters or instruction for the gamma/hadron separation), or basic calibration values (note that this is a VERITAS private repository)
- V2DL3: a converter of Eventdisplay data products to GADF DL3 Format to be used in science tools like gammapy.
- Eventdisplay_Preprocessing: Documentation and scripts related to the pre-processing all VERITAS observations with Eventdisplay.
Additional components:
- release test macros and results (see internal GitHub repository Eventdisplay_ReleaseTests.
- INSTALL.md: installation, dependencies, environmental variables
- README.VERITAS.quick_summary: description of a typical VERITAS analysis
Extensive documentation on how to use Eventdisplay are available through the VERITAS internal wiki pages.
- VERITAS internal ELOG used for announcements, discussions, questions
- Bugs and issues should be reported through the GitHub issue tracker
For any questions, contact Gernot Maier ([email protected])
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