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Unity Nix


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  1. ML4DQMDC-PixelAE ML4DQMDC-PixelAE Public template

    Forked from ShamrockLee/ML4DQMDC-PixelAE

    collection of python notebooks for ML4DQM-DC studies

    Python 1

  2. nix- nix- Public template

    Forked from ShamrockLee/nix

    Nix, the purely functional package manager

    C++ 1

  3. nix nix Public

    Forked from ShamrockLee/nix

    Nix, the purely functional package manager

    C++ 1

  4. instantNIX instantNIX Public template

    Forked from ShamrockLee/instantNIX

    instantOS tools packaged for the Nix package manager (and NixOS)

    Nix 1

  5. Public template

    Forked from ShamrockLee/

    An opinionated guide for developers wanting to get things done with the Nix ecosystem.

    Nix 1

  6. nix-on-droid nix-on-droid Public template

    Forked from ShamrockLee/nix-on-droid

    Nix-enabled environment for your Android device.

    Nix 1


Showing 10 of 25 repositories


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