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My .config Configuration Files

This repository contains configuration files for various tools and applications I use on a daily basis. Here you will find setup instructions and my configurations for both neovim and the kitty terminal.

Table of Contents

  1. Neovim Configuration
  2. Kitty Terminal Configuration
  3. Tmux Configuration


Before proceeding with the Neovim setup, ensure that you have a Nerd font installed. Nerd fonts are required for specific plugins and icon themes to render correctly.

Nerd Fonts Website

Neovim Configuration


Neovim is a hyperextensible text editor based on Vim. It strives to improve upon Vim by adding new features and making it easier to integrate with other software.


  1. Install Neovim:
    Go to the most recent Neovim release and follow the instructions for your operating system.

  2. Install Packer:
    You can install packer on Unix systems by running this command:

    git clone --depth 1 \

    More installation options are listed in the official repo.

  3. Clone Configuration:

    git clone [email protected]:TimKoornstra/.config.git ~/.config
  4. Install Plugins using Packer:
    Launch Neovim and run:


    Restart Neovim and/or run :PackerCompile if needed.

  5. Install Treesitter Languages:
    In Neovim, run:


    The config automatically ensures certain Treesitter parsers are installed.

  6. Install LSP Servers:
    Use mason.nvim to manage and install LSP servers, linters, and formatters. Open the Mason UI:


    From the UI, you can search and install tools like:

    • LSP Servers:
      :MasonInstall pylsp tsserver ruff
    • Linters/Formatters:
      :MasonInstall pylint isort autopep8 ruff

    You can also install everything in one command:

    :MasonInstall pylsp tsserver ruff-lsp pylint isort autopep8 ruff


Open Neovim by typing nvim in your terminal.

Using Telescope:

  • Press <leader>tf to find files.
  • Press <leader>tg for live grep.
  • Press <leader>tb for buffer list.
  • Press <leader>to for recently opened files.

Navigating with LSP:

  • gd to jump to definition.
  • gr to list references (Telescope).
  • K to hover documentation.
  • <leader>rn to rename symbols.

Git Integrations:

  • :Gitsigns toggle_current_line_blame to toggle inline blame.
  • :DiffviewOpen to open Git diffs in a side-by-side layout.
  • :DiffviewToggle bound to <leader>D.


  • Enhanced syntax highlighting.
  • Incremental selection (use gnn, grn, grm, etc.).


This Neovim configuration includes a robust set of plugins to enhance functionality, productivity, and the user experience. Here's a detailed overview:

Category Plugins
Package Manager packer.nvim
Core Dependency plenary.nvim
UI & Themes onedark.nvim, nvim-web-devicons, lualine.nvim, alpha-nvim, which-key.nvim, dressing.nvim, nvim-colorizer.lua, vim-illuminate
Fuzzy Finder telescope.nvim, (, telescope-file-browser.nvim
Syntax & Parsing nvim-treesitter, nvim-treesitter-textobjects, nvim-treesitter-context
LSP & Completion nvim-lspconfig, mason.nvim, mason-lspconfig.nvim, blink.cmp, friendly-snippets
Git gitsigns.nvim, diffview.nvim
Documentation render-markdown.nvim
Code Manipulation nerdcommenter, nvim-surround, nvim-autopairs
Navigation flash.nvim

Kitty Terminal Configuration


Kitty is a fast, feature-rich, GPU-based terminal emulator. It's designed to be lightweight and easily extensible.


  1. Install Kitty:

    sudo apt install kitty
  2. Clone Configuration:

    git clone [email protected]:TimKoornstra/.config.git ~/.config


Open Kitty by typing kitty in your terminal.

Tmux Configuration


Tmux is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to run multiple terminal sessions in a single window.


  1. Install Tmux:

    sudo apt install tmux
  2. Clone Configuration:

    git clone [email protected]:TimKoornstra/.config.git ~/.config
  3. Source Configuration: Start a tmux session and source the configuration file:

    tmux source-file ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf


Open Tmux by typing tmux in your terminal. Use the following keybindings to navigate and manage Tmux sessions:

  • Prefix: Ctrl + \
  • The rest of the keybindings remain unchanged from the default Tmux configuration.


If you find any issues with these configurations or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


My .config folder






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