Performing a tensor network simulation of the nonlinear sigma model (NLSM) with
This repository includes
- a package that implements
$U(1)$ symmetry in the continuous matrix product operator (cMPO) method (see repo for cMPO) - Simulation and measurements for the NLSM with
$\theta=\pi$ .
Download the repository by
git clone
Enter the repository, and open Julia's interactive session (known as REPL). Press
to enter the pkg mode, and then type the following commandpkg> activate . pkg> instantiate
then exit the REPL.
To simulate the NLSM with
To run the simulation, enter the repository and type the following command
julia --project=. o3nlsm/o3nlsm_u1cmps.jl --beta 8 --K 2 --doublelmax 3 --chi 8
which will perform the simulation for rawdata_o3pi_K=2.0_beta=8.00_lmax=1.5_chi=8.jld
. With this file, we can either perform further measurements like
julia --project=. o3nlsm/o3nlsm_measurement.jl --dataname rawdata_o3pi_K=2.0_beta=8.00_lmax=1.5_chi=8.jld
or use this datafile to provide the initial guess for the simulations with larger bond dimensions, such as
julia --project=. o3nlsm/o3nlsm_u1cmps.jl --beta 8 --K 2 --doublelmax 3 --chi 12 --init rawdata_o3pi_K=2.0_beta=8.00_lmax=1.5_chi=8.jld
Alternatively, the U1cMPO package can also be used to calculate the finite-temperature properties of other models with
title = {Tensor network simulation of the ($1+1$)-dimensional $O(3)$ nonlinear $\ensuremath{\sigma}$-model with $\ensuremath{\theta}=\ensuremath{\pi}$ term},
author = {Tang, Wei and Xie, X. C. and Wang, Lei and Tu, Hong-Hao},
journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
volume = {104},
issue = {11},
pages = {114513},
numpages = {13},
year = {2021},
month = {Dec},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.104.114513},
url = {}