欢迎使用 HiDesktop . 这是一款轻量级的桌面小组件仓库。本项目使用.NET C#进行开发,小组件是使用WinForm技术开发而成的。本项目旨在通过极小的资源占用量、简易的操作、较高的自由度、小巧的应用程序体积等,为电子白板以及桌面级设备提供更好的小组件体验。
HiDesktop基于C# WinForm技术进行开发,理论上可借助Mono等辅助工具实现跨平台。我们的开发人员并未对此进行测试与适配。因此建议用户在原生Windows系统环境下编译运行。
.NET 6.0
- -课程表功能
- -便签功能
- -天气功能
- -控制悬浮窗功能
- -程序设置UI
- -右键菜单与热重载
- -桌面启动菜单功能
fontSize 字号。应为一个数字。
allowMove 是否允许移动。应为true或false。
…_Color 某个控件的表面颜色。应为一个十六进制颜色代码。如“#FF0000”。
refreshTime 刷新间隔。应为一个数字。单位是毫秒。如“refreshTime=500”表示每0.5秒刷新一次。
opacity 透明度。应为0~1间的一个小数。如“opacity=0.5”表示透明度为50%。
type 用于指示配置文件所对应的程序类型。一般无需手动更改。如果需要新建小组件,手动添加此项即可。程序运行将会自动补全剩余内容为默认值。
enabled 是否启用该配置文件。当值为“true”,此配置文件对应的组件将会被加载,当值为“false”则不会被加载。
topMost 是否置顶小组件。当值为“true”,小组件将被固定在所有窗口顶端,当值为“false”则不会。
font 字体。一般是一个指向某个ttf或otf字体文件的路径。 text 需要显示的文本。
Welcome to HiDesktop . This is a lightweight desktop widget repository. NET C# and the widgets are developed using WinForm technology. The project aims to provide a better widget experience for whiteboards and desktop-level devices through a very small resource footprint, easy operation, high freedom, and small application size.
HiDesktop is developed based on C# WinForm technology and can theoretically be cross-platform with the help of auxiliary tools such as Mono. This has not been tested and adapted by our developers. Therefore, we recommend that you compile and run it in a native Windows environment.
.NET 6.0
-Countdown timer
-Text label function
-Profile function
-Screen saver
-Power-on self-start
- -Curriculum function
- -Sticky note function
- -Weather function
- -Control hover window function
- -Program Settings UI
- -Right-click menu and hot reload
- -Desktop launch menu function
The configuration files for this project are in the format of "*.properties" configuration files. Generally these configuration files are located in the "Properties" folder
For example
The left side of the equal sign is the key of the setting item, and the right side is the value of the setting item. The setting item key shown in the configuration file above is set to value.
Cross-reference table of common setting items' interpretations.
fontSize Font size. It should be a number.
allowMove Whether to allow movement. Should be true or false.
..._Color The color of the surface of a control. Should be a hexadecimal color code. For example, "#FF0000".
refreshTime Refresh interval. Should be a number. The unit is milliseconds. For example, "refreshTime=500" means refresh every 0.5 seconds.
opacity Transparency. It should be a decimal number between 0 and 1. For example, "opacity=0.5" means the transparency is 50%.
location The position of the top-left corner of the form. Usually a comma-separated number pair. The unit is "pixels". For example, "location=400,1000" means the upper-left corner of the window is located at x=400 and y=1000 of the screen. When the location is set to auto, the default value of the programmed location is restored. Normally this setting does not need to be changed manually.
type is used to indicate the type of program that the profile corresponds to. Usually no manual change is required. If you want to create a new widget, you can add this item manually. The program will automatically complete the rest of the content as default when it runs.
enabled Enables or disables this profile. When the value is "true", the component corresponding to this profile will be loaded, when the value is "false", it will not be loaded.
topMost Indicates if the widget will be top-mounted. When the value is "true", the widget will be fixed at the top of all windows, when the value is "false", it will not.
font The font. Usually a path to a ttf or otf font file. text The text to be displayed.
The developer uses the Apache2.0 open source protocol for HiDesktop open source.
HiDesktop development team is very happy to listen to comments and suggestions, if you have any questions about our code, or any suggestions for improvement, you are welcome to discuss with us through the following contacts! We may not be online 24 hours a day, but we will consider the message as soon as we see it, and reply as soon as possible after thorough consideration.