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Toolbox to convert BAM files into tensors


Download this repository, go to the directory it resides and run:

git clone
cd bam2tensor
pip install -e .


  • Python 3.9+
  • Packages listed under environment.yml
  • The required libraries can be found under setup.cfg and are automatically installed when you install this package as shown above.

Running the nextflow pipeline


    nextflow run tron-bioinformatics/bam2tensor
    -profile conda \
    --input_files input_files \
    --publish_dir out_dir \
    --reference genome_ref.fa \
    --window 150 \
    --max_coverage 500 \
    --read_length 50 \
    --max_mapq 60 \
    --max_baseq 82


  • input_files: the path to a tab-separated values file containing in each row the sample name and a BAM file

    The input file does not have a header!

    Example input file:

    name1 tumor_bam1 tumor_bai1 normal_bam1 normal_bai1 candidates1.tsv

    name2 tumor_bam2 tumor_bai2 normal_bam2 normal_bai2 candidates2.tsv

  • reference: the reference genome

  • window: length of the window to be included around the variant

  • max_coverage: Maximum coverage value to normalize coverage matrices

  • read_length: The length of majority of the reads in BAM

  • max_mapq: Maximum mapping quality to normalize mapping quality matrices, values indicating unknown mapping quality is ignored

  • max_baseq: Maximum base quality to normalize base quality matrices, values indicating unknown base quality is ignored

Optional input:

  • publish_dir: the folder where to publish output

  • memory: the ammount of memory used by each job (default: 15g)

  • cpus: the number of CPUs used by each job (default: 8)


  • Tensors under the output folder