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Purchase Manager for Swift 6 💰

A reusable PurchaseManager for Swift applications, built for Swift 6. Includes @Observable support.

Pre-built dependencies*:

* Created another? Send the url in issues! 🥳


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Create an instance of PurchaseManager:

let purchaseManager = PurchaseManager(services: any PurchaseService, logger: LogManager?)

let purchaseManager = PurchaseManager(service: MockPurchaseService(), logger: logManager)
let purchaseManager = PurchaseManager(service: StoreKitPurchaseService(), logger: logManager)

Optionally add to SwiftUI environment as an @Observable

Text("Hello, world!")

Inject dependencies

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PurchaseManager is initialized with a PurchaseService. This is a public protocol you can use to create your own dependency.

'StoreKitPurchaseService` is included within the package, which uses the StoreKit framework to manage purchases.

let productIds = ["", ""]
let storeKit = StoreKitPurchaseService(productIds: productIds)
let logger = PurchaseManager(services: storeKit)

MockPurchaseService is also included for SwiftUI previews and testing.

// No activeEntitlements = the user has not purchased
let service = MockPurchaseService(activeEntitlements: [], availableProducts: AnyProduct.mocks)

// Yes activeEntitlements = the user has purchased
let service = MockPurchaseService(activeEntitlements: [PurchasedEntitlement.mock], availableProducts: AnyProduct.mocks)

Other services are not directly included, so that the developer can pick-and-choose which dependencies to add to the project.

You can create your own PurchaseService by conforming to the protocol:

public protocol PurchaseService: Sendable {
    func getAvailableProducts() async throws -> [AnyProduct]
    func getUserEntitlements() async throws -> [PurchasedEntitlement]
    func purchaseProduct(productId: String) async throws -> [PurchasedEntitlement]
    func restorePurchase() async throws -> [PurchasedEntitlement]
    func listenForTransactions(onTransactionsUpdated: @escaping @Sendable () async -> Void) async
    func logIn(userId: String, email: String?) async throws -> [PurchasedEntitlement]

Manage user account

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The manager will automatically fetch and listen for purchased entitlements on launch.

Call logIn when the userId is set or changes.

You can call logIn every app launch.

purchaseManager.logIn(userId: String, email: String?) async throws
purchaseManager.logOut() async throws

Manage purchases

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Get user's entitlements:

purchaseManager.entitlements // all purchased entitlements // all purchased entitlements that are still active
purchaseManager.entitlements.hasActiveEntitlement // user has at least 1 active entitlement

Make new purchase:

// Products available for purchase to this user
let products = try await purchaseManager.getAvailableProducts()

// Purchase a specific product
let entitlements = try await purchaseManager.purchaseProduct(productId: "")

// Restore purchases
let entitlements = try await restorePurchase()


PurchaseManager for Swift 6 w/ Observable support







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