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/ cosmwasm_template Public archive

The project aims to show CosmWasm features and highlight important points.


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CosmWasm Template

The project aims to show CosmWasm features and highlight important points

Development environment


Docker is the main tool you need: installation link

Console tools

git jq curl make sha3sum sha3sum tput cat cut and other commonly known tools used in Makefile

Rust 1.55.0+ (optional)

Optionally, following the guide, you can manually install Rust on your system

Rust is needed as it is the primary language for CosmWasm smart contracts development

Install rustup if it is missed

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

It is considered using a stable compiler release

rustup default stable

Check compiler version and update if needed

cargo version # run the following line if the version is lower than 1.55.0+
rustup update stable

Install wasm32 target if it is missed

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Wasmd (optional)

Optionally, you can manually install Wasmd on your system following the guide

Wasmd is the tool for interacting with blockchain and smart contracts

Install go if it is missed

Clone the project

git clone
cd wasmd

Fetch releases and switch to the latest release compatible release

git fetch --tags
# replace version if the latest release is not compatible 
git checkout $(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)

Compile it!

make install
make build

Put the compiled file to $PATH

cp build/wasmd ~/.local/bin


System cache

  • .cargo_analyzer/ - cargo target directory for rust-analyzer tool in vscode, it is different from default target dir as build cache from globally installed rust should not conflict with dockerized instance
  • .cargo_cache/ - cargo home directory, it stores all cargo dependencies mentioned in Cargo.toml file
  • .cargo_target/ - cargo target directory for dockerized rust instance
  • .wasmd_data/ - wasmd home directory, it stores all wasmd wallets, configuration, and cache


  • .cargo/ - directory storing rust configuration and cargo aliases
  • .vscode/ - directory storing vscode tools configurations
  • .editorconfig - file storing general editor config
  • .gitignore - file storing a list of files ignored by git
  • rustfmt.toml - configuration file for rust formatter


  • artifacts/ - directory for results of optimized build
  • coverage/ - directory for coverage report
  • schema/ - directory for JSON contract schema used on frontend


  • docker_rust/ - directory storing some scripts needed in rust container
  • docker_wasmd/ - directory storing some scripts needed in wasmd container
  • Dockerfile.rust - configuration file for rust container
  • Dockerfile.wasmd - configuration file for wasmd container


  • examples/ - directory storing useful rust scripts could be run separately from the whole project
  • examples/ - script generates JSON schema of the contract
  • src/ - directory storing contract source files
  • src/ - source file storing contract entrypoints, execute/query methods and unit tests
  • src/ - source file storing an expanded list of contract errors
  • src/ - source file storing a list of modules united to the library
  • src/ - source file storing execute/query messages structs
  • src/ - source file storing storage layout and help functions
  • src/ - source file storing some structs, types, and general functions
  • tests/ - directory storing test scripts
  • tests/ - test file for verifying cross-contract calls and other chain features


  • Makefile - file storing all command aliases, detailed description is provided in the corresponding section

Makefile entrypoints


  • setup - build and configure docker images should be run once on project setup

Contract code

  • - build contract code, the output file is not optimized enough for deploying to chain, but it may be used for running integration tests
  • - build contract code for deploying to chain
  • code.test.integration - run integration tests, a wasm file should be built before
  • code.test.unit - run unit tests provided in contract file
  • code.test.coverage - calculate unit tests coverage

Chain actions

  • chain.wallet - create and fund wallet, accept wallet name wallet parameter
  • chain.store_wasm - load and check wasm code to chain, accept wallet name wallet and path to wasm wasm parameters
  • chain.contract.instantiate - instantiate contract, accept wallet name wallet, instantiate message msg and optional code ID code_id parameters
  • chain.contract.execute - execute message on contract, accept wallet name wallet, execute message msg and optional contract address contract parameters
  • chain.contract.query - query data from a contract, accept query message msg and optional contract address contract parameters

Code notes


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)] 

Derive implements features for the following structure:

  • Serialize - adds a possibility to code the struct into JSON (is needed when other contracts try to get the storage)
  • Deserialize - adds a possibility to decode the struct from JSON
  • Clone - adds a possibility to create a duplicate of the struct by calling struct_instance.clone()
  • Debug - adds a possibility to use the structure in asserts
  • PartialEq - adds a possibility to compare instances of the struct
  • JsonSchema - adds a possibility to create JSON schema of the struct

Custom errors

Custom errors are cool! You may specify your error text with parameters

pub enum CustomError {
  #[error("Your access level is {have:?} and {needed:?} is needed")]
  Unauthorized { have: u8, needed: u8 },

Error propagation

What is going on there?

Ok(to_binary(&query(get_part_param()? + another_part_param)?)?)

Error propagation is a great pattern as errors could be processed in one place, avoiding panic in local functions

There is a useful Result<Ok_Type, Err_Type> type defined, return values are unwrapped by ? syntax

? works like unwrap but does not panic on error propagating it to a higher level

? may convert error type if the result error type implements Std() entry, for example:

pub enum CustomError {
  Std(#[from] StdError),


There are Addr and CanonicalAddr types provided for addresses

Addr is based on String type with some validations and may be received as a parameter, caller address info.sender, etc

CanonicalAddr is a binary type and it is important to store any addresses in contract storage only wrapped to the type as text representation may be changed in future

String - it is a terrible idea to store or manipulate addresses wrapped to the String type

Contract entrypoints

#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]

Contracts has 3 main entrypoints:

  • Instantiate - should be called once on contract deployment, base storage layout is defined there
  • Execute - base set data method, routes other methods
  • Query - base view data method, routes other methods

As execute and query entrypoints are routers, signatures are defined separately in

#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]

It is considered using snake case in JSON message field names

Storage layout


CosmWasm implements key-value storage API, you should set unique keys manually for each storage instace

Item and Map are the main storage types, description with examples on

Getting started


Clone the repository

git clone [email protected]:SteMak/cosmwasm_template.git
cd cosmwasm_template

Build Docker images

make setup


Update contract sources

For example, you may update restrictions in src/ : execute_become_maintainer, changing the minimum maintainer age

Check code consistency by running tests

Tests are presented at the end of src/ file

make code.test.unit

Check coverage

When code updation is finished, check tests code coverage and update tests to get the wanted coverage level

The coverage report is placed in coverage/ directory

make code.test.coverage

Check integration tests

If your contract may do cross-contract calls, you may want to create and run integration tests

Integration tests work with compiled binary, do not forget to provide the path to wasm in tests/

make code.test.integration

Generate contract API

You may want to generate JSON Schema for validating contract API on your client

make code.schema

Deploying to testnet

Create optimized build

The optimized build is generated longer but is more smaller

Te result is placed in artifacts/ directory


Create wallet

You need a wallet created for smart contract deployment

make chain.wallet wallet=wallet_name

Load code to chain

There could be several contracts created with the same code, so load code at first

make chain.store_wasm wallet=wallet_name wasm=artifacts/cosmwasm_template.wasm

Instantiate contract

Instantiate contract with JSON message

code_id parameter may be provided for instantiating custom code

make chain.contract.instantiate wallet=wallet_name msg='{}'


As a contract created, you can interact with it

JSON message should contain the method name field and its value is the method signature

Executing contract

contract parameter may be provided for calling custom contract

make chain.contract.execute wallet=wallet_name \
msg='{ "register_city": { "name": "Aloha City", "power_level": 7 } }'

Quering contract

wallet parameter is not needed as query do not waste Gas

contract parameter may be provided for calling custom contract

make chain.contract.query msg='{ "look_maintainer": {} }'

Functional requirements

General overview and terms

A maintainer is a contract manager with the highest access level

Anyone is able to become a maintainer if corresponding registered person is 17+ years old and person name is "Super_Maintainer_887"

It is not essential to keep the requirements satisfied after caller became maintainer

There are 2 main object groups: People and Cities

The contract maintainer is able to create a City

Anyone is able to create and update Person

Anyone is able to register/unregister his Person in/from any City

Instantiate method

Set caller maintainer

Signature: void

Fail conditions: void

Return: void

Execute (set data) methods


Add new City providing metadata


  • name: CityName - part of City metadata
  • power_level: u8 - part of City metadata

Fail conditions:

  • Unauthorized - caller is not maintainer

Return: void


Add new Person providing metadata


  • birthday: Birthday - part of Person metadata
  • nickname: Nickname - part of Person metadata
  • email: Option<Email> - part of Person metadata

Fail conditions:

  • InconsistentData - !(1 <= <= 366)
  • InconsistentData - !(1756 <= birthday.year <= current year)
  • PersonAlreadyRegistered - caller already created a Person

Return: void


Update Person metadata


  • nickname: Nickname - part of Person metadata
  • email: Option<Email> - part of Person metadata

Fail conditions:

  • NotFound - no Person created by caller found

Return: void


Register Person in City


  • city_id: u64 - City identifier

Fail conditions:

  • NotFound - no Person created by caller found
  • NotFound - no City with the identifier found
  • PersonAlreadyRegisteredInCity - Person is already registered in the City

Return: void


Unregister Person from City


  • city_id: u64 - City identifier

Fail conditions:

  • NotFound - no Person created by caller found
  • NotFound - no City with the identifier found
  • NotFound - Person is not registered in the City

Return: void


Set caller maintainer

Signature: void

Fail conditions:

  • AlreadyMaintainer - caller is maintainer
  • NotFound - no Person created by caller found
  • InconsistentMaintainer - Person nickname is not Super_Maintainer_887
  • InconsistentMaintainer - Person age is under 17

Return: void

Query (view data) methods


Check who is maintainer

Signature: void

Fail conditions: void


  • maintainer: Addr - maintainer address


Check Person metadata


  • person: Addr - address of user created Person

Fail conditions:

  • NotFound - no Person created by queried address found


  • person: PersonResponse -
    • address: Addr - queried address
    • birthday: Birthday - part of Person metadata
    • nickname: Nickname - part of Person metadata
    • email: Option<Email> - part of Person metadata
    • resident_times: u64 - amount of Cities where Person is registered


Check Cities list with metadata


  • start_id: u64 - start City identifier
  • limit: u64 - maximum amount of Cities responded

Fail conditions: void


  • cities: Vec<CityResponse> -
    • id: u64 - City identifier
    • name: CityName - part of City metadata
    • power_level: u8 - part of City metadata
    • population: u64 - amount of People registered in the City


Check Cities list with metadata where the Person is registered


  • person: Addr - address of user created Person
  • start_id: u64 - start City identifier
  • limit: u64 - maximum amount of Cities responded

Fail conditions:

  • NotFound - no Person created by queried address found


  • cities: Vec<CityResponse> -
    • id: u64 - City identifier
    • name: CityName - part of City metadata
    • power_level: u8 - part of City metadata
    • population: u64 - amount of People registered in the City


Check People metadata by city where they are registered


  • city: u64 - City identifier
  • start_id: u64 - start Person identifier
  • limit: u64 - maximum amount of People responded

Fail conditions:

  • NotFound - no City with the identifier found


  • people: Vec<PersonResponse> -
    • address: Addr - queried address
    • birthday: Birthday - part of Person metadata
    • nickname: Nickname - part of Person metadata
    • email: Option<Email> - part of Person metadata
    • resident_times: u64 - amount of Cities where Person is registered