This directory contains the dotfiles for my mac system which probably won't work on yours.
Run the following
- optional: Install Xcode command line tools beforehand
xcode-select --install
Install brew
sudo /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install git
git clone $HOME/dotfiles
this repo into $HOME -
cd dotfiles
and make executablechmod +x ~/dotfiles/
which ever way possible -
run in shell
/bin/bash ~/dotfiles/
xcode-select --install
Install Homebrew.
sudo /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Enter your password and proceed yes to confirm the installation if it prompts you to
brew install neovim eza fzf fd stow bat zoxide zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting git starship tmux nvm
- If Mason lsp starts shouting when opening neovim
- do nvm install node v23.3.0 or v-xx-xx
git clone
brew install tmux
Tmux plugins manager
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
- Check this by running
git --version
in the shell to see if the command is available - it will most likely prompt you to install it with Xcode Command Line tools.
- (Skip this step if command line tools already installed)
- Manually Install git with Homebrew
brew install git
- brew installs git on mac at
- Install Xcode usign
xcode-select --install
- xcode installs git at
- Refer the docs : Read More
brew install stow
First, check out dotfiles repo in your $HOME directory using git
$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
- At least for this config structure
- !! make sure home directories is set to have the same structure first !!
- for instances ( Watch for Sub-directories )
- if any subdirectory eg:
dont exist in $HOME thenmkdir .config
- other config files that don't exist in $HOME atm, should not have any problems for stow symlinks
- if any subdirectory eg:
then use GNU stow to create symlinks
make sure you are in your dotfiles directory
cd dotfiles
- as long as you have the structure setup in $HOME correctly
- running
stow .
should be enough
- run stow commands like below for each directory in dotfiles
- re-check if the symlinks are correct for each sub-directories and files
stow -t ~ starship wezterm tmux
#or run them separately
stow -t ~ nvim
stow -t ~ zsh