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Shannon Deminick edited this page Feb 12, 2016 · 1 revision


There's a couple of methods you can use retrieve the URLs that Smidge will generate when rendering the <link> or <script> html tags. This might be handy in case you need to load in these assets manually (i.e. lazy load scripts, etc...):

Task<IEnumerable<string>> SmidgeHelper.GenerateJsUrlsAsync()
Task<IEnumerable<string>> SmidgeHelper.GenerateCssUrlsAsync()

Both of these methods return a list of strings and there are several overloads for each which allow you to generate the URLs for pre-defined bundles, or the URLs for runtime registered dependencies. Examples of this can be seen in the demo web site's Index.cshtml:

Debug mode

These methods have overloads and one of the parameters is bool debug, if you pass in true the methods will return the list of paths for debug modes and if false is passed in the path will be for the non-debug bundle.

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