A Krita plugin capable of exporting animations as spritesheets.
Use the following steps to install the Spritesheet Generator plugin and make it available in Krita:
- Download this repository as a ZIP file by using the Code -> Download ZIP option on GitHub
- Open Krita and navigate to Settings -> Manage Resources
- Click the Open Resources Folder button to access your Krita resources folder
- Unzip the previously download ZIP file
- Copy and paste the
folder and thespritesheetgenerator.desktop
file into thepykrita/
directory in your Krita resources folder - Close and reopen Krita
- Navigate to Settings -> Configure Krita -> Python Plugin Manager
- Find Spritesheet Generator in the list of plugins and enable it by checking its checkbox
- You should now be able to access Spritesheet Generator from the Tools -> Scripts menu. If you're still unable to see it, then you may need to restart Krita.
After installation, the Spritesheet Generator can be opened by navigating to Tools -> Scripts -> Spritesheet Generator. See below for details on the various options that can be configured.
File path: The file path that the spritesheet will be exported to. The Browse button can be used to open the computer's native file manager.
Spritesheet layout: Determines how the sprites will be organized in the spritesheet.
- Rows: Consecutive sprites will be placed in the same row. Once the row is full, the process will be repeated for the following rows.
- Columns: Consecutive sprites will be placed in the same column. Once the column is full, the process will be repeated for the following columns.
- Horizontal Strip: Sprites will be organized into a single horizontal line.
- Vertical Strip: Sprites will be organized into a single vertical line.
Sprite dimensions: Options related to the individual size of each sprite in the spritesheet.
- Width: The desired width of each individual sprite. If this is different than the width of the current document, then the sprites will be resized before being placed in the spritesheet.
- Height: The desired height of each individual sprite. If this is different than the height of the current document, then the sprites will be resized before being placed in the spritesheet.
- Filter: The algorithm that will be used to resize the sprites (if needed).
- Padding: The size of the transparent border added to sprites in the spritesheet. Useful to avoid sprites bleeding into each other.
Ignore empty frames: If enabled (default), empty frames in the animation timeline will not be included in the spritesheet.