- Introduction
- Getting started with SentryPeerHQ
- License
- Contributing
- Trademark
- Questions, Bug reports, Feature Requests
- Special Thanks
- Sponsorship
Use SentryPeer® to help prevent VoIP cyberattacks, fraudulent VoIP phone calls (toll fraud) and improve cybersecurity by detecting early stage reconnaissance attempts.
Being able to detect and alert on customer traffic anomalies helps you deal with potential VoIP fraud. When a customer or customer account is flagged, you can take action to help prevent VoIP fraud and notify them about a potential handset or PBX security issue.
SentryPeerHQ is a web app and set of APIs for managing and querying the data from SentryPeer nodes that you run your self, or you can subscribe to the SentryPeerHQ cloud service and consume the data from the SentryPeer nodes that we run via our APIs.
You'll always be able to use SentryPeerHQ for free to consume the data you provide from the SentryPeer nodes that you run yourself.
The easiest way to get started with SentryPeerHQ is in the cloud (we run it on fly.io).
Yes, but it's a bit of work. We'll be making it much easier as we progress. It’s exactly the same product as our Cloud offering except that you'll have to use your own email, Pg/timescaledb database and OAuth 2.0 provider (we use Postmark and Auth0). Get in touch if you want help to self-host SentryPeerHQ.
SentryPeerHQ is an Elixir/Phoenix application (web app and RESTful API) which uses Phoenix LiveView and is backed by a PostgreSQL database with timescaledb. On the frontend we use TailwindCSS for styling.
Great reading - How to choose a license for your own work
This work is licensed under AGPL 3.0. Why AGPL?
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
SENTRYPEER and the SENTRYPEER ICON are registered trademarks of Gavin Henry.
New issues can be raised at:
It's okay to raise an issue to ask a question.
Special thanks to:
- Fly.io for crediting the SentryPeer account for hosting the SentryPeerHQ web app on their infrastructure
- AppSignal for Application performance monitoring sponsorship in the SentryPeerHQ web app
Special thanks to Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH for sponsoring us! Very kind!