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Radium Applications

Radium is a research 3D Engine for rendering, animation and processing. It is developed and maintained by the STORM research group.

This repository holds front-end applications (GUI, command line) based on Radium Libraries

  • Sandbox: Graphical frontend of the Radium Engine. This application aims at demonstrating the capabilities of the Radium Libraries. It can be extended using Radium plugins.
  • CLISubdivider: Example of command line application. Loads obj files and run subdivision algorithms implemented with OpenMesh.

To get more details about each application, checkout the Readme files in each application directory.

How to get these applications

Pre-compiled binaries

Pre-compiled binaries can be downloaded from

The downloaded archive contains:

  • Radium libraries
  • Radium example applications (this repository)

Compilation instructions

To compile this repository, you first need to compile and install the Radium libraries. Then, configure this project using cmake. You need to tell cmake where to find the installed Radium package by setting the Radium_DIR variable to the right location (see more details in Radium Engine documentation:

How to write your own application

This repository also demonstrate how to write applications and extend Radium ecosystem. Radium provides a set of tools simplifying the deployment of such applications, which among other things take care of the portability and relocatability of the binaries.

Other minimal application examples are available at

In order to write your own application, you need to follow theses instructions.

Setting a CMakeLists.txt to compile and install an application

To compile and execute an application, either in the build tree or after installation, the Radium environment must be configured, compiled and installed beforehand.

The main CMakeLists.txt file for compiling a Radium Based application could be as simple as

# set the minimal cmake version supported by Radium cmake system
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
# set the name of the project (and then the name of the executable)

# find and configure the Radium environment for the application
# Note that only the required component of Radium might be fetched.
find_package( Radium REQUIRED Core Engine Gui PluginBase IO)

# Application specific configuration

# find and configure all packages and functionalities needed
# by the application
find_package( ... )

# set up the application. For portability reasons, do not forget the MACOSX_BUNDLE
# on MacOsX, if MACOSX_BUNDLE is not set, generate a command line tool
# if MACOSX_BUNDLE is set, generate a relocatable bundle
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} [MACOSX_BUNDLE]
    # give here the list of source files associated with the applciation
    # this list must contain all the files (.cpp, .hpp, .ui, ...) of the application


#link with the libraries needed by the application
target_link_libraries (${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC
    ... )

# call the installation configuration (defined in RadiumConfig.cmake)
        [USE_PLUGINS]   # enable plugin support
        [RESOURCES list of resources directory]

Configure the application

Radium does not support in-source builds (it is bad practice anyway). You then must first create a buid directory that will be the root of the buildtree.

mkdir build
cd build

If the Radium environment was installed in the directory pathToRadiumInstallation, configure the project with :

cmake ../ -DRadium_DIR=pathToRadiumInstallation/lib/cmake/Radium

By default, the application will be installed in a directory called installed-<Compiler_id> in the application buildtree. This installed application is then fully relocatable and distribuable. You can change this default behavior by setting CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. To generate the application in pathToRadiumInstallation/bin/, set -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=pathToRadiumInstallation