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- Taranis-NG Public
Taranis NG is an OSINT gathering and analysis tool for CSIRT teams and organisations. It allows team-to-team collaboration, and contains a user portal for simple self asset management. Taranis NG was developed by SK-CERT with a help from wide CSIRT community.
SK-CERT/Taranis-NG’s past year of commit activity - log4shell Public Forked from NCSC-NL/log4shell
Operational information regarding the vulnerability in the Log4j logging library.
SK-CERT/log4shell’s past year of commit activity - ansible-role-kiobi Public
SK-CERT/ansible-role-kiobi’s past year of commit activity - cerebrate Public Forked from cerebrate-project/cerebrate
Cerebrate is an open-source platform meant to act as a trusted contact information provider and interconnection orchestrator for other security tools.
SK-CERT/cerebrate’s past year of commit activity - csp Public Forked from melicertes/csp
The Cyber Security Platform MeliCERTes is part of the European Strategy for Cyber Security. MeliCERTes is a network for establishing confidence and trust among the national Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) of the Member States and for promoting swift and effective operational cooperation.
SK-CERT/csp’s past year of commit activity - intelmq Public Forked from certtools/intelmq
IntelMQ is a solution for IT security teams for collecting and processing security feeds using a message queuing protocol.
SK-CERT/intelmq’s past year of commit activity - strangercall Public
Single purpose honeypot emulating a device vulnerable to the callstranger vulnerability
SK-CERT/strangercall’s past year of commit activity