A modern web-based management system for Suricata IDS/IPS, featuring advanced analytics and visualization capabilities.
online demo without suricata
- Real-time Suricata configuration viewing and editing
- Configuration file path management
- Live configuration content preview
- One-click Suricata service restart
- Interactive data visualization
- Customizable chart creation
- Multi-dimensional data aggregation
- Preset analytics templates
- Time-range filtering
- Chart type selector
- Advanced data correlation
- Predictive trend analysis
- Real-time server resource tracking
- CPU usage monitoring
- Memory consumption analysis
- Network load tracking
- System uptime statistics
- Real-time event monitoring and tracking
- Event severity classification
- Event correlation analysis
- Automated event response workflows
- Event processing stage management
- Rule file import/export
- Custom rule creation
- Rule status toggling
- Rule performance monitoring
- Rule parsing and formatting
- Multi-type log capture
- Real-time log monitoring
- Log filtering and retrieval
- Detailed log event analysis
- Multi-dimensional log statistics
- Role-based access control
- User authentication and authorization
- User session management
- Login/logout auditing
- User activity tracking
- Database connection configuration
- System parameter adjustment
- Integration and extension settings
- Security configuration management
- React 18.3 with TypeScript
- Vite 5.4 for build tooling
- TailwindCSS for styling
- Lucide Icons for UI elements
State Management
- React Hooks
- Context API
- Custom service layer
Data Storage
- SQLite3 with better-sqlite3
- IndexedDB for client-side caching
- File system for log storage
suriguard/ # Project root directory
├── src/ # Source code directory containing the main application code
│ ├── components/ # Reusable UI components
│ │ ├── analytics/ # Components related to analytics functionality
│ │ │ ├── AnalyticsChart.tsx # Renders analytics charts
│ │ │ ├── ChartTypeSelector.tsx # Allows selection of different chart types
│ │ │ ├── CreateAnalyticsModal.tsx # Modal for creating new analytics entries
│ │ │ └── TimeRangeSelector.tsx # Component for selecting time ranges
│ │ ├── auth/ # Components related to authentication (login, etc.)
│ │ │ ├── LoginForm.tsx # Login form component
│ │ │ └── LoginLogo.tsx # Displays the login page logo
│ │ ├── Header.tsx # Top navigation bar component
│ │ ├── Logo.tsx # Application logo component
│ │ └── Sidebar.tsx # Sidebar navigation component
│ ├── pages/ # Page-level components (each subfolder represents a feature page)
│ │ ├── analytics/ # Analytics dashboard page module
│ │ │ ├── AnalyticsDashboard.tsx # Main component for the analytics dashboard
│ │ │ └── components/ # Sub-components used within the analytics page
│ │ │ ├── ChartRenderer.tsx # Renders individual charts on the dashboard
│ │ │ ├── CreateVisualizationModal.tsx # Modal for creating new visualizations
│ │ │ └── VisualizationCard.tsx # Displays a single visualization card
│ │ ├── auth/ # Authentication pages module
│ │ │ └── Login.tsx # Login page component
│ │ ├── dashboard/ # Main dashboard page (post-login overview)
│ │ ├── events/ # Event management page module
│ │ ├── logs/ # Log management page module
│ │ ├── rules/ # Rules management page module
│ │ ├── settings/ # System settings page module
│ │ └── users/ # User management page module
│ ├── services/ # Core business logic and API communication modules
│ │ ├── analyticsService.ts # Handles analytics data processing
│ │ ├── filterService.ts # Manages log/event filtering
│ │ ├── presetFilterService.ts # Manages preset filters
│ │ ├── userService.ts # Handles user data and authentication logic
│ │ ├── visualizationService.ts # Processes visualization data
│ │ └── backend/ # Backend-specific modules
│ │ └── database.ts # Manages SQLite database connections and queries
│ ├── types/ # TypeScript definitions (interfaces and type declarations)
│ │ ├── analytics.ts # Data types related to analytics
│ │ ├── filter.ts # Data types for filtering logic
│ │ ├── presetFilter.ts # Data types for preset filters
│ │ └── user.ts # User data type definitions
│ └── utils/ # Utility functions and helpers
│ └── logFilters.ts # Utility functions for log filtering
├── scripts/ # Build and deployment scripts
│ ├── deploy.bat # Windows batch script for deployment
│ └── initDb.js # Script to initialize or reset the database
├── data/ # Data files directory
│ └── suriguard.db # SQLite database file for persistent application data
├── public/ # Public static resources directory
│ ├── index.html # Entry HTML file for the application
│ └── ... # Other static assets (e.g., favicon, icons)
├── dist/ # Production build output directory (packaged files for deployment)
├── package.json # Project configuration file (dependencies, scripts, etc.)
├── package-lock.json # Lock file to ensure consistent dependency versions
├── tsconfig.json # TypeScript compiler configuration
├── tsconfig.app.json # TypeScript configuration extension for the application
├── tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS framework configuration
├── postcss.config.js # PostCSS configuration for processing CSS
├── eslint.config.js # ESLint configuration for code style and linting rules
├── .gitignore # Git ignore file specifying files/directories not to commit
└── README.md # Project documentation and instructions
This directory contains the core application source code, organized by functionality.
Contains reusable UI components:analytics/
: Renders analytics charts.ChartTypeSelector.tsx
: Allows users to select different chart types.CreateAnalyticsModal.tsx
: Provides a modal for creating new analytics entries.TimeRangeSelector.tsx
: Component for selecting time ranges.
: Login form component.LoginLogo.tsx
: Displays the logo on the login page.
: Top navigation bar component.Logo.tsx
: Application logo.Sidebar.tsx
: Sidebar navigation component.
Contains page-level components representing different views:analytics/
: Main component for the analytics dashboard.components/
(within analytics):ChartRenderer.tsx
: Renders individual charts on the dashboard.CreateVisualizationModal.tsx
: Modal for creating new visualizations.VisualizationCard.tsx
: Displays a single visualization card.
: Login page component.
- Other directories:
: Main dashboard page after login.events/
: Event management interface.logs/
: Log management page.rules/
: Rules management page.settings/
: System settings page.users/
: User management page.
Contains core business logic and API communication modules:analyticsService.ts
: Processes and retrieves analytics data.filterService.ts
: Manages log/event filtering.presetFilterService.ts
: Manages preset filter configurations.userService.ts
: Handles user authentication and data management.visualizationService.ts
: Processes data for visualizations.backend/
: Manages SQLite database connections and query operations.
Holds TypeScript definitions to ensure type safety:analytics.ts
: Data types related to analytics.filter.ts
: Data types for filtering logic.presetFilter.ts
: Data types for preset filters.user.ts
: User data type definitions.
Contains utility functions and helpers:logFilters.ts
: Provides helper functions for log filtering.
Includes various scripts used for development and deployment:
: Windows batch script for deploying the application.initDb.js
: Script to initialize or reset the SQLite database.
Holds data files:
: SQLite database file used for storing persistent application data.
Contains public static resources:
: The entry HTML file for the application.- Additional static assets like favicons and icons are stored here.
Contains the production build output:
- Packaged files ready for deployment are stored in this directory.
Define project dependencies, scripts, and ensure consistent dependency versions.tsconfig.json
Configuration files for TypeScript compilation.tailwind.config.js
Configuration files for Tailwind CSS and PostCSS, which manage the application’s styling.eslint.config.js
Contains rules and settings for ESLint to enforce code style and quality..gitignore
Specifies files and directories that should not be tracked by Git.README.md
Provides project documentation and instructions.
This revised structure follows best practices by clearly separating source code, static assets, configuration files, and scripts. It is organized to help developers navigate and maintain the project more efficiently.
Hard-Coded User Credentials
- Default Credentials: The application may come with hard-coded test credentials for demonstration or testing.
- Removing Hard-Coded Users: To remove these test users, locate the user data or authentication service code (e.g.,
) and remove or comment out any placeholder credentials. - Adding Real Users: If you need to add actual users, either use the application’s built-in user management features or update your user storage (e.g., a database) with new user entries and proper role assignments.
Rule Management Limitations
- Single-Line Rules Only: The current implementation requires each rule to be on a single line. Multi-line rules are not supported and may cause errors or be ignored. Example for Rules
- alert tcp any any -> any 80 (msg:"Detect HTTP GET Request"; flow:to_server,established; content:"GET"; http_method; classtype:web-application-attack; sid:1000001; rev:1;)
3. Suricata Configuration File (suricata.yaml
Default File Path
- By default, SuriGuard1 reads the Suricata configuration file from: src/config/core.config.ts
- Node.js >= 18.0.0
- npm >= 9.0.0
npm install
Initialize Database
npm run db:init
Start Development Server
npm run dev
Build for Production
npm run build
CREATE TABLE preset_filters (
description TEXT,
conditions TEXT NOT NULL,
is_system INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
created_at TEXT NOT NULL,
updated_at TEXT NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE preset_analytics (
filter_id TEXT NOT NULL,
chart_type TEXT NOT NULL,
aggregation TEXT NOT NULL,
group_by TEXT NOT NULL,
time_range TEXT,
FOREIGN KEY (filter_id) REFERENCES preset_filters(id)
v1.2.0 - Major Update
- Added advanced analytics dashboard
- Implemented preset filters system
- Fixed display bugs
- Resolved Node.js vulnerabilities
- Migrated to SQLite for better performance
v1.1.1 - Security Update
- Fixed Node.js vulnerabilities
- Improved database handling
Contributions are welcome! Please read our Contributing Guide for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.