This repository contains solutions to various problems from LeetCode. The solutions are organized by difficulty and problem categories, allowing easy access to each problem's solution.
My LeetCode profile: RunarokHrafn
I’m not doing this to create a portfolio or for external validation. I simply enjoy the satisfaction of completing something, similar to achieving 100% in a game. I also love coding and the learning process. My goal is to work through all the problems on LeetCode, improving my skills as I go. I focus on enjoying the journey and learning at my own pace rather than stressing myself out.
This repository idea was inspired by my GeeksforGeeks solutions repository. You can view the solutions here.
The upload of solutions to this repository was automated using a Chrome extension called LeetSync. This extension streamlines the process of saving solutions to GitHub.
The Open Source Repository used for automation is available at LeetSync.
The main issue I faced with this extension is that it was not as good as the GeeksforGeeks extension. There were a lot more steps needed to update the solutions, and I had to rerun the process a lot more than expected. This made the process a bit frustrating at times.
For extra grind, I decided to try coding and getting answers in every programming language available on LeetCode. However, the issues with the extension made this challenge borderline unenjoyable. I attempted to do this for one program: Two Sum. It took me about 1 hour to code it in 80% of the available programming languages, and that too for a relatively easy question.
Because of these difficulties, I’m leaving this challenge behind and will update solutions day by day until I complete the GeeksforGeeks 100%.
If you require an answer for any question in any coding language, feel free to create an issue.
- C++: **.cpp**
- Java: **.java**
- Python: **.py** (Python 2 and 3 use the same extension)
- C: **.c**
- C#: **.cs**
- JavaScript: **.js**
- TypeScript: **.ts**
- PHP: **.php**
- Swift: **.swift**
- Kotlin: **.kt**, **.kts**
- Dart: **.dart**
- Go: **.go**
- Ruby: **.rb**
- Scala: **.scala**
- Rust: **.rs**
- Racket: **.rkt**, **.rktd**, **.plt**
- Erlang: **.erl** (source)(compiled)
- Elixir: **.ex**
**Problem Name**:
<!-- Provide the name of the LeetCode problem -->
<!-- Example: Two Sum -->
**LeetCode Problem Link**:
<!-- Provide a link to the specific problem on LeetCode -->
<!-- Example: -->
**Programming Language Requested**:
<!-- Mention the programming language you want the solution in -->
<!-- Example: Python -->
**Issue Description and Additional Information (Optional)**:
<!-- Provide details about the issue here, e.g., which programming languages
you need solutions for or any other specific requests related to the problem. -->
<!-- Example: I need a solution for the "Two Sum" problem in Python.
The solution should include the most efficient algorithm for this problem. -->
<!-- You can also provide any additional information, like your attempt at solving the problem,
if you've seen a similar solution, or anything that can help clarify the request. -->
<!-- Example: I have tried solving the problem using brute force, but the solution isn't efficient enough.
I'm looking for a more optimized solution using a hash map. -->