This is the simplest example app using the java version of the RightMesh library. It is meant to operate on Linux / Windows / Raspberry PI etc, or any other platform supporting Java. This app can interoperate with the Android version:
Refer to build.gradle for an example of integrating RightMesh into your own application.
./gradlew installDist
./gradlew run
or ./build/install/HelloJavaMesh/bin/HelloJavaMesh
If you have an Internet connection, HelloJavaMesh will connect to a RightMesh Superpeer and discover peers around the world who are also connected to a superpeer.
At this time, the Java library does not automatically join the local mesh
network so it is up to the developer to manually join the network with the
device the Java code is running on. For testing purposes you should be able to
join any WiFi network being broadcast by a phone running RightMesh with an
SSID following the pattern RM-XXXXXX using the password
. BT connectivity is not supported at this time.