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Content management system for laravel developers'. It's easy to install and run.


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Content management system for laravel developers'. It's easy to install and run.

Server Requirements

The Laravel framework has a few system requirements. Of course, all of these requirements are satisfied by the Laravel Homestead virtual machine, so it's highly recommended that you use Homestead as your local Laravel development environment.

However, if you are not using Homestead, you will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:

PHP >= 7.0.0
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension


Run create-project command with composer to install this project.

Here is the full installation command -

composer create-project ratulhasan/laravel-cms:dev-master

Now Change this options bellow within your .env,

To rename .env.example, run

php -r "copy('.env.example', '.env');"
DB_DATABASE=homestead // your database name 
DB_USERNAME=homestead // your database user name 
DB_PASSWORD=secret // your database password 

For user registration and reset password mailing system

MAIL_DRIVER=smtp // change it as your desire MAIL DRIVER // change it as your desire MAIL HOST
MAIL_PORT=2525 // change it as your desire MAIL PORT
MAIL_USERNAME=null // change it as your desire MAIL USERNAME
MAIL_PASSWORD=null // change it as your desire MAIL PASSWORD

Now run

php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

run project.

For Linux user

The stream or file "/var/www/html/laravel-cms/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened: failed to open stream: Permission denied

if see this kind of error

just run this command from outside your project root directory to permit read and write

sudo chmod -R 777 [directory_name]

For enable .htaccess

sudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Then find the line where there is

<Directory /var/www/>

 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
 AllowOverride None
 Require all granted

replace "None" with "All"

AllowOverride All

Admin panel

Admin url: project/root/admin/login

Email: [email protected]

Password: 123456

Happy coding


Ratul Hasan | Email


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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details