libanonvpn (home)
Library for providing and connecting to VPN's over the I2P network. Daemon, web client, and terminal client. This is an automatically configuring, automatically deploying, automatically multihopping pseudonymous VPN.
For now, the recommended way to install is with go get
go get -u -d -tags cli
Start by creating a server configuration file like the one found in /etc/anonvpn/anonvpn.ini. Then run the server using that file:
./anonvpn -file server.ini
When the server is started, it will create a minimum viable configuration file for clients. You can run with a similar command:
./anonvpn -file client.ini
Usage of ./cmd/anonvpn/anonvpn:
-accesslist string
Type of access list to use, can be "whitelist" "blacklist" or "none". (default "none")
-addr string
(client) IP address of virtual network interface (default "")
Run the canal subcommand to configure firewall rules(Experimental).
-chromeuser string
user to run Chrome as, usually your desktop user (default "idk")
Client mode(true or false). (default true)
-clientconf string
(Server Only) Output a client config file to the specified path (default "client.ini")
Close tunnel after idle for a specified time(true or false).
-closeidletime int
Close tunnel group after X (milliseconds). (default 600000)
Uze gzip(true or false).
-css string
custom CSS for web interface (default "css/styles.css")
-destination string
Destination to connect client's to by default.
-directory string
Directory to save tunnel configuration file in.
Use an encrypted leaseset(true or false). (default true)
-file string
Use an ini file for configuration(config file options override passed arguments for now). (default "none")
-hashhash string
32-word mnemonic representing a .b32.i2p address(will output .b32.i2p address and quit)
-host string
(server) IP address of virtual network interface (default "")
-inbackups int
Set inbound tunnel backup quantity(0 to 5). (default 3)
-inlength int
Set inbound tunnel length(0 to 7). (default 1)
-inquantity int
Set inbound tunnel quantity(0 to 15). (default 5)
-invariance int
Set inbound tunnel length variance(-7 to 7).
-javascript string
custom JS for web interface (default "js/scripts.js")
-k string
key for encrypted leaseset (default "none")
-littleboss string
instruct the littleboss:
start: start and manage this process using service name "name"
stop: signal the littleboss to shutdown the process
status: print statistics about the running littleboss
reload: restart the managed process using the executed binary
bypass: disable littleboss, run the program directly (default "bypass")
-name string
Tunnel name, this must be unique but can be anything. (default "anonvpn")
-outbackups int
Set outbound tunnel backup quantity(0 to 5). (default 3)
-outlength int
Set outbound tunnel length(0 to 7). (default 1)
-outquantity int
Set outbound tunnel quantity(0 to 15). (default 5)
-outvariance int
Set outbound tunnel length variance(-7 to 7).
-password string
password for web admin panel
Use saved file and persist tunnel(If false, tunnel will not persist after program is stopped.
-pk string
private key for encrypted leaseset (default "none")
-psk string
private signing key for encrypted leaseset (default "none")
Reduce tunnel quantity when idle for a specified time(true or false).
-reduceidlequantity int
Reduce idle tunnel quantity to X (0 to 5). (default 3)
-reduceidletime int
Reduce tunnel quantity after X (milliseconds). (default 600000)
-samhost string
SAM host (default "")
-samport string
SAM port (default "7656")
-signaturetype string
Signature type
Skip I2CP Port check for standalone router
Start a tunnel with the passed parameters(Otherwise, they will be treated as default values). (default true)
-string string
Gateway to forward requests recieved by the server with canal(Experimental) (default "")
-username string
username for web admin panel (default "go-anonvpn")
Start web administration interface (default true)
-webport string
Web interface port (default "7959")
Allow zero-hop, non-anonymous tunnels in(true or false).
Allow zero-hop, non-anonymous tunnels out(true or false).