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Releases: RTKConsortium/RTK


07 Jul 21:40
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Dear RTK users,

RTK v2.6.0 has just been released. This release is intended to produce Python packages compatible with the ITK Python packages v5.4.0.

The full list of changes is available here, the main ones are:

  • Local weights map for conjugate gradient regularization
  • Maximum intensity projection (MIP) image filter
  • Cuda 12 compatibility
  • Various fixes for large Cuda arrays
  • Various CI improvements, including the compilation of Cuda 12.1 Python packages

Many thanks to all contributors for this release: Mikhail Polkovnikov, Simon Rit, Antoine Robert.

Simon (for the RTK consortium)

Release of RTK v2.5.0

18 Sep 15:28
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Dear RTK users,

RTK v2.5.0 has just been released. This release is intended to produce Python packages compatible with the ITK Python packages v5.4rc01.

Release notes:

Many thanks to all contributors for this release: Matthieu Laurendeau, Simon Rit, Antoine Robert and Shengpeng Yu.

Simon (for the RTK consortium)

Release of RTK v2.4.1

25 Nov 05:58
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Dear RTK users,

RTK v2.4.1 has just been released. This release is intended to produce Python packages compatible with the ITK Python packages v5.3rc04.post4. I have also moved the repository to the RTKConsortium organization so please update your git origin (e.g., git remote set-url origin

Release notes:

  • Update GitHub links to the new RTKConsortium repository,
  • Update GitHub actions for compatibility with ITK v5.3rc04.post4,
  • Add Python wrapping of DrawQuadricImageFilter.

Simon (for the RTK consortium)

Release of RTK v2.4.0

29 Oct 06:56
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Dear RTK users,

RTK v2.4.0 has just been released. This release is intended to produce Python packages compatible with ITK V5.3rc04.

Release notes:

  • New convenience functions ReadGeometry / WriteGeometry,
  • New tilt feature in the ImagingRing geometry,
  • Improved Forbild projection,
  • Several bug fixes and style improvements.

Many thanks to all contributors for this release, in alphabetical order: Andreas Gravgaard Andersen, Antoine Robert, Fernando Hueso-González, Gabriele Belotti, Hans Johnson, Lucas Gandel, Mikhail Polkovnikov, MrTzschr, Shengpeng YU, Simon Rit and Tom Birdsong.

The next release will be a major one which will split the ITKCudaCommon code in a separate ITK module.

Simon (for the RTK consortium)

Release of RTK v2.3.0

20 Oct 09:57
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Dear RTK users,

RTK v2.3.0 has just been released, about nine months after RTK v2.2.0. This release is intended to produce python packages compatible with ITK v5.2.1 (current release on I will soon prepare another release for ITK v5.3 since ITK v5.3rc01 has been released.

Release notes:

  • Improvement of Forbild phantom simulation (for head phantom in particular),
  • Refactoring of Cuda handling in CMake,
  • Fix and wrap attenuated Joseph and Zeng projectors for SPECT reconstruction,
  • Various minor fixes for compilation, CI and install.

Many thanks to all contributors for this release, in alphabetical order: Lucas Gandel, Laurent Malka, Antoine Robert, Simon Rit and Tomoyuki Sadakane.

As usual, be aware that we do not focus on releases since we have a public github repository that we aim at keeping stable. I still recommend the use of the master HEAD over releases to enjoy the new RTK developments before their release. Corresponding python packages can now be downloaded from the Github actions. We still have a few on-going projects for which we will use and enhance RTK.

Simon (for the RTK consortium)

Release of RTK v2.2.0

26 Jan 10:25
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Dear RTK users,
RTK v2.2.0 has just been released, about fourteen months after RTK v2.1.0. This release is intended to produce python packages compatible with ITK v5.1.1 and v5.1.2 (current release on I will soon prepare another release for ITK v5.2.

Release notes:

  • New projectors with PSF correction for SPECT reconstruction
  • New quadratic regularization in OSEM
  • Progress reporters for FDK and iterative reconstruction algorithms
  • New continuous integration using Github actions, following ITKModuleTemplate
  • Alignment with ITK developments
  • Enhanced Python wrappings
  • Many compilation, bug and style fixes

Many thanks to all contributors for this release, in alphabetical order: Sebastien Brousmiche, Aurélien Coussat, Julien Finet, Lucas Gandel, Hans Johnson, Matt McCormick, Antoine Robert, MrTzschr, Simon Rit, Pierre-Antoine Rodesch and Vincent Libertiaux.

As usual, be aware that we do not focus on releases since we have a public github repository that we aim at keeping stable. I still recommend the use of the master HEAD over releases to enjoy the new RTK developments before their release. Corresponding python packages can now be downloaded from the Github action. We still have a few on-going projects for which we will use and enhance RTK.

Release of RTK v2.1.0

10 Feb 08:10
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Dear RTK users,

RTK v2.1.0 <> has just been
released, about six months after RTK v2.0.1. This release is intended for
inclusion in the ITK v5.1rc01 release. Python packages will be prepared after
the release of ITK v5.1rc01.

Release notes:
* Application of ITK's clang-format (Simon Rit).
* Setup of Azure pileplies (Lucas Gandel).
* 2 materials spectral one-step with Cuda (Pierre-Antoine Rodesch).
* New Python wrappings (Pierre-Antoine Rodesch and Antoine Robert).
* Simulation of attenuated line integrals (Simon Rit).
* Spatially varying regularization weights in spectral one step (Simon Rit).
* Add CPU and Cuda memory probes when reporting performances (Simon Rit).
* Streaming of projections in spectral one step (Simon Rit).
* New installation instructions (Simon Rit).
* Various bugs and style fixes.

Many thanks to all contributors, in alphabetical order for this release:
Gordian Kabelitz, Antoine Robert, Lucas Gandel, Simon Rit and Pierre-Antoine

As usual, be aware that we don't focus on releases since we have a public
github repository <> that we try to keep stable.
I still recommend the use of the master HEAD over releases to enjoy the new RTK
developments before their release. We still have a few on-going projects for
which we will use and enhance RTK.