Aggregate and Multi Signatures based on BGLS over Alt bn128 and BLS12-381
This library provides no security against side channel attacks. We provide no security guarantees of this implementation.
The goal of this library is to create an efficient and secure ad hoc aggregate and multi signature scheme. It supports the curves bls12-381 and alt bn128. It implements hashing of arbitrary byte data to curve points, the standard BGLS scheme for aggregate signatures, and a custom multi signature scheme. Further documentation for the bgls scheme is contained here
See here for documentation on the supported curves.
The following benchmarks are from a 3.80GHz i7-7700HQ CPU with 16GB ram. The aggregate verification is utilizing parallelization for the pairing operations. The multisignature has parellilization for the two involved pairing operations, and parallelization for the pairing checks at the end. Note, all of the benchmarks need to be updated.
For reference, the pairing operation on Altbn128 (the slowest operation involved) takes ~1.9 milliseconds.
BenchmarkPairing-8 1000 1958898 ns/op
and for Bls12 its:
BenchmarkPairGT-8 1000 1539918 ns/op
~.22 millisecondsSignature verification
~3.1 milliseconds, using two pairings.Multi Signature verification
~2 milliseconds + ~1.1 microseconds per signer, two pairings + n point additionsAggregate Signature verification
~.36 milliseconds per signer/message pair, with n+1 pairings run in parallel. (4.45x speedup with 8 cores)
The following benchmarks are done with altbn128, before the product of pairings abstraction was included. These need to be updated.
$ go test -v -bench .
BenchmarkKeygen-8 3000 434484 ns/op
BenchmarkAltBnHashToCurve-8 20000 91947 ns/op
BenchmarkSigning-8 10000 218670 ns/op
BenchmarkVerification-8 500 3079415 ns/op
BenchmarkMultiVerification64-8 1000 2056798 ns/op
BenchmarkMultiVerification128-8 1000 2140613 ns/op
BenchmarkMultiVerification256-8 500 2334271 ns/op
BenchmarkMultiVerification512-8 500 2617277 ns/op
BenchmarkMultiVerification1024-8 500 3243045 ns/op
BenchmarkMultiVerification2048-8 300 4325183 ns/op
BenchmarkAggregateVerification-8 5000 361270 ns/op
ok 31.043s
For comparison, the ed25519 implementation in go yields much faster key generation signing and single signature verification. However, at ~145 microseconds per verification, the multi signature verification is actually faster beyond ~26 signatures.
$ go test -bench .
BenchmarkKeyGeneration-8 30000 51878 ns/op
BenchmarkSigning-8 30000 54050 ns/op
BenchmarkVerification-8 10000 145063 ns/op
ok 5.750s
- Optimize bigint allocations.
- Add hashing to G2
- Integrations with bgls-on-evm.
- Add tests to show that none of the functions mutate data.
- More complete usage documentation.
- Add buffering for the channels used in parallelization.
- Make upstream libraries implement product of pairings algorithms
- Dan Boneh Methods to prevent the rogue public key attack
- Dan Boneh, Craig Gentry, Ben Lynn, and Hovav Shacham. Aggregate and verifiably encrypted signatures from bilinear maps
- Pierre-Alain Fouque and Mehdi Tibouchi. Indifferentiable Hashing to Barreto–Naehrig Curves